Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 173 Wuhun City, Goodbye Xueqinghe

Chapter 173 Wuhun City, Goodbye Xueqinghe

The entire Wuhun City can be said to be a small hill, and the higher it is in the middle, the higher it is. On this hill, there are two buildings that attract the most attention.

One of them is the majestic dome building on the mountainside, that is the famous Hall of the Pope in the Hall of Spirits, and the current Pope Bibi Dong of the Hall of Spirits should be there.

The other building is at the top of the mountain. Although the scale is only one-third the size of the Pope's Palace, it gives people a solemn feeling. Titled Douluo's tomb.

In the past, Wuhundian did not deteriorate, and was still an open and open force. The titles of all titled Douluo on the mainland were basically granted by Wuhundian. Even the titles inherited by major forces, such as "Hao "Heaven", "White Tiger" and the like, their first generation titles also came from Wuhundian.

At that time, the Spirit Hall was similar to an alliance of major forces, so everyone was willing to accept the title of the Spirit Hall, and even the vast majority of titled Douluo on the mainland were willing to be buried in the Douluo Hall of the Spirit Hall after their fall. .

However, with the deterioration of Wuhundian, all this has finally changed.

Now let alone being buried in Douluo Hall, even the granting of his own title does not want Wuhun Hall to be involved.

Except for those soul masters who directly belong to the Spirit Hall, who will choose to accept the title of the Spirit Hall after breaking through the realm of the Title Douluo, the title Douluo born from other major forces will either inherit the title of inheritance, Or just take one by yourself, and at most let people from the Wuhun Temple come to watch the ceremony, like Dai Yaochen's cheap father's seal before.

Wuhundian is no longer everyone's Wuhundian.

After looking at the Pope's Palace on the mountainside and the Douluo Palace on the top of the mountain from a distance, Dai Yaochen started to turn around in Wuhun City.

Although Wuhun City is much smaller than Xingluo City and Tiandou City, it is because Xingluo City and Tiandou City are the capitals of the country, and there are too many ordinary people living in it, but Wuhun City is different. .

In Wuhun City, all individuals must have soul power, that is to say, they must be a soul master to be eligible to enter Wuhun City.

Dai Yaochen just walked around casually, and found that even the waiters here, and even the vendors on the side of the road, have at least level [-] soul power, and the children running all over the street have at least seven or eight level soul power. Dai Yaochen couldn't help shaking his head for these.

For Wuhundian to have so many soul masters, the two great empires have contributed a lot.

You must know that the two empires often allocate funds to the Spirit Hall, such as the subsidies that the Spirit Hall distributes to low-level soul masters. This is all paid by the two empires. Otherwise, there are so many soul masters on the mainland. The Soul Master of the Three Rings needs a monthly subsidy of [-] gold soul coins. How can he afford so much money just by relying on the Spirit Hall alone?
In the past when Wuhundian was selfless, it was nothing to pay for Wuhundian to distribute soul master subsidies on its behalf, but since Wuhundian's deterioration, this situation has changed.

The vast majority of soul masters will only know that they received the money from the Wuhun Temple, and few people will investigate where the money came from. The result is that the two empires took the money, but they still helped Wuhundian has absorbed a large number of commoner soul masters.

The same is true for the hunting soul forests. The major hunting soul forests on the mainland are basically jointly established by the two empires and the Wuhun Temple, but in the end most of them are cheaper than the Wuhun Temple.

It can be said that most of the reasons why the Spirit Hall continues to grow stronger are from the two great empires. If things go on like this, the two empires have been suffering, and if the Spirit Hall takes advantage, the two empires will naturally not be able to stand it, so Only after the rise of the Star Luo Empire will it vigorously compete with many branches of the Wuhun Temple in the country.

While Dai Yaochen was observing the quality of soul masters in Wuhun City, a voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Huh? Isn't this Brother Yaochen? The Star Luo Empire sent you to lead the team this time?"

The voice was very familiar, Dai Yaochen immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice, the figure he saw made his pupils shrink slightly, and he said: "So it's Brother Xue, long time no see."

That's right, the person in front of Dai Yaochen was Xue Qinghe. I didn't expect that when he first came to Wuhun City, he bumped into Xue Qinghe. This is too coincidental.

No, maybe it's not a coincidence...

Others don't know, but Dai Yaochen does.

Xue Qinghe's real identity is actually a member of the Wuhun Palace, and he naturally has his power in Wuhun City. For him, returning to Wuhun City is like returning home. He must already know that he is in Wuhun City. Here, that's why I pretended to meet you by chance, but actually came here on purpose.

When Dai Yaochen thought about it, he roughly guessed what was going on, but on the surface he exchanged greetings with Xue Qinghe calmly.

What is this guy looking for me all of a sudden?
When Dai Yaochen speculated about Xue Qinghe's purpose, Xue Qinghe pretended to be joking and said: "Brother Yaochen, because of you, the teacher has a headache every day, and even I have been greatly affected. Just make it up to me."

teacher?Is it because of Ning Fengzhi's matter?
Dai Yaochen's brain started to work quickly, and then he cupped his hands at Xue Qinghe and said, "Brother Xue is serious, although we have a good relationship, we belong to two countries after all, and it has always been like this between countries. If there is something that affects Brother Xue place, then I can only apologize."

"However, in my opinion, although this matter has caused Sect Master Ning to be very distressed, it may not be a bad thing for Brother Xue. Brother Xue should thank me."

"Oh?" Hearing Dai Yaochen's words, Xue Qinghe's eyes flashed, pretending not to know, "Why do I not understand the meaning of brother Yaochen?"

"Brother Xue." Dai Yaochen glanced at Xue Qinghe and said calmly, "As far as I know, the relationship between Sect Master Ning and Brother Xue should be closer now. If it was in the past, what would Brother Xue want to do? , Sect Master Ning may object, but now even if Big Brother Xue does something excessive, Sect Master Ning will at most just acquiesce, isn't this a good thing for Big Brother Xue?"

No matter why Xue Qinghe came to him, it didn't prevent Dai Yaochen from taking this opportunity to test Xue Qinghe.

When Dai Yaochen had just left the Killing City and learned about the situation in the mainland from Dugu Bo, he suspected that this guy Xue Qinghe already had the idea of ​​killing the king, and he might have already started to implement it. Now that he bumped into Xue Qinghe, Dai Yaochen Naturally, he had to determine whether his speculation was correct, so that it would be convenient for him to deal with it next.

(End of this chapter)

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