Chapter 176

After learning something about Tang San from others for the first time, Dai Yaochen and Xue Qinghe chatted for a while, and then they separated.

After all, as the princes of the two empires, it is not good for them to have such private contact in Wuhun City for so long, especially Xue Qinghe, because he is pretending, so he pays more attention to this aspect.

And after the two separated, Dai Yaochen wandered around Wuhun City casually for a while, because Wuhun City is not very big, so he basically finished the tour in a short time, and then prepared to go back to the hotel he was assigned Among them, meet with your partners.

When Dai Yaochen came to Star Luo City with the seeded team of Star Luo Royal Academy, the preliminary round of the Star Luo Division in this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition has ended. Adding up the rest time, it is estimated that it will take about a month before the final finals will be held, so during this month, Dai Yaochen and the others will all stay in Wuhun City.

Just when Dai Yaochen was thinking about how they should spend the next month in the core of the Spirit Hall, three strange but slightly familiar figures entered his sight.

It can be seen that in front of the hotel where Dai Yaochen and the others were arranged, three figures of two men and one woman were waiting in front of the door. They were Dai Yaochen's former defeat, the three members of the golden generation of Wuhundian.

After seeing the three of them, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but smile with interest.

Today is really interesting. On the first day he came to Wuhun City, he unexpectedly met Xue Qinghe first. When he came back, the three golden generation members of Wuhun Palace were also waiting for him at the hotel. It seemed that he had waited for a long time. short time.

Dai Yaochen could feel that, compared with a few years ago, the three members of the Golden Generation of Wuhundian have indeed improved a lot, and now they are all firmly standing at the stage of the five-ringed soul king.

Among them, Hu Liena gave people a natural charm all the time, Xie Yue exuded an invisible sharp aura, and Yan, his whole body was full of a sense of explosion.

Being able to reach this level is indeed very powerful, but Dai Yaochen's partners can do the same.

The three members of the golden generation of Wuhundian have indeed become stronger, but unfortunately, the gap with themselves has also become wider and wider, and now they have been completely caught up by their partners. If they continue to practice, they will be even stronger. Will be completely surpassed by his own partners.

Just when such a thought flashed through Dai Yaochen's mind, the three members of the golden generation of Wuhun Temple also noticed Dai Yaochen, and their complexions immediately changed, and then the three of them dodged to surround Dai Yaochen, with somewhat unfriendly eyes look at him.

Dai Yaochen didn't care about this, instead he smiled at them peacefully, and greeted them calmly: "Yan, Xie Yue, and Hu Liena, long time no see."

Seeing Dai Yaochen's expression of complete indifference, Yan, who was the hottest tempered, immediately wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Xie Yue.

"Dai Yaochen." Taking a deep look at Dai Yaochen, Xie Yue said, "When we lost to you, it was because our skills were inferior to others, so we have nothing to say, but we are different now. challenge you once."

The loss to Dai Yaochen last time was indeed a big blow to the three of them. You must know that they are the top of the younger generation of soul masters who have withdrawn from the Wuhun Temple, and they were defeated by the prince of the Star Luo Empire. This kind of blow is indeed not small.

In fact, it would be fine if they just lost to Dai Yaochen in a one-on-one match. However, they fought against Dai Yaochen in a wheel battle, but even so, they still lost. This made Dai Yaochen famous and at the same time, the three of them It also really made a stepping stone.

Although the three of them are indeed inferior in skills, that is, their physical strength is not as good as that of Dai Yaochen back then, but this does not make them willing to take their failure for granted. The Hall of Soul has been discredited, so these years, they have been cultivating desperately in order to one day be able to defeat Dai Yaochen and wash away the shame of losing to him back then.

So when they received the news that Dai Yaochen led the team to come today, they went to the hotel where Dai Yaochen was staying without saying a word. Because Dai Yaochen was not there, they waited at the entrance of the hotel specially, and they have been waiting until now.

With the appearance of Dai Yaochen, they couldn't suppress the burning flame in their hearts at all, and Xie Yue challenged Dai Yaochen.

"Challenge me?" Regarding the challenge initiated by Xie Yue, Dai Yaochen glanced over the three of them, then shook his head and continued, "Forget it, you were no match for me back then, now It's even worse, and it's getting late now, I don't bother to clean up you, get out of the way."

"Arrogance!" Seeing Dai Yaochen's arrogant words and looking down on him at all, Yan finally couldn't help it anymore, and immediately shouted, the flame lord's martial soul instantly possessed him, and directly attacked Dai Yaochen without hesitation, wrapping The rock fist of lava hit Dai Yaochen on the head.

And Xie Yue didn't stop Yan now, anyway, they must defeat Dai Yaochen today to avenge their shame, since Dai Yaochen is unwilling to accept the challenge, then they will force it directly!
Although Yan's punch was abrupt, it was full of power. Xie Yue believed that even if she suddenly faced such an attack, she would not be able to fight against her. Do not dodge.

However, Dai Yaochen's reaction was beyond Xie Yue's expectation.

Dai Yaochen didn't dodge at all, and he didn't even make any movements, but his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and then a murderous aura that was so powerful that it condensed into substance suddenly burst out, covering all the people present.

Yan, who was closest to him, bore the brunt of the attack, and was shrouded in this terrifying murderous aura. Yan immediately felt like falling into an ice cellar. Every hair on his body stood up uncontrollably. At the same time, he attacked His movements also came to a standstill.

It's not that he doesn't want to attack, but that he can clearly feel that as long as he dares to make any changes, Dai Yaochen will definitely kill him.

This feeling is very strange, obviously in Wuhun City now, Yan doesn't think that Dai Yaochen dares to kill himself in Wuhun City, but the murderous aura released by Dai Yaochen tells him clearly that Dai Yaochen will definitely dare .

(End of this chapter)

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