Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 178 The Sudden Movement of Wuhun Hall

Chapter 178 The Sudden Movement of Wuhun Hall
In the following days, the seeded teams recommended by the Star Luo Royal Academy basically stayed in the hotel to practice, and quietly waited for the start of the finals.

And Dai Yaochen didn't stay in the hotel all the time like his companions, he would sometimes be invited by the Hall of Spirits, and together with Xue Qinghe, to get acquainted with the judging work of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

In fact, there is not much to do with the judging work, it's just that the two empires and the Wuhundian are both the hosts of the competition, so naturally they have to check each other to avoid any shady scenes in the competition.

In other words, their so-called judging work is to ensure the fairness of the competition under the mutual restraint of the three parties.

Therefore, Dai Yaochen didn't take much care of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition after getting acquainted with it, as long as the Spirit Hall and the Heaven Dou Empire don't play tricks, then there will be no problem.

However, Dai Yaochen originally thought that the other two parties should not use any external moves, but the facts proved that he really had a high opinion of Wuhundian.

I don't know why, these days, the atmosphere in Wuhun City has suddenly become a little tense. Dai Yaochen can always see small-scale personnel transfers in the city, and the one he has become acquainted with is in charge of this session together with them. The representative of the Wuhun Temple for the judging work of the competition, Cardinal Loldiala, has gone to nowhere recently, and has not appeared in the judging work venue for several days.

These changes naturally made Dai Yaochen feel that something was wrong. He knew that there must be some big move in Wuhundian, so he immediately used his own information channel to contact the Star Luo Empire.

Soon, the Star Luo Empire gave a reply. They said that there was nothing abnormal. Now that the promotion competition is over, the ancestor of Star Luo is personally leading the team that passed the promotion competition to Xingluo City. The journey is safe. nothing.

Dai Yaochen originally didn't think that the Spirit Hall would take action against the Star Luo Empire's participating teams, but now that the Star Luo Empire has confirmed it, there is no doubt about it.

Since it's not against the Star Luo Empire, then these actions of the Spirit Hall are obviously aimed at the academy team of the Heaven Dou Empire.

How did this happen all of a sudden?Could it be...

Dai Yaochen immediately had a guess, so he immediately approached Xue Qinghe, who was in charge of the judging work with him, to confirm him.

"Brother Xue." Dai Yaochen said straight to the point, "You should have sensed the movement of the Wuhun Hall in the past two days, even Lordiala, who is in charge of the judging work with us, doesn't know where he is now. Wuhundian should have some big move."

"I asked about the Star Luo Empire, and they said everything is normal, then the actions of the Spirit Hall are probably aimed at your academy team of the Heaven Dou Empire."

"I also felt the change in Wuhundian, and it's not unexpected, it's really aimed at our Heaven Dou Empire." Regarding Dai Yaochen's words, Xue Qinghe was not surprised, obviously he had expected it long ago.

At this time Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Do you still remember the interesting three-ringed soul master Tang San I told you a few days ago? The latest news I received was in the previous promotion competition. , he unexpectedly exploded with twin martial souls, and you would never have guessed that his second martial soul is actually the Clear Sky Hammer."

Sure enough, was Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer exposed?No wonder Wuhundian suddenly made a big move. This should be the plot of killing Tang San in the original book.

Hearing Xue Qinghe's words, Dai Yaochen nodded in understanding. He also guessed like this just now, and now he is finally confirmed.

With the Haotian Hammer martial soul exposed, Tang San must have directly become the thorn in the side of the Spirit Hall. In order to kill him, it would not be surprising even if he sent a Titled Douluo.

"You also know that the Clear Sky School has been retired for more than ten years. Since then, except for Aunt Yuehua, no other disciples of the Clear Sky School have been out and about, and this Tang San actually appeared in the outside world and participated in the This year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, this does not match the current low-key of Haotianzong, plus his current age is exactly 14 years old, this has to make people think."

"This Tang San is probably the son of the famous Clear Sky Douluo back then, and the previous pope of the Wuhun Palace died because of the Haotian Douluo. With the enmity between the Wuhun Palace and the Haotian Douluo, he made such a Big battles are normal."

When he said this, Xue Qinghe's hands couldn't help shaking, and Dai Yaochen looked at him with strange eyes.

Others don't know, but Dai Yaochen does know that the previous pope of the Wuhun Temple, Chihiro Ji, was the father of Xue Qinghe in front of him, and he talked about his father's death like an outsider, and he didn't know what he was thinking now What.

But Xue Qinghe should also know that although the previous Pope Chihiro Ji said that he died in the hands of Clear Sky Douluo, in fact he was killed by Bibi Dong in the end, so Clear Sky Douluo is not all him. It is estimated that he is also very complicated now to kill his father and enemy.

After pondering Xue Qinghe's current psychological activities for a while, Dai Yaochen continued: "In other words, the current action of the Wuhun Palace is to ambush that Tang San? In this case, that Tang San may have already become vicious. It's a pity that Duoji is missing, I still want to meet this son of Haotian Douluo."

"Is it too bad to be bad? It's not likely to happen." Xue Qinghe let out a long breath, "This time, there is a teacher in our Tiandou Empire's participating academy team, and Sword Douluo is also with the teacher, and the two of them are there , this action of Wuhundian will most likely fail."

"That Tang San is the son of Clear Sky Douluo after all, if he just died in such a casual manner, then the famous Clear Sky Douluo would become a joke."

In fact, Dai Yaochen also felt that this action of Wuhundian would definitely be the same as in the original book, he would not be able to kill Tang San, and would have to return in vain in the end. The reason why he said this to Xue Qinghe was only to draw out the following topic.

"Do you think Sect Master Ning and Senior Chen Xin will come together this time?" Dai Yaochen pretended to be surprised, "It seems that we can see them again."

Xue Qinghe cast a glance at Dai Yaochen: "Last time you caused a lot of trouble for the teacher and the others, this time the teacher and Jian Douluo probably won't give you a good look when they see you."

"It's okay." Dai Yaochen smiled, "I will apologize to Sect Master Ning and Senior Chen Xin."

(End of this chapter)

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