Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 185 Xue Qinghe's Sensitivity

Chapter 185 Xue Qinghe's Sensitivity
The first round of the finals ended soon, and half of the [-] teams advanced. In addition to the three seeded teams that were byes in the first round, the top [-] teams of this year's competition appeared.

And from now on, the seeded teams recommended by Star Luo Royal Academy will no longer have byes in the next games.

For other academy teams, this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition has come to an end, and for more teams, it has even ended, but the competition for Dai Yaochen's partners has just begun.

After the first round of the competition, the next round will be the second round of lottery. For the Star Luo Royal Academy team, it doesn't matter what kind of opponent they draw. However, to Dai Yaochen's surprise, the lottery they drew The second round team turned out to be Kamikaze Academy.

The second round also has a bye, which belongs to the No.1 team in the two major empire divisions in the previous promotion competition. Looking at it like this, the Kamikaze Academy did not win the first place in the promotion competition of the Tiandou division. In the second round of the finals, they ran into the seeded team of Star Luo Royal Academy.

This seems to be too coincidental. Before the competition organizing committee, Dai Yaochen nodded and approved the combination of Blazing Fire Academy and Shenfeng Academy, and he also rejected the complaints made by the other academies. Unexpectedly, the strength of the alliance has greatly increased The Kamikaze Academy unexpectedly became the opponent of his partners.

If it wasn't for the strength of his partners, Dai Yaochen might have shot himself in the foot. If he wasn't in the organizing committee of the competition, he would have doubted whether the lottery was done in secret.

But it doesn't matter, even if the Kamikaze Academy is drawn, it's just to add some fun to the competition of the partners. The battle between the All Soul King lineup and the All Soul Sect lineup is completely incomparable.

Originally, with the combined strength of Shenfeng Academy, it should be no problem to win No. 3 in this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, but who made them bump into the seed team of Star Luo Royal Academy?They can only be considered unlucky.

Each round of the finals will be concluded within one day, and there will be a day of rest between the two rounds, so after a day of rest, the second round of the finals finally kicked off.

"Come on." An hour before the start of the second round, Dai Yaochen brought his partners into the arena, and then shook his fist at them, "Show your strength in front of everyone, and beat our Star Luo Empire!" style!"

"Don't worry, Brother Dai!" Bai Chenxiang seemed the most excited, "Let others see today what is real strength!"

Both Bai Chenxiang and Ye Lingling had just obtained the fifth spirit ring not long ago. Ye Lingling's personality was fine, but Bai Chenxiang couldn't hold back anymore. Although they had a short sparring in the team before, but It is naturally different from actual combat, Bai Chenxiang now urgently needs to test through actual combat, what kind of situation he has reached as the soul king.

"It's just a group of soul sects. As long as I want to, I can take care of them by myself." Dugu Yan said indifferently.

Dugu Yan's main ability is poison, and it is extremely strong ice fire snake venom. If it is the existence of the same level or stronger than her, the situation will be better, but for those whose strength is lower than hers, her ice fire snake poison Snake venom could be called a nightmare.

It is impossible for the Sihuan Soul Sect to resist her poison, and in front of her snake venom, the number is meaningless, so what Dugu Yan said is true, as long as she wants, she can clean up the Shenfeng Academy by herself All four ring soul sects.

Of course, in this competition, she will not do this, after all, she wants to give her partners a chance to vent. After holding back for so long without fighting, the bodies of her partners are almost rusting, so she naturally can't do it alone. Cleaned up all the opponents.

Regarding the confidence of his partners, Dai Yaochen didn't say much. After bringing them to the arena, he separated. He went to the spectator stand dedicated to the competition organizing committee, quietly waiting for the start of the second round of competition.

And at this time, Xue Qinghe also came to the viewing booth of the organizing committee of the competition, found Dai Yaochen here, and immediately chatted with him: "Brother Yaochen, it's really a pity, the organizing committee passed the permission at that time. The joint decision between Blazing Fire Academy and Shenfeng Academy, I thought they could at least help our Heaven Dou Empire win a third place, but I didn't expect them to bump into the seed team you recommended in the second round. It seems that Shenfeng Academy It’s about to stop there.”

"No way, it's purely a matter of luck." Dai Yaochen didn't look at Xueqinghe, but said, "It doesn't matter even if Shenfeng Academy is eliminated by the sky, your Heaven Dou Empire may not be able to win this year's competition." The No.3 of the competition, I am very optimistic about the Shrek Academy, Mubai is there, the son of Haotian Douluo is also there, and the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, as long as you perform well, you should not be able to win No.3 question."

"It seems that Brother Yaochen already knows Tang San's identity. The information is not bad." Hearing Dai Yaochen's son of Haotian Douluo, Xue Qinghe's eyes flashed, but his attention was not on Tang San, but He said, "Speaking of the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, I don't know what you said a few days ago, brother Yaochen, when you met the teacher. The teacher's attitude towards me seems to have become a little strange these days."

Of course it's strange, I even exposed your real identity to him.

Dai Yaochen couldn't help but cast a glance at Xue Qinghe.

However, Xue Qinghe's sense is really keen, he actually noticed the change in Ning Fengzhi's attitude so quickly, he probably won't be long before he can be sure that Ning Fengzhi knows his true identity, and by then the Heaven Dou Empire will be full of excitement .

Dai Yaochen certainly didn't intend to let Xue Qinghe know about this matter that was completely provoked by himself, otherwise his plan would be broken if he pre-empted it, so facing Xue Qinghe's inquiry, he just shook his head noncommittally: "What did I tell Sect Master Ning? Why don't you ask Sect Master Ning directly? You are a master-student relationship, so why ask me, an outsider."

Seeing that Dai Yaochen obviously had no intention of revealing, Xue Qinghe didn't ask any more, just waited for the start of the second round of competition, and at the same time kept looking at Dai Yaochen with thoughtful eyes.

As a person who has undercovered the Tiandou imperial family for more than ten years, Xue Qinghe's intuition tells him that something very unfavorable to him has happened, and it is definitely related to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. He must find out what happened as soon as possible just work.

(End of this chapter)

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