Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 189 The Invincible Double Assassins

Chapter 189 The Invincible Double Assassins

In the anticipation of everyone, after a few more relatively boring games, it was finally the turn of the final seeded team, the Xingluo Royal Academy team, and on the other side, it was the previous team who broke out to take advantage of the rules. Kamikaze Academy team.

Since the joining of the Blazing Academy, the Shenfeng Academy team has assembled a full lineup of soul sects. If this Xingluo Royal Academy team is the same as the Tiandou Royal Academy team just now, with only four or five soul sects, then it will be more difficult. There is a great possibility that they will lose and become the first seeded team to be eliminated in this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

It can be said that the degree of attention of this match is much higher than that of the previous two matches, so after the two sides stepped onto the stage of the match, the audience became quiet, quietly waiting for this match Start.

It can be seen that the fourteen players on the stage from both sides are full of strong confidence at this time, and obviously have no doubts about their side's victory. , the momentum of one of them was a little bit sudden, and it was still falling.

This team whose aura fell directly from the peak to the bottom at the beginning is naturally the Kamikaze Academy.

Because they are the team from the Heaven Dou Empire, they are basically blind to the participating teams from the Star Luo Empire, so they don't know the strength of the Star Luo Royal Academy team, and they think that with their own lineup of the All Soul Sect It was prying, but when they saw the players of the Star Luo Royal Academy release their soul rings, he knew he was wrong, and the mistake was very outrageous.

The seven members of the Xingluo Royal Academy team had surprisingly consistent configurations of spirit rings, all of which had the best combination of two yellows, two purples and one black, which indicated that they all possessed the cultivation base of a soul king.

Seven soul kings all in one color, this is much more outrageous than the Wuhundian Academy team just now.

As for the Shenfeng Academy team, their All Soul Sect lineup was completely crushed by this All Soul King lineup. Facing such a sudden blow, they almost completely lost their fighting spirit.

However, they have advanced all the way here, and they did not hesitate to take advantage of the loopholes in the rules. The Blazing Academy even gave up their own qualifications and chose to join the Kamikaze Academy. After paying so much, no matter what the opponent is, they will never give up easily.

So after the momentum plummeted, Kamikaze Academy actually bottomed out and rebounded, and the seven people were all burning with fighting spirit.

They will definitely fight it out, and it is still unknown what the final result will be.

Facing the fighting spirit ignited by the Kamikaze Academy, the seven members of the Star Luo Royal Academy team were very satisfied.

They want to exercise their muscles through this battle. If the opponent sees their spirit rings and immediately admits defeat, then it is really meaningless. Dare to fight against them, this is fun.

So, after both sides showed their martial spirits and spirit rings, the battle between them officially began.

Shenfeng Academy obviously wanted to struggle, so Feng Xiaotian, the captain, took the lead to soar into the sky, and their auxiliary soul masters were also going to give Feng Xiaotian a buff effect, so that the captain would have the strength to fight. At this moment, suddenly, there seemed to be a flash of white light, and the auxiliary system soul master who was about to give his captain a boost disappeared.

Everyone in the Kamikaze Academy had no idea what happened. It seemed that it was just a blink of an eye. Their auxiliary department disappeared in place, and was replaced by a little girl who could fly in the Xingluo Royal Academy team. .

This little girl who solves the opponent's auxiliary system at the fastest speed is naturally Bai Chenxiang. After entering the level of the soul king, the power of the extreme development of a single attribute is truly revealed.

It seems that they are both strength-type soul masters, but in terms of strength alone, Tai Long's five-ring father can be compared with Zhao Wuji of the seven-ring, so the same reason can be obtained, the soul king of the Min family of the five-ring is faster in terms of pure speed. It is already comparable to the soul saint of the agility attack department.

However, Bai Chenxiang has also taken immortal herbs, and even compared with the clansmen of the same level, her speed is much faster, that is to say, Bai Chenxiang's speed is even faster than most agility attack system soul saints faster.

This kind of absolute crushing in terms of speed, with all the members of the Divine Wind Academy having more than 40 levels of cultivation, it is impossible to react at all, so they didn't even notice that Bai Chenxiang had already rushed directly to their auxiliary department. In front of him, he also took the auxiliary system back and completed a return run.

And after solving one of the opponent's support systems, although Bai Chenxiang still had some unfinished business, he was not ready to make a move, and left the remaining opponents to his partners to solve. At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing made a move.

In terms of pure speed, Zhu Zhuqing was still a little bit worse than Bai Chenxiang, so a relatively clear black shadow appeared in the process of moving forward, which gave Shenfeng Academy a chance to react. Huo Wu, the main controlling soul master of the Feng Academy, didn't have time to think, and directly activated the resistance fire ring, trying to send Zhu Zhuqing back.

The fire resistance ring is a very useful control skill. After it is activated, it will spread around in a circular pattern. Once it is affected by the fire resistance ring, it will be forced to bounce back.

Just now it was true that Bai Chenxiang was too fast, and Huo Wu hadn't reacted at all, so naturally it was too late to activate the resisting fire ring, but it is different now, Huo Wu believes that even the soul king, after being affected by the resisting fire ring It will definitely be bounced away, it's just a matter of how far it bounces away.

However, Huo Wu still thought of things too simply.

Just when he was about to be affected by the ring of resisting fire, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly flashed a purple light, and then disappeared in place, and then appeared inside the ring of resisting fire, another auxiliary soul of the Kamikaze Academy behind the teacher.

Because the two academies formed an alliance, the Shenfeng Academy team also arranged two auxiliary department soul masters, which happened to be Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang, two agility department soul masters.

If Bai Chenxiang is pure speed, then Zhu Zhuqing's actions are weird and ethereal. The two of them cut the opponent's back row, which is almost invincible, making it impossible to guard against.

Relying on Yingshun's powerful surprise attack ability to avoid the rejection of the ring of fire, and successfully cut off another auxiliary department of the Kamikaze Academy, Zhu Zhuqing made a few more dodges and returned to his original position, as if what happened before Nothing happened in general.

The match had only just begun, and the assault systems of the two sides hadn't officially collided yet. The two auxiliary system soul masters of the Kamikaze Academy team were actually killed directly, which immediately made their already unfavorable situation even more critical.

(End of this chapter)

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