Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 2 Ascension, Nian Soul Ring

Chapter 2 Ascension, Millennium Soul Ring

"After system testing, the host has the talent for fusion." The system confirmed Dai Yaochen's question.

Dai Yaochen still has some impressions of "Huan Huan". He remembers that Huo Wu from Blazing Academy and Ning Rongrong from Qibao Glazed Tile School all have this kind of talent. enhanced.

Now according to the system, he also has the talent of "Integration"?
However, judging from the memories I obtained, my predecessor doesn't seem to be able to fuse, why did I have this talent after my soul wear?
Dai Yaochen didn't understand.

But Dai Yaochen didn't worry about it, since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it anymore, anyway, for him, it's always a good thing to have one more special talent, and now his attention is more focused on the functions that come with the system.

"Can I sign in once a day?" Looking down, Dai Yaochen looked at the "Sign in" button at the bottom of the system interface, "How should I sign in? Just press this button?"

"No manual operation, the host only needs to sign in with his mind." The system's cold voice sounded.

"So easy?" Hearing the system's explanation, Dai Yaochen silently read the sign-in, and saw that the "Sign-in" button on the system interface turned gray, and the soul ring points also increased by 10 points.

In addition to the 1000 soul ring points given at the beginning of the system, Dai Yaochen now has 1010 soul ring points. According to what the system just said, he can add these soul ring points to any soul ring to increase the year of the soul ring.

Thinking of this, Dai Yaochen had a thought, and immediately summoned his own soul ring, and saw a circle of light yellow and a circle of dark yellow halos emerging, circling around his body.

These are Dai Yaochen's current two soul rings. From the system display, the first soul ring is 392 years old, while the second soul ring is 623 years old.

"System, add 400 soul ring points to my second soul ring, and add all remaining soul ring points to the first soul ring." Dai Yaochen thought to himself.

Since there are so many soul ring points now, it is natural to add them directly.

After all, he has already cultivated to level 1000, and he will soon absorb the third spirit ring. If he does not add points to the first and second spirit rings for the sake of hiding, then his third spirit ring can only absorb those in the early [-]s.

And if he raised the first and second spirit rings to the millennium level at this time, then he could directly absorb the third spirit ring of 5000 years.

Although it's not long since he got the system, Dai Yaochen has already figured out how to make the most of the system's capabilities.

Simply signing in, you can only get 6000 soul ring points in ten years, and you can increase the soul ring to [-] years, but if you add soul ring points quickly every time you get them, it will snowball Effect.

Taking the current situation as an example, if Dai Yaochen added points before absorbing the third soul ring, he could directly absorb the third soul ring of 5000 years, which is equivalent to earning four thousand soul ring points for nothing.

This is the best use of system capabilities.

As the command was issued, Dai Yaochen saw that the number in the column of the soul ring point in the system was immediately cleared, and at the same time, the light from the two circles of soul rings circling around Dai Yaochen suddenly flickered .

During the flickering, the color of the light gradually deepened, and after about seven or eight seconds, the two circles of yellow soul rings on Dai Yaochen's body turned purple.

The purple soul ring represents the millennium level. Under normal circumstances, a soul master can only add a third soul ring of the thousand-year level to himself after he has cultivated to the thirtieth level. It can only be at the hundred-year level, but with the help of the system, Dai Yaochen directly raised his first and second soul rings to the thousand-year level!
"Two millennium spirit rings..." Looking at the two purple halos circling around him, Dai Yaochen's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Plus my current spirit power has reached level [-], and I can add another spirit ring , In this way, the gap between me and Davis has narrowed a lot, so I don't have to be too afraid of that guy!"

"And it's just the beginning. As long as I sign in on time every day, I can keep improving the age of the spirit ring and make my spirit ring skills more and more powerful!"

"Davis, I hope you can be more sensible. If you do something to me, you bastard, I will fuck you to death!"

After experiencing the capabilities of the system, Dai Yaochen was overwhelmed with confidence, and completely gave up the plan of running away. At worst, he would fight to the death with his cheap brother Davis.

Just when Dai Yaochen was holding such thoughts, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the door. Dai Yaochen knew that someone was coming, so he subconsciously put away his soul ring, and turned his head to look at the door.

"Second brother, are you alright?!" With an anxious cry, a blond boy with double pupils hurried in from outside the hall.

"Mubai?" The moment Dai Yaochen saw the person coming, he subconsciously called out his name, "Why did you come to my place?"

That's right, the person who came was Dai Mubai, the boss of the Seven Shrek Monsters in the original book, and now Dai Yaochen's third brother.

"Second brother, as long as you're fine." Seeing that Dai Yaochen didn't seem to have any serious problems, Dai Mubai couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately said angrily, "Did that guy attack you?"

Although Dai Mubai didn't directly mention the specific name, they all knew who "that guy" was referring to.

Regarding this, Dai Yaochen nodded: "This time it's really dangerous, if it wasn't for my luck, I would have been killed by that guy."

In fact, the predecessor is really dead...

Hearing what Dai Yaochen said, Dai Mubai's expression became even more angry.

From Dai Mubai's point of view, his second brother has obviously been excluded from the contenders for the position of crown prince, so there is no threat to Davis, but Davis still chose to kill him, Obviously the purpose is just to put pressure on myself in this way.

Well, Dai Mubai felt that it was because of his own faults that he made Dai Yaochen walk through the gate of hell and almost died.

But even if he felt extremely angry about this, Dai Mubai couldn't do anything about it.

In terms of age alone, Dai Mubai is a full six years younger than Davis. As for the cultivation of soul power, the difference is even worse. No matter how hard he cultivates, he can't catch up. He always felt powerless against Davis.

Thinking of the huge gap between him and Davis, Dai Mubai was silent for a while, his angry expression gradually turned decadent, and he said in a dry voice: "Second Brother, if it really doesn't work, let's leave the Star Luo Empire. ..."

"That guy tried to kill you. Although he didn't succeed this time, there will definitely be more and more assassinations in the future. If we continue to stay in the Star Luo Empire, the two of us will only die..."

Regarding Dai Mubai's suggestion of running away, Dai Yaochen's expression didn't change at all, he didn't feel that Dai Mubai's idea was cowardly, after all he himself thought so just now.

In the case of a large gap in strength, "strategic retreat" is also a good choice.

But this was just Dai Yaochen's previous thoughts. After obtaining the system, he already had confidence, so he was not going to run away like a bereaved dog.

At that moment, Dai Yaochen shook his head, and directly rejected Dai Mubai's proposal: "Mubai, I don't want to leave the Star Luo Empire."

Dai Mubai didn't expect Dai Yaochen to refuse, and immediately became anxious: "Second brother, are you crazy?!"

 I want to write a pure Douluo fan, without all kinds of bells and whistles in other novels and anime, so even the only function of the system is to help the protagonist improve the year of the soul ring, I think this is enough.

  The cultivation and evolution of martial souls, special soul rings using secret techniques (such as fusion rings, etc.), strange soul bones... In fact, Douluo itself has many things worth digging.

(End of this chapter)

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