Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 206 9 Years of Bright White Tiger

Chapter 206 9 Years of Bright White Tiger

When the cultivation base is low, hunting soul beasts will be very easy, but when the cultivation base is high, hunting soul beasts will become more and more troublesome, because it will be more difficult to find suitable targets.

For example, Dai Yaochen's request this time is to add a 9-year soul ring to himself. You must know that many Title Douluo's soul rings are only at this level. It will not be easy to find a suitable target. Many quasi-Title Douluo In order to find a ninth spirit ring that suits him, he needs to search in the spirit beast forest for a month or two.

That is to say, Dai Yaochen came to Star Dou Great Forest with Grand Uncle this time, and with Xingluo Patriarch in charge, it will be much easier for them to find a suitable soul beast, but even so, it will inevitably take some time.

For two days in a row, Dai Yaochen and the others have encountered seven or eight 9-year-old soul beasts. I have to say that the quality of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest is indeed high. These 9-year-old soul beasts are quite good, and even There are a few rare bloodlines, but it's a pity that they don't fit well with Dai Yaochen's own attributes.

In fact, for a soul master, the year of the soul ring is the last word. Even if the attributes of the soul ring don't fit well with him, it doesn't matter much, as long as the age of the soul ring is high enough, like Tang Hao's. The ninth spirit ring of the Haotian Hammer came from the Blue Silver Emperor, and Dai Yaochen's cheap daddy's ninth spirit ring of the White Tiger Wuhun came from the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King. These obviously don't fit well with their own spirits. But who makes the age of the soul ring high? This is the real decisive factor.

Of course, if the age is high enough, and the attributes of the soul ring can be matched with the body, then it will be perfect. This is the goal that Dai Yaochen set this time.

Although with his current cultivation base, no matter what kind of sixth spirit ring he absorbs, as long as the age reaches 9 years, it will definitely be the same, but even so, he did not just choose a 9-year-old spirit beast as his soul ring. Goal, unless there is really no choice, otherwise he still hopes to keep improving.

The big deal is to spend a little more time looking for it. The Star Dou Great Forest is so big, Dai Yaochen believes that there must be soul beasts whose year meets the requirements and whose attributes are very suitable for him.

With this thought in mind, Dai Yaochen and Xingluo Patriarch patiently searched in the Star Dou Forest. In the blink of an eye, a week passed like this.

During these seven days, Dai Yaochen and the others encountered nearly twenty 9-year-old soul beasts, and even more 8-[-]-year-old soul beasts.

It has to be said that the Star Dou Great Forest is indeed the largest colony of soul beasts on the current continent. The number of soul beasts they encountered in these seven days is almost catching up with the current number of strong soul masters on the mainland. The 9-year-old soul beast has a strength comparable to that of a human Titled Douluo. From this, it can be seen that if all the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest are gathered together, this power will definitely surpass that of a human soul master.

Of course, this kind of situation will not happen in a short time, so Dai Yaochen is not worried, their current priority is to obtain the sixth spirit ring.

Hard work paid off, even though they searched the Star Dou Forest for seven days, they finally found a suitable target, so it was not a waste of so many days.

The suitable target they found was a pure-blooded luminous tiger with a cultivation level of 9 years, which happened to correspond to Dai Yaochen's martial spirit of the Xingluo Royal Family.

However, the inherited Martial Spirit of the Xingluo Royal Family has lost its light attribute. Strictly speaking, its grade is not even as good as this pure-blooded Bright Tiger, but Dai Yaochen has already returned to his ancestors, so he can only correspond to it by rediscovering the light attribute of the Martial Spirit.

At this time, this bright white tiger was lazily taking a nap on a spacious lawn. The pure light breath naturally released from the whole body gave people a very strange feeling, which seemed to be able to bring warmth and instant For the light of judgment.

This luminous tiger was discovered by ancestor Xingluo. After discovering it, he quietly took Dai Yaochen to hide in the dense forest far away, observed it from a distance, and judged its cultivation by its body shape.

After confirming that the cultivation base of this bright white tiger had reached the level of 9 years, Patriarch Xingluo felt a little reluctant to attack him.

"I didn't expect there to be such a pure-blooded Guangming Tiger in the Star Dou Great Forest." Seeing the Guangming Tiger snoozing comfortably on the lawn in the distance, Xingluo Patriarch couldn't help sighing in a low voice, "If its cultivation base can If it reaches 10 years, maybe it can really play a role in returning our royal family's martial spirit to our ancestors."

For Xingluo Patriarch's exclamation, Dai Yaochen understood.

After becoming the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, he consulted a lot of secret materials of the empire, among which was the Star Luo Imperial Family's attempts to return the martial soul to their ancestors for many years.

When the Xingluo royal family discovered that the light attribute of their inherited martial soul was constantly losing, they naturally took many remedial measures, hoping to restore the light attribute in their own martial soul.

And among these attempts, the only one that worked was absorbing the soul ring of the pure-blooded Bright Tiger.

Because the original Martial Spirit inherited by the Xingluo Royal Family was the Bright Clear Tiger, and while its own light attributes were constantly being lost, absorbing the pure-blooded Bright Bright Tiger's soul ring of the same type as the Martial Soul might be able to have an effect, so the Star Luo Royal Family Nature also made an attempt at this.

However, the final test results were not satisfactory. Absorbing the pure-blooded Light Clarity Tiger's soul ring did help the Xingluo royal family to make up for the loss of their own light attributes, but it could not fundamentally make up for it.

The Xingluo imperial family discovered that the older the absorbed light-clear tiger spirit ring, the better the effect it would have. But the martial soul of the last generation of emperors only recovered part of the light attribute, barely considered a semi-finished product, and this semi-finished martial soul could not be passed on, and after the next generation, the light attribute that was finally restored would disappear again.

So since then, the Xingluo royal family has basically resigned to their fate, even the 9-year-old Guangming Tiger can't do it, so if you want to completely restore the light attribute of the inherited martial soul, obviously only the Guangming Tiger who has cultivated to the 10-year level is possible up.

However, the 10-year-old soul beast is originally a phoenix-haired water chestnut-like existence, let alone a Guangming tiger, which is basically not very likely.

That's why when Xingluo Patriarch discovered a 9-year-old pure-blooded bright tiger again, he couldn't help but sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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