Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 208 Mutation of the Right Arm Soul Bone

Chapter 208 Mutation of the Right Arm Soul Bone

Because before, Xingluo Patriarch had already agreed with Dai Yaochen that he would use this method to reduce the suspense of Guang Baihu as much as possible, so even though Guang Baihu's eruption seemed a bit abrupt, it was completely within Dai Yaochen's expectation.

Facing the phantom of the white tiger condensed by the power of light attacking him, all the soul rings in Dai Yaochen's body lit up at this moment, and at the same time, an extremely bright light erupted from his eyes. of light.

He directly activated his third soul ability with the ability of fusion ring.

Speaking of which, Dai Yaochen hasn't used his ring fusion ability for a long time. The ring fusion ability can make his own soul skill power reach the level of all soul ring years combined.

With his current soul ring configuration, the age of all soul rings added up has passed the threshold of 10 years, so with the blessing of the ring fusion ability, the power of the third soul skill he launched has fully reached 10. The level of the ten thousand year soul skill.

Dai Yaochen's third soul skill is spiritual attack, a 10-year level mental attack, which most people really can't use. Fortunately, Dai Yaochen's spiritual power has already reached the level of Titled Douluo, so for him, his The mental power is still enough to support such a level of mental attack.

It can be seen that under the blessing of the fusion ring, the two rays of light erupting from his eyes seemed to be real, and they slammed on the phantom of the white tiger that was rushing towards him, and then killed the white tiger without any suspense. The phantom was scattered, and under Guang Baihu's unbelievable gaze, it landed on its body.

Hit by Dai Yaochen's mental attack that reached the level of 10 years, Guang Baihu fell into a dizzy state immediately, his unbelievable gaze became dull, and Dai Yaochen also took advantage of this opportunity to step forward quickly, his right hand turned into a The tiger's claws slapped Guang Baihu's head fiercely, completely crushing his skull.

Suffering such a fatal injury in a dizzy state, Guang Baihu suddenly twitched uncontrollably, but under the suppression of Xingluo ancestor, it couldn't make other movements at all, so after twitching for a while, it After all, his body still stiffened.

At this moment, a powerful wave of soul power emanated from Guangminghu's body, and dots of black light gushed out from its body, continuously condensing on its body, turning into a circle of black soul rings.

The appearance of the soul ring indicated that Guang Baihu was completely dead, but Dai Yaochen's attention was not on the displayed soul ring at this time, he raised his right hand with some doubts.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the moment he killed Guang Baihu, he seemed to feel his right arm spirit bone suddenly heat up, as if its quality had improved a bit?
Dai Yaochen sensed it seriously immediately, he could be sure that his right arm spirit bone was indeed a little different from before, although this change was extremely subtle, but with his titled Douluo level of spiritual power, he would definitely not go wrong, You must know that even the transformation of a 10-year-old soul beast can be seen through with spiritual power at the Title Douluo level.

Why did the quality of my right arm spirit bone suddenly increase a bit after I killed Guang Baihu?
You must know that under normal circumstances, only the external spirit bones will continue to evolve, and the orthodox six spirit bones, when they fall from the spirit beast, have a fixed quality and should not improve.

Could it be that my killing god domain was engraved on the right arm soul bone, which led to the mutation of the right arm soul bone, and the phenomenon that it can evolve, and the way of evolution is... killing?
At this moment, various thoughts suddenly rose in Dai Yaochen's mind, he felt that the situation was probably as he had speculated.

In the final analysis, the field of killing gods is related to gods. Many things that humans cannot do can be solved by waving hands to gods. Sure.

Try again then.

Dai Yaochen felt that there should be no problem with his speculation, so he temporarily suppressed all kinds of thoughts in his mind.

No matter what, what he has to do now is to absorb the 9-year spirit ring in front of him. As for the changes in the spirit bones, it won't be too late to study after he absorbs the spirit ring.

So Dai Yaochen put aside the exploration of the changes of the soul bone for the time being, but directly sat cross-legged in front of Guang Baihu's body.

Seeing this scene, Ancestor Xingluo said: "Some titled Douluo's ninth spirit ring may not be able to reach 9 years. I hope your body is indeed strong enough to support you to absorb this level of spirit ring."

"You just need to absorb the spirit ring seriously, don't worry about safety, I will protect the law for you."

Hearing the words of Xingluo Patriarch, Dai Yaochen nodded, and immediately closed his eyes, calling for the soul ring in front of him that exudes strong fluctuations in soul power.

Under Dai Yaochen's call, soon, the 9-year-old soul ring floated to the top of his head, and streams of black light fell down, continuously pouring into Dai Yaochen's body.

It has to be said that the power contained in this circle of soul rings is indeed very majestic, almost reaching the limit that Dai Yaochen can bear now, and fortunately he has reduced Guang Baihu's resentment in that way before, otherwise he would be in a state of resentment. Absorbing this circle of spirit rings under the circumstances would be quite dangerous for Dai Yaochen.

Because Guangminghu's resentment had been weakened before, and the energy contained in this spirit ring was indeed within Dai Yaochen's tolerance range, so he could refine it in an orderly manner, transforming the energy in the spirit ring into his own soul power , basically there will be no unexpected situations, but because of the majestic power of the soul ring itself, it may take more time to refine it.

With Dai Yaochen's current level 2 cultivation base, if he absorbs a 9-year spirit ring that meets the configuration, then it can be done within a few hours. However, he chose a [-]-year spirit ring, which compared to his It's a bit too much for cultivation, so Dai Yaochen's absorption lasted for a long time.

When Dai Yaochen and the others were looking for a suitable target before, it only took seven days, but now they only absorbed the spirit ring, and the time spent was the same as the time spent searching for a suitable target before.

With a cultivation base of level 9, absorbing a [-]-year soul ring, even if it was within his tolerance, it took Dai Yaochen a full seven days, and during these seven days, Xingluo Patriarch just quietly helped him Dharma protector.

Because powerful soul beasts have their own territories, even if Mingminghu is dead, no other soul beasts will trespass here within ten days and half a month, so ancestor Xingluo's dharma protection work is also very easy.

(End of this chapter)

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