Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 30 Attribute Awakening, Cultivation Speed ​​Increase

Chapter 30 Attribute Awakening, Cultivation Speed ​​Increase
Looking at the pair of pure white wings stretching out from behind him, Dai Yaochen couldn't help being a little dazed.

I ate a star Luo Lingzhu by myself, why did I grow a pair of wings?

Dai Yaochen was stunned, but Yang Wudi was not. Seeing the wings on Dai Yaochen's back, Yang Wudi laughed immediately: "It's like a tiger with wings added, it seems that your light attribute has been completely awakened."

When Yang Wudi said this, Dai Yaochen came to his senses, ignored the extra wings on his back, and immediately stretched out his right hand to release his soul power.

Different from the Xingluo Patriarch's test before, this time Dai Yaochen released a ball of soul power from his right hand. Apart from the white light, there was also a pure light power that made people feel warm.

"The light attribute of the white tiger spirit has recovered!" Although he had expected this result, Dai Yaochen couldn't restrain his joy when it was confirmed. Should have had a pair of wings?"

"But why didn't grand-uncle tell me? Could it be that he wants to surprise me after I recover my light attribute?"

Thinking of this, Dai Yaochen suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

The surprise was indeed received, and it was not small, at least Dai Yaochen is still very happy now.

With an extra pair of wings, he can have the ability to fly, which is definitely a big boost to his strength.

Even after cultivating to the realm of Titled Douluo, he can still fly, but the flying speed of Titled Douluo with wings is obviously faster than that of Titled Douluo without wings, so the addition of a pair of wings is always a must for Dai Yaochen. a good thing.

Seeing the bright attribute displayed by Dai Yaochen, Yang Wudi couldn't help but nodded in relief.

When he came out this time, he promised Patriarch Xingluo to help Dai Yaochen reactivate the light attribute, and this time he finally lived up to his promise.

His lack of light attribute was perfectly solved. After being excited for a while, Dai Yaochen did not forget Zhu Zhuqing, and immediately turned to look at her and asked, "Zhuqing, how about you?"

Under Dai Yaochen's questioning, Zhu Zhuqing didn't say much, and directly possessed his spirit.

It can be seen that Zhu Zhuqing's body in the spirit possessed state did not undergo any major changes, but his eyes turned into dark green and blue pupils of different colors, and sharp claws protruding from his fingers protruded like spikes.

In addition to the normal changes of these ghost civet spirits, Zhu Zhuqing's ten sharp claws now have black-purple energy condensed. Compared with before, the attack power has obviously improved, and her body surface is also vaguely covered There was a layer of faint black-purple mist.

Under the cover of this layer of black and purple mist, Dai Yaochen was surprised to find that his perception of Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have become somewhat blurred, as if Zhu Zhuqing's sense of existence had suddenly decreased.

One must know that Dai Yaochen had just absorbed a 5000-year-level spiritual attribute soul ring not long ago, and his spiritual power was even close to that of an ordinary fifth-ring soul king. Feel.

Not only Dai Yaochen, but even Dugu Bo beside him couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

"This little girl's state is a bit interesting." Dugu Bo couldn't help but said, "The aura is naturally restrained, but it is somewhat similar to that old ghost in Wuhun Temple. If you don't pay special attention, even if you are two levels higher than her, it is easy. Subconsciously ignore her."

As a little girl with a first ring, Dugu Bo actually said that she was somewhat similar to a ghost at the level of a nine-ring Titled Douluo, even if it was only a little bit similar, it was already very powerful.

"Is this the dark attribute of Zhu Qing's awakening?" Dai Yaochen asked, "In addition to attack power, the ability to hide has also been improved."

Yang Wudi nodded: "Hiding and lowering one's own sense of existence are the basic abilities of the dark attribute. As for the abilities of the dark attribute, such as devouring and corroding, it depends on what direction she plans to develop in the future. Then I chose the corresponding spirit ring to develop."

This is talking about devouring and corroding, how come it looks like a villain template?
Thinking of this, Dai Yaochen's expression suddenly became a little weird, shook his head, and said: "I think even if you have the dark attribute, it's better to develop in the direction of shadow escape, invisibility, etc., devouring, corroding, etc. If you can’t control your heart, it’s easy to go astray.”

"I listen to brother Yaochen." Zhu Zhuqing nodded seriously.

"Issues such as the development direction of Wuhun, you can study it slowly in the future." Seeing that a few people seemed to be chatting, Dugu Bo immediately interrupted them and talked about his own affairs, "About me and the Yanyan Poison Center How are you going to get the medicine you need?"

"It's simple." Yang Wudi took out a pen and paper from his storage soul guide, and wrote out a prescription as quickly as possible, "I just looked at the herbs in the prescription, you have them here, You prepare the medicine yourself according to the prescription I gave, and then assist in forcing the poison, there will definitely be no problems."

After finishing speaking, Yang Wudi continued to study immortal herbs.

In normal times, Yang Wudi would still be a little interested in Dugu Bo, a poisonous person, but now that the fairy herbs are in the market, how can he care about studying Dugu Bo?Just give him a prescription and solve it by yourself.

Dugu Bo was skeptical about Yang Wudi's casually written prescription, but after he saw the specific content on it, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"So that's it, that's it!" Dugu Bo said excitedly, "These kinds of herbs can be combined in this way, which just perfectly plays the role of channeling toxins!"

"This prescription is absolutely perfect!"

Can it last?Yang Wudi is the top drug master on the Douluo Continent. His research on various drugs is absolutely unrivaled.

Right now, Dugu Bo couldn't wait to pick the medicines he needed here according to the prescription written by Yang Wudi.

In the next few days, Yang Wudi fell into the frantic research on immortal herbs, and Dugu Bo also successfully prepared the medicine according to the prescription Yang Wudi gave him. After taking it, it was indeed effective, which made him very happy. Looking at Dai Yaochen and the others, their eyes became much gentler.

And Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing had nothing to do, except for exchanging ideas occasionally, the rest of the time, both of them were cultivating their soul power.

Although cultivating soul power all the time was a bit boring, both of them felt a little bit of joy when they felt the speed of their own soul power's improvement.

Dai Yaochen didn't know how Zhu Zhuqing was. He only knew that his current cultivation speed was at least three times faster than before. If he could only improve two levels in a year before, Dai Yaochen felt that he could improve to six levels in a year now!
(End of this chapter)

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