Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 310 The Miracle Reappears

Chapter 310 The Miracle Reappears
The only thing that made Dai Yaochen feel at ease was that fortunately, his partners were still alive, and it seemed that they had all passed the most dangerous first stage, so basically it was enough.

As long as you pass the first level safely, then even if the difficulty of the latter is not low, basically there will be no great danger. It's just a reward.

Facts have proved that Dai Yaochen's thoughts are correct, under his watch, the partners all survived the next few stages and reached the final reward stage.

Under the judgment of a flat voice, the soul power of the partners has been improved to a certain extent, this is the reward given to them, among them, Ye Lingling and Bai Chenxiang have directly broken through to level [-], this is because they have reached the bottleneck, The extra soul power cannot be manifested, as long as they successfully absorb a sixth soul ring, it is estimated that there will be a small increase in soul power again.

And the soul power of the remaining few people has also been raised by two or three levels. Although these two or three levels do not seem to be many, but after all, they are the improvement of the soul emperor stage. Even with their current talents, they want to improve by two or three levels. It will take almost a year to do it, that is to say, the reward from Qiankun Wenqing Valley this time is equivalent to saving them a year of hard work, which is very good.

Just after the plain voice pronounced their rewards, everyone including Dai Yaochen felt that this trip to Qiankun Wenqing Valley should have come to a successful conclusion, and they would be transported out of this strange space next. However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

For some reason, the pool at the bottom of the valley where Qiankun Wenqing Valley is located is suddenly rendered in two colors of gold and silver. Immediately, the two-color light of gold and silver shoots directly into the sky from the pool, as if going straight into the sky. At the same time, Ye Lingling's body was suddenly completely enveloped by a golden and silver light.

Seeing this slightly familiar scene, Dai Yaochen's heart skipped a beat.

No way, could it be... the inheritance of gods again?
That's right, the scene in front of me is exactly the same as the situation when Dai Yaochen and Ning Rongrong got the inheritance of the gods. Obviously, Ye Lingling also got the inheritance of the gods.

Qiankun Wenqing Valley is the place where the God of Love fell from the God Realm. However, under normal circumstances, even if someone comes here, the God of Love will only pass the assessment casually and give some rewards to those who pass. It has never happened like this before. , actually directly selected inheritors.

There are only two possibilities for such a situation, either that in the assessment just now, Cupid was very satisfied with Ye Lingling, or it is that Ye Lingling's ability fits well with Cupid.

Even Dai Yaochen didn't know why the God of Cupid chose Ye Lingling as the inheritor, but he only needed to know that another partner of his was also successfully selected by the god.

There was a lot of movement in Qiankun Wenqing Valley. The pillars of gold and silver light rising into the sky could be clearly seen in Mingdu not far away. After noticing this movement, the entire Mingdu could be said to vibrate.

Just three months ago, a very similar scene happened to Ning Rongrong. All those with higher status in Mingdu basically knew what was going on.

Obviously, there was another person who was chosen by the gods just like Ning Rongrong.

This situation would naturally shake Mingdu violently, especially Xu Yuancai, the emperor of the Sun Moon Empire, whose heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

After having an inheritor of the gods in the Temple of Light, his hair is almost graying. The emperors before him have been working hard to overthrow the Temple of Light. Seeing that they have achieved some results, he also When preparing to inherit the will of the previous emperors and make persistent efforts, who would have thought that a successor of the gods would suddenly appear in the Temple of Light.

As long as the inheritor of the god can finally succeed in inheriting the position of the God of Light, all the efforts of the Sun Moon Empire will be in vain, and the status of the Temple of Light will become even more unshakable, but Xu Yuancai can't stop it, and he can't even use it in the middle. What means, under such circumstances, he was so worried that he couldn't sleep every day.

Just when he was worried about the successor of the gods in the Temple of Light, another successor of the gods appeared on the Sun Moon Continent, which naturally inevitably made Xu Yuancai ecstatic, even with his city, heart They couldn't help beating violently.

If this newly emerged deity inheritor can be drawn to their side of the Sun and Moon Royal Family, then they can check and balance with the deity inheritor on the other side of the Temple of Light.

Under mutual checks and balances, the situation on the Sun Moon Continent will be the same as it is now, basically there will be no difference, then he can also inherit the behest of the previous emperors, and wait until the two successors of the gods become gods. And after leaving the Sun Moon Continent, he continued to work hard to overthrow the Temple of Light. Even if he might not be able to wait for that day, he could let his descendants inherit his legacy.

This is the truest thought of the emperor Xu Yuancai at the moment, so after seeing the gold and silver two-color light beam rising from the west mountain, he directly rushed in that direction.

No matter what, he must pull this new god inheritor into his camp, no matter how bad it is, at least he can't let this new god inheritor fall to the Temple of Light.

Except for the emperor Xu Yuancai, the other powerhouses in Mingdu also took action at the same time. Basically, the titled Douluo with cultivation bases over level [-] all rushed towards the direction of Xishan. The same goes for offerings.

As far as the great priest is concerned, he didn't actually have the idea of ​​including this new god inheritor in the Temple of Light. After all, their Temple of Light serves the Goddess of Light. Now, the inheritors of other gods have nothing to do with them. Da, he was just very curious about this new inheritor of the gods, and this time he rushed to the direction of Xishan, just to see what was going on.

When all the titled Douluo in Mingdu rushed to Xishan Qiankun to inquire about the location of Love Valley, the changes here also came to an end, the gold and silver beams of light that soared into the sky slowly dissipated, and Dai Yaochen and the others were also captured. After teleporting out of that strange space, the gold and silver two-color light covering Ye Lingling's whole body converged into her eyebrows, and finally turned into a peculiar gold and silver two-color crabapple imprint, which looked very magnificent.

(End of this chapter)

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