Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 33 Nether Shadow, Dugu Yan Arrives

Chapter 33 Nether Shadow, Dugu Yan Arrives
After Dugu Bo left, about an hour later, Zhu Zhuqing completed the absorption of the 700-year Shadow Leopard's soul ring, and slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing this, Dai Yaochen asked curiously: "How is it, Zhuqing, what is your second soul skill?"

In the world of soul masters, it is a very taboo thing to ask about other people's soul skills without authorization. For soul masters, every soul skill is their own secret, and it is best not to reveal it easily, but Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing's current situation It doesn't matter if he asks.

"My second soul skill is Nether Shadow." Zhu Zhuqing felt it for a while, and then said, "The effect is that you can teleport to any place covered by shadows within ten meters."

"Teleporting soul skills?!" Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Dai Yaochen was stunned.

He didn't expect that Zhu Zhuqing's second soul skill would be a teleportation skill. You must know that this is just a soul skill of a century-old soul ring.

Although compared with the normal teleportation, her ghost shadow can only teleport to places covered by shadows, but it is also very powerful.

At night, this skill can be said to be unlimited. After all, there are shadows everywhere, and it is basically the same as normal teleportation.

And even in the daytime, as long as you pay attention to the surrounding environment, this skill can achieve good results. At least the opponent's shadow is always there. Attack.

Seeing Dai Yaochen's amazed expression, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt very happy in his heart, and had a rare thought of playing around, and directly activated the second soul skill he had just obtained.

A black-purple light burst out, instantly enveloping Zhu Zhuqing's body, and then disappeared out of thin air, appearing directly on the shadow behind Dai Yaochen, and patted him on the shoulder mischievously.

But the moment Zhu Zhuqing lit up the second soul ring, Dai Yaochen came to his senses, guessed what she was thinking, and stretched out his right hand like lightning, and immediately grabbed the wrist that Zhu Zhuqing patted on his shoulder.

Originally wanted to play with Dai Yaochen, but he was restrained directly, which made Zhu Zhuqing a little depressed.

Sensing Zhu Zhuqing's depression, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "Okay, your Nether Shadow is actually very powerful, the only limitation is that you can only teleport to places covered by shadows, so when you use this skill in the future, you must pay attention to it. , you can't let the opponent easily see where you want to teleport."

Although through this skill, you can teleport to other people's shadows at any time and launch a sudden attack, but this is actually quite dangerous. If the opponent is on guard, it is easy to self-defeating and deliver the goods to your door.

Zhu Zhuqing was also very smart, after hearing Dai Yaochen's words, he understood, so he nodded seriously at him.

"It seems that after you regained the dark attribute this time, the quality of the Nether Civet's martial soul has been greatly improved." Seeing Zhu Zhuqing nodding, Dai Yaochen subconsciously touched her small head, and said at the same time, "In terms of quality alone, it should be It surpasses the crippled White Tiger spirit, and it is considered top-notch."

The soul skill of a soul master is produced by the combination of the characteristics of the soul ring of the soul beast and the characteristics of its own martial soul, and the soul beast like the Shadow Leopard actually does not have a shadow flash, at most it is a shadow escape, so Zhu Zhuqing can obtain The soul skill of You Ming Ying Shun is more from the influence of his own martial soul.

It can be seen from this that after restoring the dark attribute, the quality of the Nether Civet Martial Soul has indeed improved a lot, which of course made Dai Yaochen happy.

After all, the original Nether Civet Martial Soul was only second-rate, and now it has been upgraded to the top-tier, so the White Tiger Martial Soul, which was originally first-rate, has now recovered its light attribute, and its quality has undoubtedly entered the top-tier level.

In fact, after the awakening of the light attribute, Dai Yaochen has already tested the first three soul skills on his body, and the power of them has increased by about [-]%. It is very strong, and it has been increased by [-]% on the original basis, which is not a small increase in strength.

After learning about Zhu Zhuqing's second soul skill, Dai Yaochen let her continue to practice, while he himself waited for Dugu Bo here.

After another half a day, the sky had already darkened, Dugu Bo brought a young girl to the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi at this time.

The girl has purple neck-length short hair, looks heroic, and a pair of emerald green eyes give people a strange feeling, she is naturally Dugu Bo's precious granddaughter Dugu Yan, she should be about 16 years old now, Two years older than Dai Yaochen.

A 16-year-old soul master, under the blessing of soul power, generally develops at the same level as an adult, so compared with Zhu Zhuqing who is still "average" now, Dugu Yan's figure is still very good.

At this time, under the protection of Dugu Bo's aura, he came to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, and Duguyan complained a little: "Grandpa, what did you bring me here for? I'm busy recently, and I don't have time to learn about medicinal herbs from you."

Looking at the medicinal herbs in this valley, Dugu Yan thought that her grandfather was going to teach her knowledge about medicinal herbs, but she was not interested in medicinal herbs at all.

"Yanyan, what can you do at Tiandou Imperial Academy?" Dugu Bo said, "Grandpa brought you here this time, but there is a very important matter."

"Grandpa, you underestimate people!" Dugu Yan immediately pouted in dissatisfaction, "Isn't the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition being held every five years? When this session is over, the academy will select the next one. With my strength, I will definitely be selected, and then I will be able to represent the academy in the competition five years from now."

Well, hearing Dugu Yan talk about the Soul Master Competition from afar, Dai Yaochen also had an impression of it. He remembered that when he went to Xingluo Royal Academy to ask for leave more than two months ago, the Soul Master Competition was about to kick off. Now he has been in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi for two months, and it is estimated that the soul master competition outside has already started in full swing.

But this soul master competition is actually not important to Dai Yaochen, and he doesn't pay much attention to it. If it is the one five years later, it will be different.

Dugu Bo obviously didn't care too much about the Soul Master Competition, after hearing Dugu Yan's words, he said directly: "Okay, Yanyan, the Soul Master Competition is just a group of children fighting back and forth, it's okay if you don't participate, What grandpa is going to take you to do now is much more important than the Tiandou Imperial Academy's selection of contestants, so don't mess around."

(End of this chapter)

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