Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 39 Returning to the South, taking Qirong Tongtianju

Chapter 39 Returning to the South, taking Qirong Tongtianju

Three days later, after sorting out the medicinal herbs in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, and taking everything with him, it was finally time for Dai Yaochen and the others to go back.

A group of people left the Binghuo Liangyi Eye and walked towards the outskirts of the Sunset Forest. Along the way, Dugu Yan's face occasionally showed a little disappointment, obviously a little bit reluctant about the upcoming parting, but she didn't seem to know it yet. , Who are you going to say goodbye to later.

Because of Dugu Bo's existence, the spirit beasts in the Sunset Forest seemed to be afraid of him, so they walked out of the forest without being attacked by the spirit beasts. The effect of Dugu Bo in the team was simply better than the animal protection given by Yang Wudi Sachets are even better.

After leaving the Sunset Forest, on an official road outside the forest, several people stopped in their tracks.

"Let's part here, and we won't be on the way from now on." Dai Yaochen said, "Senior, you head west to Heaven Dou City, and we head south to return to Star Luo Empire."

Xu felt that parting was imminent. Dugu Yan didn't tease Dai Yaochen again this time, but thanked him very seriously: "Help me and grandpa solve the toxin problem that has been eroding us. This time, I really thank you very much. I hope that we will There is still a chance to see you again."

Although he said so, Dugu Yan knew that after this separation, they were in two great empires, and the possibility of meeting them again in the future was very slim.

"No need to see you later." At this moment, Dugu Bo suddenly said, "Yanyan, this time I decided to let you and the Dai family boy go to the Star Luo Empire."

"Go to the Star Luo Empire?" Dugu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then an inexplicable joy appeared in his heart, "Will Grandpa go with you?"

"No." Dugu Bo shook his head, "I'll stay in Tiandou, Yanyan, you go to Xingluo."

"Grandpa, what do you mean?" Unexpectedly, Dugu Bo was not going to go together, and the joy that had just risen in Dugu Yan's heart dissipated immediately, "You don't want me anymore?"

Dugu Yan's parents passed away early, she and Dugu Bo depended on each other since she was a child, although they didn't spend much time together when they grew up, but Dugu Bo would find time to visit her every once in a while, so Dugu Yan didn't feel any difference.

But now Dugu Bo wants her to go to the Star Luo Empire, while he stays in the Heaven Dou Empire. The two places are separated like this, and they may not be able to see each other again for several years, which makes Dugu Yan a little unbearable.

"Yanyan, good boy." Dugu Bo sighed and rubbed Dugu Yan's head, "Grandpa has a lot of things to deal with recently, and he may not take care of you, so he wanted you to go to the Star Luo Empire and The Dai family will play for a while, and when grandpa is done with his work, he will go to the Star Luo Empire to see you soon, and if you want, he can bring you back at that time."

"Really?" Dugu Yan looked up at Dugu Bo, still in disbelief.

"When did grandpa lie to you?" Dugu Bo said.

Hearing what Dugu Bo said, Dugu Yan felt a lot better. If it was just like this, then she could still accept it.

Immediately, Dugu Yan turned to look at Dai Yaochen who was at the side, and said angrily, "Did you already know? No wonder you told me a few days ago, please give me some advice."

"You have already discussed it, but you still keep it from me."

Dai Yaochen had no choice but to explain: "I wanted senior Dugu to tell you personally, that's why I didn't tell you."

"Forget it." Dugu Yan just complained, and didn't intend to pursue it. He just said to Dugu Bobo, "Grandpa, you have to keep your word, come and see me soon, Dai Yaochen is the prince of the Star Luo Empire, I don't know how I will be bullied by him in the Star Luo Empire, and no one will be able to help me at that time."

"He dares!" Dugu Bo stared, "If he dares to bully you, I'll hang him up and beat him up, to vent your anger on Yanyan."

Regarding this, Dai Yaochen could only helplessly smile.

After chatting for a while again, Dugu Yan finally completely accepted that he was going to the Star Luo Empire, and Dugu Bo didn't say anything more, and left soon.

Seeing Dugu Boyuan's back, Duguyan's eyes turned red.

Seeing this, Dai Yaochen patted her on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Senior Dugu's soul power has broken through to level 92 after successfully forcing the poison, with his footsteps, it won't take too long to come to the Star Luo Empire, he will definitely come It's up to you."

"Hmph, there is no need for you to comfort me." Dugu Yan snorted, "Since you are going to the Star Luo Empire, why not hurry up!"

Immediately, several people embarked on the journey to the Star Luo Empire.

Dai Yaochen and the others were the only ones who came here, and they didn't bring anything with them. Now when they go back, they not only have an extra Dugu Yan, but also brought all the herbs from Binghuo Liangyi's eyes. This trip can be said to be a rewarding experience.

On the way back, Dai Yaochen also chose one night, under Yang Wudi's protection, to take the last celestial herb that he could eat——Qi Rong Tong Tian Chrysanthemum.

Although Dai Yaochen had already taken two strains before, but after half a year, he had already absorbed a lot of medicinal properties, and there was no conflict between the two strains of Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum, so it is almost ready to be taken now.

"I don't know what the so-called King Kong is not bad?" Looking at the huge purple chrysanthemum in his hand, Dai Yaochen, under the guidance of Yang Wudi, first swallowed the stamens shining with a faint golden light at the top, and then took the purple petals. Stuffed one by one into the mouth, and immediately circulated the soul power, and began to absorb the medicinal power of the strange velvet chrysanthemum.

At this time, Yang Wudi was also guarding Dai Yaochen's side, while protecting him, he was also observing the changes in Dai Yaochen's body after taking the chrysanthemum.

Yang Wudi has already done almost all the research on the Qi Rong Tong Tian Chrysanthemum. The only thing left is the reaction of others after taking it. Now he will naturally complete the last part of the research.

Not long after, it can be seen that Dai Yaochen obviously does not possess a martial spirit, but a layer of white hair of the white tiger martial spirit has grown on his body surface, and at the same time, his torso and limbs began to swell, and the bones all over his body They were all making loud noises, and those who didn't know thought they were setting off firecrackers.

"This is the effect of the velvet chrysanthemum." Seeing the changes in Dai Yaochen's body, Yang Wudi said to himself, "It's good that a diamond is not bad."

At the same time, the movement on Dai Yaochen's body also attracted the attention of Dugu Yan and Zhu Zhuqing who were surrounding the fire. Seeing this scene, Dugu Yan couldn't help being a little speechless, and whispered to Zhu Zhuqing: "Look at the crackling over there!" Yes, Dai Yaochen won't explode, right?"

"No." Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head, "With Patriarch Yang taking care of him, Big Brother Yaochen won't have any problems."

(End of this chapter)

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