Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 41 Target, Star Dou Great Forest

Chapter 41 Target, Star Dou Great Forest
Because he wanted to break the record of the fastest training in Wuhun Hall (on the bright side), it was a fight. Yang Wudi was full of enthusiasm for this, and planned to help Dai Yaochen get the fourth spirit ring within half a month, but he was stuck at 15 They officially entered the Soul Sect stage before the age of [-], so the group's itinerary was accelerated a lot, and it only took a few days to leave the border of the Heaven Dou Empire and arrive at the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Although he was in a hurry for the past few days, after arriving at the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest, Yang Wudi was not in a hurry. He took a few people into a small town outside the Star Dou Great Forest to rest for a while and adjust his condition. The knife does not miss the woodcutter.

After eating something casually, and then opening the room, Yang Wudi started to talk about the business, and asked Dai Yaochen: "About the fourth spirit ring, what request do you have?"

"Over [-] years, light attribute is enough." Dai Yaochen said, "As for other requirements, I don't have any for now. Let's see when we meet a soul beast with suitable attributes."

The first element to obtain a soul ring is to have the right attributes. As for the soul beast of the same type as one's martial soul, this can only be ranked as the second element.

As long as the attributes are the same, even if the soul beast is different from its own martial soul, it doesn't matter too much. For example, Ma Hongjun's phoenix martial soul in the original book also absorbed some scorpion soul ring and snake inner alchemy, because they are all fire. Attributes, so it doesn't matter.

Originally, the white tiger martial soul inherited by the Xingluo royal family was incomplete, without the light attribute, and the first element of the same attribute cannot be satisfied when obtaining a soul ring, so we can only settle for the second best, and try to add a soul ring that is also a tiger-type soul beast , but now that Dai Yaochen's attributes are awakened, then naturally the corresponding attributes should be the main focus, as for whether he is a tiger-type soul beast or not, he does not insist.

If under the premise of corresponding attributes, it happens to have a spirit beast of the same type as his own martial spirit, that would be even better. For example, a tiger-type spirit beast with light attribute is basically Dai Yaochen's best choice. choose.

"There are more soul beasts with light attributes." Hearing Dai Yaochen's request, Yang Wudi said, "We can only look for them at that time."

Going to the Soul Beast Forest to hunt soul beasts does not mean that you can have what you want, but you can only set a general direction. What kind of soul ring you will get in the end depends on what kind of soul beast you can meet .

Of course, if the strength is strong enough to sweep the entire forest of soul beasts, then the situation will be different. Naturally, you can get any soul beast you want, but this is the Star Forest, and the entire Douluo now On the mainland, there should be no one who can sweep the Star Dou Forest, after all, this place is not easy...

"This time your goal is the ten-thousand-year soul ring, then we will go deep into the area where the ten-thousand-year soul beast is active." So saying, Yang Wudi looked at the three of Dai Yaochen, "you must be careful, pay attention to safety, enter tomorrow After Star Dou Great Forest, don't stay too far away from me."

The three of Dai Yaochen nodded at the same time, expressing their understanding.

In fact, among the three, Dai Yaochen is okay. With his current strength, even if he confronts a ten thousand year spirit beast head-on, let alone whether he can win, at least he can protect himself. Although Zhu Zhuqing's spirit power is the lowest, she has the ghost Yingshun's soul skill has a very strong life-saving ability at critical moments. Only Dugu Yan is relatively the most dangerous. She can't beat the ten thousand year soul beast, even if she wants to run, she can't escape.

Thinking of this, Dai Yaochen intentionally reminded Duguyan, but he was afraid that it would have the opposite effect, so he didn't say anything in the end.

They have Yang Wudi leading the team this time, with Yang Wudi's strength, unless they take the initiative to die, they will not be in too much danger in the Star Dou Forest, and there should be no accidents.

Yang Wudi stopped after talking to them a few more words, and signaled them to go back to rest, recharge their batteries, and prepare to enter the Star Forest tomorrow.

After returning to the room, Dai Yaochen immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, instead of resting directly, he called out his own system interface.

For more than half a year, Dai Yaochen has actually insisted on signing in every day. Calculated based on 10 soul ring points a day, his current soul ring points are close to 2000.

Since he was going to the Star Dou Great Forest tomorrow to obtain the fourth soul ring for himself, in order to be able to endure a higher age, he would naturally use up all his soul ring points now.

At that moment, with a thought, Dai Yaochen added nearly 2000 soul ring points to his third soul ring.

With a burst of light flashing, his purple third soul ring became deeper, and the dark purple soul ring seemed to be a million-year soul ring at first glance.

After adding all the soul ring points to the third soul ring, the year of his third soul ring has reached the level of nearly 7000 years. If he activates the ring fusion talent now and adds the years of the three soul rings, Dai Yaochen can make him All three of his own soul abilities erupted with power close to the ten thousand year level.

With this improvement, Dai Yaochen was more confident about tomorrow's trip to the Star Forest, and immediately went to rest contentedly.

In the early morning of the next day, without Yang Wudi's urging, Dai Yaochen and the three got up early. After they had finished their breakfast, the sun slowly rose. The group of people left the town under the sunshine, and accelerated towards the Star Dou Forest in front of them. and go.

The Star Dou Forest has existed in the ancient times of the Douluo Continent, and it has always been the largest settlement of soul beasts on the Douluo Continent. Since ancient times, many soul masters have come here to hunt and kill soul beasts, and some have found the most suitable for them. Some of the soul rings also died here, becoming rations for soul beasts.

There are all kinds of strange soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, and naturally there are all kinds of dangers. Whether the soul masters who come here are satisfied and return here or die here, everything depends on their own strength.

Under the leadership of Yang Wudi, the three of Dai Yaochen plunged into the Star Dou Great Forest, and quickly penetrated deep into the interior. It didn't take much effort to pass the outer area where the century-old soul beasts were active, and entered the place where the thousand-year-old soul beasts were entrenched. .

Although Yang Wudi was able to make the beast-repelling sachet, they came this time to hunt spirit beasts, and bringing the beast-repelling sachet was not conducive to this, so they didn't use it.

Without the help of the beast-repelling sachet, they naturally encountered many soul beast attacks along the way. Before that, Dai Yaochen and the three of them could easily deal with it in the area of ​​the century-old soul beasts. Now that they have entered the place where the thousand-year-old soul beasts are active, Yang Wudi It must be done.

It's not that Dai Yaochen and the others can't defeat the Millennium Soul Beast, the main reason is that it will take some time for them to win, and they will also consume themselves. In this case, of course, it is better for Yang Wudi to fight directly.

(End of this chapter)

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