Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 45 You Can't Escape Fate

Chapter 45 You Can't Escape Fate

The Soul-Breaking Gun aimed at the back of the Holy Spirit Bi An and suddenly poked down. The absolute defense mask on the Holy Spirit Bi An's body had no effect on the Soul-Breaking Gun that added real damage. The back pierced, the abdomen pierced, and it was firmly nailed to the ground.

As the body was pierced, the red light in the eyes of the holy spirit Bi An finally dimmed, and the red color of Dai Yaochen's whole body also quickly receded.

Pinned to the ground by the soul-breaking gun, the Holy Spirit Bi An tried to struggle, but found that he could no longer lift his strength, and coughed up a large pool of blood from his mouth.

By this time, the Holy Spirit had faintly realized something.

"Fate directed me to come here, not for me to kill these humans, but for these humans to kill me?"

In the eyes of the Holy Spirit, this is the only explanation.

Blessed with the power of fate, it has always been able to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. In its more than ten thousand years of life, let alone the threat of death, it has never been injured.

But now, not only did it encounter an eight-ringed human who just restrained it, but even a third-ringed boy could stop it. All these failures can only show that fate has abandoned it.

"So it was fate that made me die?" Thinking of this, the holy spirit Bi An calmed down. Since its birth, it has enjoyed the protection of fate, and now fate wants it to die, which seems to be a very normal thing.

On the other hand, after fully bursting out his first soul skill through the fusion talent, Dai Yaochen lost a lot of soul power in his body, which made him feel a sense of emptiness. When he slowed down a little, he saw the strange The tiger-shaped soul beast had already been pinned down by Yang Wudi, so it relaxed, calling Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan who were hiding behind to come here.

"This soul beast is really difficult to deal with." Looking at the Holy Spirit Bi An who was nailed to the ground by him, Yang Wudi said, "If it wasn't for my sixth soul skill that has the effect of real damage, I really can't do anything about it."

"The soul beasts in the world are all kinds of strange and strange, with all kinds of abilities." Dai Yaochen said, "It's not surprising that this strange tiger has the ability of absolute defense. Patriarch Yang, being restrained by Patriarch Yang in turn, can only be considered unlucky."

The body protection mask displayed by this tiger-shaped soul beast reminded Dai Yaochen of Xiao Wu's invincible golden body, which is known as the absolute defense below the god level. Although it is powerful, it is not impossible to restrain it. Bibi Dong is hunting Xiao Wu's mother At that time, he used the eternal wound with real damage ability to break through the invincible golden body of absolute defense.

"Let's not talk about that for now." Yang Wudi looked at the Holy Spirit who was losing blood and his breath continued to weaken, and said, "You come and kill this soul beast, it is also the body protection mask of absolute defense, which is very troublesome. Its real strength is actually not that strong, and its cultivation must be below 2 years, so you probably have no problem absorbing its spirit ring."

Dai Yaochen nodded, and also looked at the tiger-shaped soul beast that was nailed to the ground and was about to die, and met its gaze.

In looking at each other, Dai Yaochen could feel that the tiger-shaped soul beast didn't hate him, but looked at him with pity.

What does it mean?Dai Yaochen was a little confused about the situation. Logically speaking, if a soul beast was killed by a soul master, it would be full of resentment before it died, but why is it so calm?

"Human boy, kill me." At this moment, the Holy Spirit Bi An's weak voice sounded, "I choose to accept the death bestowed on me by fate."

"But don't be too happy, human kid, you are chosen by fate, you can't escape, and one day you will end up like me."

Hearing what Holy Spirit Bi An said, Dai Yaochen's hairs stood on end for some reason.

Light attribute, tiger type, this soul beast is very suitable for me, it should be difficult to find it, but it is delivered to the door like a takeaway.

Moreover, this tiger-shaped soul beast obviously has such a powerful ability as absolute defense, and it happened to be restrained by Yang Wudi. Although there were some twists and turns during the battle, it was still very smooth on the whole. This kind of smoothness made Dai Yaochen feel that something was wrong, as if This tiger-shaped soul beast came here to die on purpose.

But even if he felt that something was wrong, Dai Yaochen did not choose to give up when faced with such a top quality soul beast suitable for him, but took a deep breath and said: "Fate? Maybe."

Dai Yaochen didn't say anything like "my fate is up to me" at this time, he felt that this was too naive, anyway, no matter what happened in the future, he would face it.

At that moment, Dai Yaochen exerted force on the tiger's claws, and before the holy spirit Bi An bled to death, he ended its life with one claw.

"Fate...fate..." The pupils of the Holy Spirit Bi An gradually dilated, "No one can escape..."

Soon, the body of the Holy Spirit Bi An became stiff, and at the same time, a strange spirit ring rose from its body.

The reason why this circle of spirit ring is strange is because although the spirit ring is black, it seems to have a little golden light on it, but under the sunlight, these golden lights are more like the refraction of the sun's light. If you don't observe carefully , it's really not too obvious.

"Judging from the fluctuation of the soul power emitted by this soul ring, the year should be around 5000 years." Yang Wudi said, "Can your body bear it?"

"It should be possible." Dai Yaochen tilted his head, and after thinking for a while, he said that he should be fine.

For some reason, after seeing this spirit ring, Dai Yaochen had a feeling somewhere, as if he would succeed in absorbing this spirit ring.

Thinking of Dai Yaochen's three soul rings that surpassed the limit, plus the fact that he had eaten three immortal herbs, so even if it exceeded the upper limit of the fourth soul ring for 1 years, Yang Wudi felt that Dai Yaochen should be able to absorb it. .

So Yang Wudi didn't say anything more, he just signaled Dai Yaochen to start.

Dai Yaochen sat cross-legged directly, and began to sense the golden-glowing black soul ring. The black-gold soul ring was summoned by Dai Yaochen, and soon floated to the top of his head, with strands of black-gold light falling down.

As these black and golden rays poured into his body, Dai Yaochen officially began to absorb his fourth soul ring.

In Dai Yaochen's feeling, there is indeed a lot of energy contained in this black and golden soul ring, but it has not exceeded the limit that he can bear now, and the tiger-shaped soul beast did not have any resentment before it died, so it will not treat it Dai Yaochen's absorption of this soul ring caused interference, which allowed him to mobilize the soul power in his body in an orderly manner, and refine the soul ring energy constantly pouring into his body.

In the outside world, seeing Dai Yaochen's body covered by the black-gold light of the soul ring, Yang Wudi and the others were also waiting at the side, protecting Dai Yaochen at the same time, lest a powerful soul beast suddenly jump out and disturb him from absorbing the soul ring .

(End of this chapter)

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