Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 47 Head Soul Bone, Chapter Xingluo

Chapter 47 Head Soul Bone, Return to Xingluo

In a certain forest on the border of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Yaochen decided to absorb the head spirit bone he obtained not long ago, and Yang Wudi naturally protected him.

Looking at the fist-sized white skull in his hand, Dai Yaochen thought, the white skull became as crystal clear as it floated up, and then directly turned into a ray of white light and rushed into the center of his brow.

The moment the soul bone rushed into the center of the eyebrows, Dai Yaochen's body trembled violently as if struck by lightning, and an indescribably terrifying aura erupted from his body.

At the same time, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple rays of light emitted from Dai Yaochen's body one by one, like a rainbow, covering his body, and then turned into streamers of light, constantly moving toward the Dai Yaochen's brows were pierced, looking very strange.

Seeing this scene, Dugu Yan muttered subconsciously: "What kind of soul bone is this? It's so colorful, it's so flirtatious..."

"But it looks like this guy is quite handsome."

Hearing Dugu Yan's muttering, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but give her a blank look.

Dugu Yan is obviously much older than Zhu Zhuqing, but sometimes Zhu Zhuqing thinks Dugu Yan is childish.

This is the difference in experience. Zhu Zhuqing had to accept the cruel competition from his family since he was a child, so he had to quickly mature himself. Dugu Yan has always been doted on by Dugu Bo, the titled Douluo Grandpa, although it cannot be said that she is not familiar with it. Worldly, but also childish at times.

Shaking his head, he ignored Dugu Yan, and while waiting for Dai Yaochen to absorb the soul bone in his head, Zhu Zhuqing continued to cultivate his own soul power.

She was about to return to Xingluo Imperial City soon, although Zhu Zhuqing had already awakened the power of darkness, but her current cultivation level was much behind Zhu Zhuyun's, which naturally prevented her from relaxing her cultivation.

The absorption of a soul bone is no better than a soul ring, and it can't be completed in a day or two, so Yang Wudi was prepared to wait here for a while, but even so he didn't expect that Dai Yaochen's absorption of a head soul bone would be so fast. It lasted seven days.

"It's been seven days, why isn't it over yet?" Because it's been too long, even Zhu Zhuqing didn't care about practicing now, for fear that something might happen to Dai Yaochen.

"That's right, it's been too long." Dugu Yan also seemed a little worried, "I heard from my grandfather that he didn't spend too much time absorbing the soul bone of his head before, Dai Yaochen shouldn't have a problem, right? ?”

"Although I don't know why it took so long, but his current state should be fine." Yang Wudi looked at Dai Yaochen and made a judgment.

At this time, Dai Yaochen was sitting cross-legged with a serious face, his short blond hair had actually grown a lot in the past seven days, reaching down to his waist, and his appearance seemed to have become even more handsome.

All the signs showed that Dai Yaochen was in good condition now and there was nothing wrong with him.

As for why the absorption of the spirit bone lasted for such a long time, could it be because the quality of the spirit bone is so good?
Yang Wudi thought so, and at this moment, Dai Yaochen finally felt movement.

The colorful rays of light that enveloped Dai Yaochen penetrated into the center of his eyebrows, and at the moment when they were about to disappear, they suddenly became stronger and spread rapidly towards the surroundings. At this moment, the entire forest seemed to be covered with a layer of colorful lights The color looks magnificent.

However, this situation did not last for too long, soon, the colorful light gradually dissipated, and at the same time, Dai Yaochen also opened his eyes again.

Dai Yaochen's mental strength had been improved twice before, so his gaze was always a bit cold and intimidating, but after absorbing the soul bone of his head this time, his gaze became divine and introverted, with a feeling of returning to nature.

"It's really troublesome for you to ask Clan Chief Yang to protect me these few days." Dai Yaochen looked at Yang Wudi and thanked him after absorbing the soul bone of his head and feeling his great improvement.

"A few trivial things are not worth mentioning." Yang Wudi said, "I received news that half a year ago, after the other three clans moved to the Star Luo Empire, they joined my broken clan and went to the Star Luo Imperial City to develop, so next we will Return directly to Xingluo Imperial City?"

Dai Yaochen nodded: "I've been out for so long, now I also want to go back as soon as possible."

This time out, Dai Yaochen has finished all the things that should be done, and now there is nothing to do if he continues to wander outside, so why not go back first.

Going back this time, Dai Yaochen is ready to do a big job, especially his big brother, he needs to clean up properly.

The two people who can call the shots in the team have the same goal, so they naturally acted directly, and the group rushed to the Star Dou Imperial City, and it took a few days to arrive successfully.

Returning to Xingluo Imperial City after half a year, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but sigh in his heart looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar place.

"Well, your Star Luo Empire doesn't look as fun as the Heaven Dou Empire." Looking around in the imperial city, Dugu Yan quickly became less interested.

Although the Xingluo Imperial City is also very prosperous, Dugu Yan still feels that it is not as good as the glamorous Tiandou City.

"The people of our Star Luo Empire are more pursuing the improvement of strength, and we are not as good as you Tiandou people when it comes to playing." Dai Yaochen said, "So the national power of our Star Luo Empire is also stronger than that of the Tian Dou Empire. If it weren't for the Spirit Hall If we get in the way, it's only a matter of time before we destroy the Heaven Dou Empire."

"Yes, yes, Your Highness, your Star Luo Empire is the most powerful." Dugu Yan made a face at Dai Yaochen, "Then, Your Highness, where are you going to put me? Could you take me to live in the palace?" ?”

Indeed, Dugu Yan has been staying in the Star Luo Empire for a long time this time, so naturally she can't stay in a hotel all the time, she needs to find a place to live for a long time, so where should she stay?The palace is clearly out of the question.

"Sister Duguyan, why don't you come to our Duke's Mansion." Although Duguyan sometimes feels childish, but after this time, the relationship between Zhu Zhuqing and Duguyan has actually become very good. The place, Zhu Zhuqing invited immediately.

"Zhuqing, forget it." Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's proposal, Dai Yaochen shook his head speechlessly, "Your dark attribute awakening this time will definitely have the most direct conflict with Zhu Zhuyun after you return to the Duke's Mansion, although I believe You can have the last laugh, but a riot of demons is probably unavoidable, and when the situation gets complicated, it's better not to let Dugu Yan get involved."

Well, you can't live in the palace, and you can't live in the duke's mansion?Where should Dugu Yan live?

Thinking of this, Dai Yaochen immediately set his sights on the one person left in the team, Yang Wudi.

(End of this chapter)

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