Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 5 The arrival of the ancestors, the talent of fusion

Chapter 5 The arrival of the ancestors, the talent of fusion

Dai Yaochen is currently in his room, planning his future development based on his memory of the original book.

Not to mention the long-term, in Dai Yaochen's view, what he needs to do most now is to solve his own martial soul problem.

Every time he opened the system interface, he could see the word "incomplete" shining brightly in the column of Wuhun, which was extremely eye-catching, and he couldn't help but pay attention.

Martial soul is the most fundamental thing for a soul master. If you don't give priority to solving the incomplete problem of the white tiger's martial soul, then no matter how good you plan for the future, when the martial soul suddenly changes, your overall plan will be destroyed. chaos, so the Wuhun problem must be resolved as soon as possible.

However, even if Dai Yaochen wanted to solve the incomplete problem of the white tiger's martial soul, but now he didn't know what to do.

The system just told him that the white tiger spirit was incomplete and had flaws, but the system didn't tell him where the flaws of the white tiger spirit were, which left Dai Yaochen at a loss.

He doesn't even know the specific problem of the White Tiger Wuhun, so how can he find a way to solve it?
Just when Dai Yaochen was a little worried about this, he didn't notice that an old figure had quietly entered his room.

This figure is the ancestor Xingluo who came to check on Dai Yaochen's condition. Seeing Dai Yaochen's frowning, he couldn't help asking: "Little guy, what are you thinking?"

"Who?!" Someone else's voice suddenly sounded in his room, which made Dai Yaochen startled, and immediately jumped up, with the surge of soul power, the white tiger spirit instantly possessed him.

Following a flash of white light, Dai Yaochen's muscles all over his body swelled suddenly, his ten fingers popped out like blade-like sharp claws, and his whole body was filled with a fierce aura. At the same time, two circles of purple soul rings Soaring up from his feet, it circled his body up and down.

"Sure enough, your first two soul rings have been promoted to the thousand-year level." Although he already knew it, when he saw it with his own eyes, Xing Luo ancestor still looked at the two purple rings on Dai Yaochen's body with great interest. The soul ring said at the same time, "Don't be nervous, little guy, you don't recognize me?"

"You are... Grand Uncle?" Hearing the words of Xingluo Patriarch, Dai Yaochen immediately flashed a memory in his mind, and subconsciously blurted out.

As the second prince of the Xingluo Empire, his predecessor had met Xingluo Patriarch several times before, so Dai Yaochen recognized him now.

If you recognize it, you will recognize it, but Dai Yaochen's heart is full of doubts about the arrival of ancestor Xingluo.

Although he expected that he would attract some people's attention after showing two thousand-year spirit rings, Dai Yaochen did not expect that Xing Luo Patriarch would actually come to him in person.

My first two soul rings have been promoted to the millennium level. Although this is not a trivial matter, it should not alarm my great uncle.

Dai Yaochen couldn't figure it out, there seemed to be something he didn't know about it.

"Little guy, I have something to ask you." Seeing that Dai Yaochen recognized him, Xingluo ancestor immediately stretched out a hand and pressed it on his shoulder, "Follow me."

Dai Yaochen felt dizzy for a while, and after he realized it, he found that he had left his residence and came to a relatively remote martial arts hall in the palace. At this time, the night was dark, and no one else was active in this martial arts hall.

Letting go of Dai Yaochen's shoulders, Xingluo Patriarch smiled and pointed to a stone pier in the Martial Arts Hall, and said to Dai Yaochen: "Little guy, use your second soul skill on that stone pier——Baihu Lieguangbo."

Is this to test the power of my current soul skills?
Dai Yaochen thought so, and then simply aimed at the stone pier pointed by Patriarch Xingluo, lighting up his second soul ring.

White Tiger Light Wave, activate!

A thick white light condensed in Dai Yaochen's mouth, and immediately sprayed out, hitting the stone pier precisely, and with an explosion, the stone pier exploded directly.

If it was the previous White Tiger Light Wave, at most it would only leave a few cracks on the stone pier. Now that the spirit ring has been upgraded to the millennium level, the power of the White Tiger Light Wave has greatly increased, and it can actually directly smash the stone pier. For this power, Dai Yaochen was still very satisfied.

Although Dai Yaochen was satisfied, Patriarch Xingluo frowned.

"It's just a pure impact of soul power, without the slightest fluctuation of the light attribute..." Ancestor Xingluo was a little disappointed, "Could it be that this child controlled his own light attribute intentionally or unintentionally, so he didn't use it in the soul skill?" manifested?"

Thinking of this, Ancestor Xingluo continued to say to Dai Yaochen: "Little guy, did you restrain the power of the white tiger's light wave just now? You should be able to make this soul skill stronger."

Hearing what Xingluo Patriarch said, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Just like what ancestor Xingluo said, when he launched the White Tiger Light Wave, he really had a feeling that as long as he thought about it, he could increase the power of the White Tiger Light Wave again, but he didn't do it just now.

But how did Grand Uncle see that I still have energy left?Is this the top powerhouse in Douluo Continent?Really great.

Suppressing the sigh in his heart, Dai Yaochen nodded, expressing his affirmation to the words of ancestor Xingluo.

"Sure enough." Seeing Dai Yaochen nodding, Xingluo Patriarch couldn't help showing an unexpected smile, and continued, "Child, do it again, this time you don't deliberately suppress it, and explode the white tiger's fierce light wave with the greatest power you can use come out."

Well, you have the final say on your seniority, if you do it again, you can do it again.

Taking a deep breath, this time Dai Yaochen didn't hold back at all, he fully mobilized his soul power, ready to burst out the strongest white tiger light wave.

And at this moment, a strange scene happened, obviously Dai Yaochen just wanted to use his second soul ability, but the two soul rings on his body lit up at the same time.

"This is... Fusion Ring?!"

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Xingluo was stunned.

This little guy actually has a talent for fusion? !

The light attribute of Wuhun returning to the ancestor awakening, coupled with the talent of fusion ring, this is a big deal.

Such a thought flashed through the mind of Xingluo Patriarch, at the same time, Dai Yaochen launched the white tiger's fierce light wave in the fusion ring state, and hit another stone pier in the martial arts hall, this time it did not emit The loud noise directly annihilated it, and it was obviously stronger than the previous blow. It can be seen from this that the power increase of "Huanhuan" to the soul ability is indeed not small.

However, while "Fusion Ring" increased the power of the soul skill, it also consumed a lot of soul power. This blow directly consumed one-third of Dai Yaochen's soul power.

(End of this chapter)

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