Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 67 The Prestige Shock and the Dinner Party

Chapter 67 The Prestige Shock and the Dinner Party

Just when Hu Liena felt that she had won, Dai Yaochen's eyes suddenly burst into bright purple light.

With the burst of purple light, Hu Liena immediately felt a pricking pain in her mind.

This is... Mental power backlash?

Hu Liena was shocked, she didn't expect that Dai Yaochen's mental power was still higher than hers, directly and roughly broke her charm, and even gave her a spiritual backlash.

In this intense tingling sensation, Hu Liena didn't have time to think about it, so she subconsciously retreated quickly, and at the same time, the fluffy tail behind her also rolled forward.

However, even if she retreated in time, Dai Yaochen's speed was even faster. The next moment, Hu Liena felt as if her neck was being strangled.

But at the same time that Hu Liena's neck was pinched, her fluffy tail also curled into something. Judging from the feeling, it should be in human form. From this point of view, she is not completely passive.

Trying her best to calm her mental sea, it didn't take long for Hu Liena to break free from the backlash of her mental power, and she was finally able to observe the outside world.

It can be seen that Dai Yaochen was wearing a nasty smile at this time, and grabbed his own neck with one hand, while his own fox tail wrapped Dai Yaochen around, and the two of them were in a stalemate.

Seeing that the pink light returned to Hu Liena's eyes, Dai Yaochen suddenly smiled and said, "You have calmed down the backlash so quickly, your mental strength is not bad."

"Are you completely pretending?!" Hu Liena said calmly, "I really underestimated you. Your mental strength is actually stronger than mine!"

"Just teasing you, you don't think you can charm me with just that pretentious look and voice?" Dai Yaochen teased, "Of course, if you do a striptease or something, it will be different , maybe I will really be charmed."

"You?!" Hu Liena's expression turned cold.

"Now you are completely controlled by me." Seeing Hu Liena's angry expression, Dai Yaochen didn't care, but said, "Admit defeat."

"Let me admit defeat?" Hu Liena snorted coldly, curling up Dai Yaochen's fox tail with a little force, "It's not certain who will control who."

"Well, it's so comfortable." Dai Yaochen pretended to be comfortable, "A little more force, your fluffy tail is really comfortable to massage, but if you think you can threaten me with this, That’s really overthinking.”

Dai Yaochen strangled Hu Liena's neck, as long as he wanted to, he could kill Hu Liena at any time.And Hu Liena just wrapped Dai Yaochen around with her fox tail, and she is not the kind of attack-type soul master, so she obviously can't threaten Dai Yaochen's life, so it's obvious who wins and who loses.

"Dai Yaochen." Hu Liena also knew that she had actually lost this round. Although her heart was full of unwillingness, she didn't entangle too much with shamelessness. She just took a deep look at Dai Yaochen, "This time you win , but next time, next time I will definitely win back!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Liena took the initiative to let go of the fox tail that had been wrapping around Dai Yaochen. Seeing this, Dai Yaochen also let go, and did not continue to pinch Hu Liena.

Want to win it back next time?Although this idea is good, it is estimated that there will be no such opportunity in the future.

Dai Yaochen's current cultivation of soul power is on par with Xie Yue and Yan's, that is to say, his soul power level is now higher than Hu Liena's, plus he has eaten immortal herbs, and his future cultivation speed will be absolutely crushed He is from the golden generation, so it is basically impossible for the golden generation to catch up with him, and the gap between them will only become wider and wider.

With Hu Liena's surrender, the discussion at the Star Luo Empire Prince's Canonization Ceremony came to an end. With absolute strength, Dai Yaochen defeated the three members of the golden generation of the Wuhun Hall, which was a good way to establish his prestige. Fan.

In the eyes of many people, even Tang Hao back then might not be as powerful as Dai Yaochen. Now that the Star Luo Empire has produced such a monstrous genius, he can definitely lead the Star Luo Empire to a higher position in the future.

Thinking of this possible situation in the future, all members of the Star Luo Empire present looked excited, while others were inevitably a little worried.

No matter what, when these people dispersed and returned to their homes, Dai Yaochen would be famous in the whole continent, and the title of the number one genius of this generation in Douluo Continent would definitely fall on his head.

The crown prince canonization ceremony was successfully concluded, and the following was a grand dinner held by the Star Luo Empire. Except for the platinum bishop Augustus who left the venue early with Hu Liena and others on the grounds that there were still affairs to be dealt with in the temple, the others Those who watched the ceremony chose to participate.

This kind of grand dinner, the gathering of all major forces, is an excellent opportunity for communication, except for the embarrassment of the Wuhun Palace, no other forces want to miss it.

At this dinner party, Dai Yaochen was the absolute protagonist. Under the introduction of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he had a face-to-face meeting with representatives of all major forces and got to know each other. I have to say that this kind of communication is really tiring.

After chatting with the representative of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, the Minister of Foreign Affairs led Dai Yaochen to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

"His Royal Highness, this is Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and this is Your Majesty Sword Douluo Chen Xinmian." The Minister of Foreign Affairs introduced with a smile, "His Royal Highness met the Heaven Dou mission a month ago. .”

Obviously they had already contacted once in private and reached a deal, but now Ning Fengzhi pretended that these things had never happened, and said: "Today's battle, His Royal Highness's reputation has been greatly shaken, I really congratulate you .”

But Dai Yaochen didn't bother to hide it, and said directly: "Sect Master Ning, I don't know what we talked about a while ago, how are you preparing?"

"The things have been brought." Although Dai Yaochen felt a little speechless when he directly revealed the relationship between them, Ning Fengzhi still said, "As long as His Royal Highness has time, we can trade at any time."

"Oh?" Dai Yaochen said, "Let's do it tonight. After the dinner is over, I will pay a visit to Sect Master Ning. I hope that both of us will be satisfied."

"Your Highness the Crown Prince will not be disappointed." Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded.

Regarding the blatant exchange between the two, the Minister of Foreign Affairs remained calm and unflappable, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Being able to climb to the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs, he knew very well what he had better not know. He didn't listen too much, and he didn't ask too many questions. He just needed to do what he was supposed to do.

After Dai Yaochen finished talking with Ning Fengzhi, he continued to lead Dai Yaochen to meet other people.

(End of this chapter)

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