Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 81 The "killing move" that keeps failing

Chapter 81 The "killing move" that keeps failing

Soon, under the leadership of Dai Yaochen, the army finally came to the deepest part of the Xingchen Gorge. What he saw made him gasp involuntarily, and he no longer cared about the impact of this behavior on climate warming.

At this time, the sky deep in Xingchen Gorge was covered with a layer of black fog that made people feel extremely oppressive. The remaining wolf robbers and Gale Demonic Wolf were waiting here, looking at them viciously.

These did not exceed Dai Yaochen's expectations, but what Dai Yaochen did not expect was that there was actually a sea of ​​bones here, looking around, there were tens of thousands of bones in a white area.

These wolf thieves and Gale Demon Wolf are really evil...

After being surprised for a moment, Dai Yaochen felt a strong killing intent in his heart.

"It's finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, Dai Yaochen noticed a figure in a black robe sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​bones, and beside the figure in the black robe, there were actually three larger wolf robbers and a blaster magic wolf.

Judging from its size, the Gale Demonic Wolf should have reached the ten thousand-year level, and the aura of the three wolf thieves is also close to the level of the soul emperor, so it can be called the king of wolf thieves.

For this, Dai Yaochen was not surprised. Such a large group of wolf thieves and Gale Demonic Wolves obviously couldn't all be ordinary existences. There must be stronger guys among them, but they didn't show up last night.

"Are you the mastermind behind this incident?" Dai Yaochen ignored the expected Wannian Galewind Demon Wolf and Wolf Thief King, but looked at the black robed figure, "Who gave you the courage to dare to fight against us?" The Star Luo Empire engaged in such a thing?!"

"Don't dare to dare, I will do it if I want to, and I don't care about the Star Luo Empire?" The black-robed figure didn't care about Dai Yaochen's questioning, and directly ordered, "Kill them all!"

Following the order from the black-robed figure, these wolf thieves and Galewind demon wolves roared as if a switch had been pressed, and rushed towards the Xingluo army. The wolf thief king and Wannian who had been standing next to the black-robed figure The Gale Demon Wolf also killed them together.

"The whole army is attacking!" Dai Yaochen didn't say anything more, and gave the order for the general attack, and at the same time said to Dugu Yan beside him, "Yanyan!"

Dugu Yan understood it, and immediately, like last night, the first and second soul skills were activated, and the red and blue mist spread, providing a triple boost to the strongest soul master troop on his side.

Soon, the Xingluo army collided with the wolf thief and Gale Demon Wolf.

There is an absolute gap between the two sides in terms of numbers, so at the moment of confrontation, the strong men of the Star Luo army handed over the ordinary wolf robbers and Gale Demonic Wolves to their troops to deal with, and they directly dealt with the strongest wolf. The Pirate King and the Wannian Gale Wind Demon Wolf launched an attack.

Tai Nuo, who was full of muscles all over his body, rushed to the front, surrounded by five soul rings, and slammed his fist hard at the wolf thief king who was closest to him, and the wolf thief king did not dodge or dodge, waving his wolf claws, He directly launched the most positive confrontation with Tai Nuo.

At the moment when the fists and claws met, the blue-haired Wolf Thief King couldn't help trembling. Under the strong force from the opposite side, it backed up uncontrollably for two steps, but Tai Nuo didn't back up at all, instead he bullied himself Come on, prepare to continue the attack.

As a single-attribute soul master with extreme development, Taino's power can even be compared with Zhao Wuji who is more than 70 levels. At this time, although the strength of the Wolf Thief King is also extraordinary, if he only fights for strength, he will not be Taino. opponent.

Not far from Tai Nuo, Niu Ben, who was like a fortress after being possessed by the martial soul, also slammed into the ten thousand year wind wolf.

After the Gale Demon Wolf reached the ten-thousand-year level, its attack power was quite strong, but obviously it was still not enough to break through Niu Ben's defense.

Logically speaking, the wisdom of the ten-thousand-year-old soul beast is no less than that of humans. Seeing that his attack could not break through Niu Ben's defense, this Gale Demonic Wolf should show its advantage in speed, and it is the best policy to keep fighting with Niu Ben , but the current Ten Thousand Years Gale Wind Demon Wolf has completely fallen into madness, irrational, just blindly fighting with Niu Ben.

As for the remaining two wolf thief kings, they were blocked by the sixth-ring soul emperor of the Zhu family and the five-ring squadron leader of the Royal Knights. Demon wolf, from this point of view, the victory of the Star Luo army is only a matter of time.

For the black-robed figure, this battle seemed destined to be lost, but he did not panic in the slightest. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the sea of ​​bones, watching the fight below with great interest, until the number of Gale Demon Wolves who died reached one After a hundred heads, he took action.

It was still the same secret method as last night, the soul rings produced by the death of the hundred Gale Demonic Wolves floated up one after another, gathered in front of the black-robed figure, and began to fuse quickly.

"What is this for?"

Dai Yaochen was also constantly slaughtering those ordinary wolf thieves and Gale Demon Wolf in the army at this time, because these guys did not pose a threat to him, so he also kept some attention, paying attention to the black-robed figure who was the main messenger behind the scenes .

He knew that the black-robed figure was definitely not a fool, since he dared to do something like this, then there was probably someone who could turn the tables, and Dai Yaochen was naturally very vigilant about his actions.

However, the black-robed figure was only controlling the Gale Demon Wolf's soul ring to fuse continuously, which made Dai Yaochen a little confused. He didn't know what the black-robed figure's purpose was for doing so.

"What the hell is he doing?" After activating two large-scale boosting soul skills, Dugu Yan's soul power was exhausted again. Although he took a piece of Longzhi leaf, it was obviously impossible to recover in an instant, so Dai Yaochen kept on Take her with you and protect her.

At this time, Dugu Yan also noticed the movement of the black-robed figure, and said: "It's definitely not a good thing anyway, just interrupt him as soon as possible!"

Dai Yaochen nodded, he knew Dugu Yan was right, and immediately prepared to rush over to interrupt the operation of the black-robed figure.

But at this moment, there was no need for Dai Yaochen to interrupt, the black-robed figure had a problem by itself.

Dai Yaochen saw with his own eyes that the hundreds of soul rings that were continuously fused in front of the black-robed figure collapsed after a violent fluctuation, and a chaotic energy spread out.

"This is...a failure?" Dai Yaochen couldn't figure it out now, he thought that the figure in black robe was preparing some kind of killer move that could turn the tables, but it didn't bother him yet, so why did he have a problem on his own ?
His "ultimate move" seems a bit unreliable.

Just when such a thought flashed through Dai Yaochen's mind, he saw that the black-robed figure captured hundreds of soul rings again, and after doing the same operation, the hundreds of soul rings dissipated again unexpectedly up...

(End of this chapter)

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