Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 86 The Final Victory

Chapter 86 The Final Victory
Generally, only when the compatibility of the martial soul exceeds 50.00%, can the martial soul fusion technique be activated, and when the matching degree of the martial soul reaches [-]%, it is the legendary perfect fusion.

In fact, even the ancestors of the Dai family and the Zhu family who possessed the complete white tiger martial soul and ghost civet martial soul back then, their martial soul compatibility was only 90.00%. Although this is already very high, it is still far from a perfect fusion.

The reason why Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing are able to achieve a [-]% compatibility is that the immortal herbs have played a huge role in it. Only the immortal herbs that transcend the common world can push their martial soul compatibility so unreasonably. to an unprecedented [-]%.

With the current soul power of the two of them, the martial soul fusion skills that they activate can at least reach the level of a soul emperor. On this basis, coupled with such a high degree of compatibility, it can be said that they have completely passed the threshold of a soul sage. Comparable to the power of the soul saint.

At this time, Dai Yaochen, as the main controller of the Nether White Tiger, the martial soul fusion skill, felt very strange.

With Zhu Zhuqing's absolute support, Dai Yaochen only felt that a powerful force was perfectly controlled by him, and the forces of light and darkness that should have been in conflict were also merged together harmoniously at this moment, as if as long as he had a thought, he would be able to Can explode in a certain way.

In the realm of light and darkness, is this the skill of the Nether White Tiger?

A piece of information naturally appeared in Dai Yaochen's mind, and Dai Yaochen suddenly realized this, and immediately activated this skill directly.

It can be seen that the black "King" character on the top of the Youming White Tiger's head and all the black stripes on the whole body erupted with a strong force of darkness, and correspondingly, the Youming White Tiger's pupils and white hair also burst out brightly. white light.

The fusion of light and darkness erupted, and then suddenly spread out, centering on the Nether White Tiger, covering a large area around it.

This turned out to be a domain-like skill!
Within the envelope of the Light and Dark Realm, all forces that do not belong to the Nether White Tiger will be suppressed and annihilated, which can be said to be extremely overbearing.

"Ah!" Suddenly covered by the light and dark realm, and annihilated by the ubiquitous light and dark forces, the evil soul master finally let out an extremely painful scream.

The pitch-black body that was originally condensed by devouring the black mist in the sky, under the annihilation of the light and dark realm, quickly turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated, and the evil soul master recovered the original huge skeleton.

" hurt me so far!" The evil soul master knew that if he continued like this, his condition would only get worse and worse, so he immediately made up his mind, and the huge skeleton that he transformed was facing the ubiquitous light and darkness. The power of annihilation rushed towards the Nether White Tiger.

Sensing that the evil soul master was going to fight with all his strength, Dai Yaochen was unambiguous, and gathered all the remaining strength of the Nether White Tiger into the pair of huge tiger claws, and then directly faced the huge tiger rushing towards him. skeleton.

Nether White Tiger breaks, activate!

The complete Nether White Tiger, a martial soul fusion technique, complements the light and dark attributes, so it has the ability of the light and dark realm, but this does not mean that the original Nether White Tiger Po will disappear.

Strictly speaking, the complete Nether White Tiger is very similar to the Ice and Snow Ice Phoenix of Tianshui Academy. First, it attacks with a wide range of attribute coverage, and then the body explodes with full force. Their martial soul fusion skills can be divided into two parts, so the two It can also be regarded as the same type of martial arts fusion technique.

Of course, although the types are the same, the specific power is different.

When the Nether White Tiger collided with the huge skeleton, the dazzling black and white light erupted, and the entire Xingchen Gorge seemed to be rendered by these two colors. Everyone subconsciously covered their eyes. They also stopped, and all stood in place, not continuing to attack.

"Is this the power of the Nether White Tiger? It's so powerful..." In the distance, feeling the raging light and dark energy, Dugu Yan thought to himself, "Dai Yaochen and the others should have won."

If she can't win, then she really has nothing to say.

Soon, the black and white light that filled the sky dissipated, and the center of the battle between the two sides appeared in front of everyone again.

The huge Nether White Tiger quickly became transparent, and then dissipated directly, replaced by the figures of Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing had exhausted his soul power and passed out, while Dai Yaochen supported her with a pale complexion. Both of them had obviously lost their fighting power now.

On the other hand, the evil soul master had two big holes opened in his huge skeleton body. Countless cracks spread along the two big holes to the surroundings. Immediately there was a loud bang, and the huge skeleton collapsed immediately. broken.

His martial soul avatar was finally broken.

As the martial soul avatar collapsed, the bones controlled by the evil soul master also fell to the ground one after another, and a large number of resentful souls emerged from these bones, and then all rushed towards the evil soul master.


"I am your master, master!"

"How dare you devour the Lord..."

As an evil soul master, it was easy for him to manipulate these resentful souls in his heyday, and he could do whatever he wanted, but playing with souls was a very dangerous act.

Now that his Martial Soul Avatar was broken and he was also severely injured, these resentful souls naturally escaped his control, and driven by strong resentment, they gave him the most terrifying backlash.

Under the devouring of a large number of resentful souls, the shrill voice of the evil soul master stopped quickly, and was directly swallowed up.

And after the evil soul masters were completely wiped out and their vengeance was avenged, the dark mist around these resentful souls also faded away, one after another showed a dazed look, and immediately dissipated in the sky and the earth.

"If you do too much unrighteousness, you will die." Seeing that everything was settled, Dai Yaochen finally let go of his worries.

But no matter how tortuous the process was, they won in the end.

"we won?"

"The enemy is dead?"

"We have won! We have won!"

The Xingluo army formed an formation to resist the impact of a large number of bones before, and they were already a little numb. Now that the battle is over, they didn't react for a while, and after a moment of stupefaction, they shouted excitedly.

They won, they kept at it, and survived to the end.

"His Royal Highness, and miss, are you alright?" the Zhu Family Soul Emperor hurriedly ran up to him and asked.

"We're fine." Dai Yaochen said that he and Zhu Zhuqing had no problem, and said at the same time, "Order the army to clean up the battlefield."

(End of this chapter)

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