Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 88 The Imperial Palace

Chapter 88 Returning to the Palace
Seeing Emperor Zhu's Soul leave, Tai Nuo and Niu Ben couldn't help but look at each other, and said to Dai Yaochen: "Your Highness, then we will bring people back to the sect."

"Wait." Dai Yaochen immediately stopped them, "It's fine for the Zhu family to contribute a little bit regardless of the credit, but the [-] people from the Siji Sect have been tossing with me for so many days, and they also encountered evil soul masters during the period. I can't let you go for nothing like this."

"It's good that His Royal Highness has this kind of heart..."

Regarding Dai Yaochen's words, Niu Ben felt relieved in his heart, and subconsciously declined, but Dai Yaochen interrupted his words with a wave of his hand.

"There's no need to refuse too much." Dai Yaochen smiled, "This incident can definitely give you two titles."

"After nearly a year of development in the Star Luo Empire, you should have discovered that our place is different from the Heaven Dou Empire. The power of the country is more concentrated, so it is very good to have a serious official status."

"If the two of you have imperial titles, it will be very beneficial to the future development of Siji Sect. At least you will never be rejected by any local forces in the future."

Dai Yaochen has been promoting the integration of the Siji Sect into the Star Luo Empire. Before that, he arranged for the disciples of the Siji Sect to enroll in the Star Luo Royal Academy, and almost completed the integration of the lower levels. The title of the Star Luo Empire is basically considered to have completed the integration of the middle and upper classes.

At that time, Sijizong will truly be regarded as Dai Yaochen's own.

Hearing that Dai Yaochen wanted to get a title for him, Taino immediately hesitated, he couldn't stand all kinds of rules and regulations, and was ready to refuse immediately, but Niu Ben who was beside him hastily stabbed him a few times with his elbow, and at the same time She winked a few times to signal him not to talk nonsense.

Unlike Tai Nuo, who has a carefree personality and doesn't care about trifles, although Niu Ben has a burly figure and looks like a reckless man, he is a person with a clear heart.

As soon as he heard that he could get a title, Niu Ben reacted. He knew what it meant to Sijizong, so he directly dismissed the idea of ​​refusal just now, and told Tai Nuo not to refuse.

"Since His Royal Highness has said this, it would be a bit hypocritical for us to decline." Niu Ben smiled and cupped his hands at Dai Yaochen, "It's just that I'm afraid His Royal Highness will be troubled."

"No trouble." Dai Yaochen shook his head, "With your achievements in this battle, it's not a problem to confer two titles, you deserve it."

In fact, as long as a powerful soul master is willing to join the country, the country will confer titles on him, not to mention Tai Nuo and Niu Ben who have military exploits.

Soon, Tai Nuo and Niu Ben asked the disciples under their command to go back to the sect to clarify the situation, and then the two of them followed Dai Yaochen into the palace to meet Dai Tianyu, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

Dai Tianyu was dealing with government affairs at this time, and he had already received the news of the prince's return, so when Dai Yaochen came to him with Tai Nuo and Niu Ben, he didn't have any surprises, but asked straightforwardly: "Tell me, What is the situation? What happened to that evil soul master?"

"The general situation has already been explained in the battle report." Dai Yaochen had already prepared the draft, and now faced with Dai Tianyu's question, he immediately said, "All this is the conspiracy of that evil soul master."

"That evil soul master has the ability to manipulate souls and corpses, so he deliberately sent out the wolf thieves he raised in captivity to invade the three cities in southern Xinjiang. The purpose should be to attract our army to encircle and suppress, and want to wipe out our army. , so as to obtain more souls and corpses."

"This time is indeed very dangerous. In the case of serious discrepancies in the information, our army's strength is still very insufficient. If it weren't for Tai Nuo and Niu Ben from the Siji Sect to lead the sect disciples to help each other to the death, and in the end, Zhuqing and I The erupting Nether White Tiger smashed the spirit avatar of the evil soul master, causing him to die under the backlash, and there is a real possibility that our army will be completely wiped out by the evil soul master."

"Once our army is completely wiped out, that evil soul master will get nearly [-] souls and bones. The southern border of the empire may fall in an instant, and the situation will be unimaginable."

Listening to Dai Yaochen's narration, combined with the previous battle report sent by the army, Dai Tianyu can already imagine how critical the situation was at that time.

"Encountered such a big change, the prince was able to save the army in the end, and even killed the evil soul master who was behind the scenes. He did a very good job." Dai Tianyu nodded, then turned to look at Tai Nuo and Niu Ben, "There is also the Siji sect. Since the Siji sect has contributed a lot this time, I will not treat you badly."

"Our sects are all in the Star Luo Empire, and it is our duty to contribute to the country." Tai Nuo and Niu Ben said immediately.

"You can't say that, even if it's your duty, it's true that Sijizong has done a great favor to the empire." Dai Tianyu smiled, "Well, I want to use this credit to confer the title of earl on the two of you, I don't know what you want how?"

Without Dai Yaochen asking, Dai Tianyu took the initiative to talk about conferring the title.

As the emperor of the Xingluo Empire, Dai Tianyu had actually noticed the Siji Sect in Xingluo City a long time ago. Ji Zong was pulled to the Star Luo Empire's chariot, but there was no good entry point before, and he could only subtly change it through continuous support.

Now that Tai Nuo and Niu Ben have made contributions to the Star Luo Empire, Dai Tianyu can just take this opportunity to confer titles on them, thus deepening the relationship with the Siji Sect.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Dai Yaochen had agreed with Tai Nuo and Niu Ben when Dai Yaochen was at the gate of the palace, so as soon as Dai Tianyu mentioned it, they agreed directly and expressed their gratitude to Dai Tianyu.

There is no problem with both sides, so the matter of conferring the title is considered settled, and the connection between the Star Luo Empire and the Siji Sect has deepened a lot.

The lower-level disciples were admitted to the Xingluo Royal Academy, and the upper-level staff also accepted the title of the Xingluo Empire. It can be said that the Siji Sect is completely regarded as one of their own, which made Dai Yaochen have some ideas about the Siji Sect.

Since he is one of his own people, then those real resources can be tilted towards the Siji sect. Dai Yaochen is really planning to support the Siji sect, so that in the future he will even have a soul master army under his command.

This trip to encircle and suppress wolves and robbers made Dai Yaochen deeply realize the gap between soul master troops and ordinary troops, especially the extreme soul master troops like Sijizong, even if the number is small, they can play an important role on the battlefield is extremely huge.

(End of this chapter)

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