Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 1 The Dangerous Wilderness

Chapter 1 The Dangerous Wilderness

Dayan Dynasty, Xing'an County, Weizhuang Village.

There are towering peaks on all sides, majestic and majestic, and close to the wilderness, it is almost a primitive world.


"This body is unimaginably strong, and it seems to contain endless power." Wei Long took a cold shower without changing his expression.

The temperature in the morning is very low, just like the late autumn morning in the world he used to live in.

But now this body is really high-quality and full of vitality. It is by no means comparable to the body that became obese due to great pressure after working for many years in the previous life.The hair volume is also quite amazing, black and rich.

Wei Long exhaled lightly, and according to the memory in his mind, he ran towards the training ground in the center of the village. His home was not close to the southwest corner of the village.

Running faster and faster, like a runaway wild horse, the momentum is amazing, and the blood is rushing all over the body.

"This is really a world with extraordinary power. According to the information in memory, to be precise, this is a world where great power belongs to oneself!" Wei Long can take nearly one foot in one step, which is by no means inferior to national track and field athlete.

And his strength can only be considered indecent in the village now.

When he first arrived in a strange world, Wei Long carefully observed and understood everything around him.

The golden morning glow breaks the golden streamer, and a gorgeous world of radiance is reflected on the vast water surface of Daze, which is magnificent and beautiful, with infinite scenery.

Weizhuang Village is an inconspicuous small village on the southern border of the Dayan Dynasty.

The way of life is close to primitive, and people live in thatched huts. Only those with serious occupations in the village can afford to live in stone houses. Most people live in mud huts that are thatched mixed with yellow mud.

There are already many people on the disc-shaped practice field rammed with earth and rocks.

According to the information in his mind, Wei Long greeted some acquaintances, and then he went to the corner and punched like everyone else.

Today the hunting team rests, and it usually takes about ten days to have a day off.

Collective hunting in the village is also a joint distribution of prey. Only people like village chiefs, pharmacists, and blacksmiths have a certain amount of private wealth accumulation.

When the hunting team is resting, the village head will take on the task of teaching the villagers to practice and enlightening some young children, and will also deal with some things in public at this time.

With the arrival of a big man, many people slowed down their movements.

The big man was more than two meters tall, his upper body was naked, his whole body was full of muscles, and his veins throbbed like a boa constrictor.

This is the head of Weizhuang Village, the only one who is strong in the wheel of life——Wei Shengjun.

Seeing that the number of people was about the same, the village chief stood on a high platform and said, "Practitioners exercise their qi and blood to exchange blood and wash their marrow, then refine their qi and blood to create Shenxi, and finally ignite their life fire. This is called moving blood, Shenxi, The three steps of life and fire are also the first three steps to formally enter the door of cultivation!"

Wei Long listened quietly.

Qianxue, Shenxi, and Minghuo are the first three steps to formally step into the door of cultivation.

The original body was in the middle stage of blood transfer, and it was still far away from refining Shen Xi from the blood and bone marrow, and it was even more distant from igniting the fire of life.

As for the subsequent realms of life wheel, golden elixir, gods and demons, etc., they are only in legends.

In contrast, Wei Shengjun, the village head, has already completed these three levels, and has truly stepped into the door of cultivation. He is a strong man in the wheel of life.

For Weizhuang Village to survive on the border of the Great Yan Dynasty, in this place close to the wilderness, the protection of the village head is absolutely indispensable.

Wei Shengjun imparts cultivation knowledge on the high platform, which is one of his responsibilities.

He once served in the Iron Army of the Dayan Dynasty, and served as the head of Weizhuang Village after retiring.

The village is the smallest administrative unit of the Dayan Dynasty. Weizhuang Village is located on the border of the Dayan Dynasty, with half a foot in the wilderness. The main force resisting the wild beasts is the frontier army of the Dayan Dynasty and those big sects.

Weizhuang Village is just a wedge, or a spark.

As long as Weizhuang Village exists, there will be traces of civilization within a radius of tens of miles, and the boundaries of the Great Wilderness will be clarified.

And there are tens of thousands of villages like Weizhuang Village around the Dayan Dynasty. They may not be as prosperous and powerful as the legendary cities, but they are also indelible sparks.

Listening to the words of the village chief on stage, Wei Long quickly grasped a few key words.Combined with the memory in his mind, his face couldn't help but become heavy.

As the saying goes, where there is blood, there must be competition. The Great Wilderness is an unknowable place. Dangers are everywhere, and there are wild beasts. On the edge of the Great Wilderness, only by constantly strengthening yourself can you not be afraid of danger.

The desolate beasts are ferocious and unparalleled, and some of them are condensed with true blood, have extremely powerful treasure bones, and some pure-blooded desolate beasts have their own treasure skills.

Humans feed on the blood of wild beasts, and vice versa, depending on which one is stronger and weaker.

Weizhuang Village is like an isolated island, far away from the city. The nearest city, Julu City, is thousands of miles to the south, far away.Moreover, Julu City has a single function and is a military barrier.

Several villages near the village are also tens of miles away.

The wilderness is boundless, and the area of ​​this world is countless times that of the earth.

"Even if Julu City can withstand more than [-]% of the wild beasts, everything here is not easy, not to mention that Yuanchen's father was seriously injured and died during the hunting." Wei Long was in a bad mood.


The temptation of extraordinary power, what is it in the face of the threat of death!
Not to mention the country where Wei Long was the number one in maintaining stability before crossing, even the country of the United States, where gun battles are fought every day, is better than here.

Wei Long felt a little bitter in his heart.

He dreamed that he was back in the high school class, and he woke up with a fright.When I opened my eyes, I found that I was in a thatched cottage, not the familiar one-bedroom that was somewhat crowded.

When he realized that he had traveled through time, a large number of memories surged out from the depths of his still-awake mind.Wei Long simply rolled his eyes, stared at his legs, and passed out in a daze.

After waking up, he hurried to the training ground, and then realized the danger of the environment he was in.

Some fear!

Of course, there is also good news.

Wei Long woke up early in the morning and washed himself with Daze water, and found that although he looked different from his previous life, he was still handsome, with starry eyes and sword eyebrows, coupled with the spirit of long-term cultivation, he had an extraordinary temperament.

However, there is also a lot of bad news.

Yuanben's father was seriously injured and died in a hunting team in his early years. Later, his mother also remarried and died unexpectedly.Both of his parents died, and he was brought up by a fortune teller since he was a child.And two years ago, when Wei Long was able to take care of himself, the fortune teller left without saying goodbye.

This also means that Wei Long has no one to rely on and can only rely on himself.

"This world is too dangerous."

Wei Long flashed all kinds of thoughts, and he forced himself to recover when he saw that the village chief was going to perform martial arts.

"Let me practice the Bahuang Town Prison Fist again!" Wei Shengjun made the Bahuang Town Prison Fist.

Hearing the words "Bahuang Town Prison Fist", everyone was shocked.

Wei Long cheered up too.

Bahuang Town Prison Fist is a powerful technique learned by the village chief when he served in the army. It can move Qi and blood. It is a very powerful training boxing method, which is enough to complete the three steps of moving blood, Shenxi, and Minghuo.

There is even a slight possibility of stepping into the door of cultivation and breaking through the realm of life wheel!

"Practitioners must continuously strengthen their qi and blood, and wait until the blood is moved and Shen Xi is consummated, then the fire of life can be ignited, and finally they can form the wheel of life and truly step on the road of cultivation!"

The village head emphasized again that his body was boiling with qi and blood, and his whole body became domineering and terrifying, showing the majesty of a strong man in the wheel of life.

"In fact, the Wheel of Fate realm is just the beginning, and there will be other realms such as Golden Elixir, God Demon, God Demon King and so on. The legendary powerhouses are even able to survive the golden body, and it is no problem to burn the sky and boil the sea!"

Wei Long stared at the village chief, absorbed the knowledge vigorously, kept controlling his breathing, and followed Wei Shengjun's fist movements.

Fist and kick with whistling wind.

The first step of cultivation is to transfer Qi and blood, the whole body is boiling, and to complete the transfer of blood, one needs to refine the whole body of Qi and blood. The second step is to refine Shenxi from the blood and bone marrow, and slowly cover all parts of the body.

Only after removing blood and Shen Xi can the next step of cultivation - ignite the fire of life.

"Wei Long, you are almost 16 years old! According to the fortune teller and the rules of the village, it is time for you to join the hunting team." Wei Shengjun came to Wei Long after practicing the "Bahuang Town Prison Boxing" for everyone .

Remind Wei Long to join the hunting team.

"Master the village head." Wei Long's complexion changed, and he felt bitter in his heart, so he had to ask, "I want to wait, there is still one month before I turn 16, and I should be able to improve my strength."

The original body's father was seriously injured and died in it. Obviously, the hunting team has a lot of risks, and it is very unwise to rashly join it.

At the very least, give yourself a buffer and time to adapt to the new environment.

Wei Shengjun didn't seem to expect Wei Long to answer like this. He was a little surprised, and gave him a meaningful look, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and reminded: "Don't delay until the last day, or you won't even have time to prepare."

Later, Wei Shengjun announced a message: "From tomorrow, Wei Tianhu will join the hunting team and enter the battle reserve group."

Many adults were a little surprised to hear the news. Wei Tianhu is the son of Wei Shengjun, and he is still 16 years old. This means he joined the hunting team ahead of time.

I don't know what came to mind, some well-informed villagers thought about it.

The village has the responsibility to raise the villagers until they are 16 years old and impart knowledge about cultivation. This is also the rule established by the Department of Desolation of the Dayan Dynasty.

But at the age of 16 to fulfill their obligations, most people will join the hunting team and serve at least ten years in it.

In fact, besides the risks, joining a hunting team has many benefits. You can get the prey first and get a lot of meat for cultivation. Excellent fighters can easily find wives.

Wei Shengjun continued: "Wei Heitie, Wei Wenbao and other young people will also join in."

Hearing this, Wei Long looked enviously at the group of people at the front.

The leader was a square-looking young man with vigorous energy and blood like a tiger's cub. He looked very powerful. It was Wei Tianhu, the son of Wei Shengjun.

Wei Tianhu was surrounded by many people, and that group of young people was the one whose name Wei Shengjun had read out just now.It can be clearly seen that these people have gone further than Wei Long himself in moving blood.

In fact, this small group is all descendants of people of high standing in the village.

"It seems that I missed an opportunity." Only then did Wei Long understand that Wei Shengjun's question just now was not simple.

It might be safer for Wei Long to join now than later.

After all, it is still a question of strength.

This world is high-risk, and you have to join the hunting team as soon as you cross the border, and one month is the deadline. The village head Wei Shengjun's reminder is not unreasonable. It is not a good thing to delay until the end.

"If I can transfer blood to Consummation, naturally I don't have to worry too much."

Wei Long analyzed in his heart: "But now, joining the small group formed by the village chief's son rashly may not be taken seriously. It's better to take advantage of the last month to improve your strength."

Improving strength is a top priority and must be put on the agenda.

Wei Long looked into the distance with a little confusion. Before he knew it, the sky had already brightened, and the rising sun was blocked by hazy clouds. However, billions of rays of light will eventually sweep across the clouds, and the warm sun is irresistible!

(End of this chapter)

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