Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 104 "Practice the Second Theorem"

Chapter 104 "Cultivating the Second Theorem" (for subscription)
These crystallizations of divine power sublimated by the upper gods themselves are first-class treasures, and they contain their own perception of their own original power.

In the few months when Wei Long became a true biography and strengthened his own inheritance, he turned over the core classics of Caiyun Chuangong Hall.

Among them is the comparison between the cultivation path of the human race and the cultivation path of the Pantheon.

The human race's path of cultivation is from qi and blood, Shenxi, and life fire, three steps from the mortal body to the threshold of the extraordinary creation.

Comprehend the true meaning of the shape, from the virtual to the real, open up the life wheel to condense the life mark, and transform the extraordinary power into form, and then continue to refine the life mark, pure magic.

to a certain extent.

Break the wheel of life, open up the palace of life, form the golden core, and naturally comprehend the meaning of "combination", and then transform the god into form.

If you first comprehend the meaning of "combination", you will step into the taboo, and the condensed golden core will be stronger.

After that, it is to strengthen Danyun, comprehend the "Linglong True Meaning", achieve the body of the gods and demons, and survive the catastrophe of the gods and demons.

The cultivation path of the human race is getting more and more difficult step by step.

Cultivation is a struggle against the ordinary self, and every step is a trek to a more mysterious world, which is a retrograde road.

so difficult.

And the Pantheon is not as simple as rumored.

Because of the secret technique mastered by the Pantheon, using the blood of the upper gods to cleanse the mortal body saves all the accumulations before the extraordinary.

The three steps of Qi and Blood, Shenxi, and Minghuo were missing.

It seems natural and simple, but the acquisition of every kind of power cannot be said to be simple.

Becoming a descendant of a god can be achieved overnight, but the subsequent cultivation still requires continuous comprehension by oneself.

the difference is.

The ways of the human monks are cultivated by themselves, and they also practice the "Bahuang Town Prison Boxing", and there are still differences in the subtleties.

What's more, among the human race, there are also some secret techniques such as the "spiritual introduction method".

Completely based on the foundation of practitioners, create a path that belongs to you alone.

Pantheon entrusts all the difficulties in the early stage to a drop of divine blood.

The foundation of oneself is forged from this drop of divine blood.

It's like a piece of dough directly kneaded by a strong man.

Become a descendant of a god in one step, and have cultivation base, but what about mentality?

The reason why some descendants and sons of gods of the Pantheon think highly of themselves, and even look down on ordinary people, is mostly because of the short-term expansion of their strength.

However, everything I have comes from divine blood!
in other words.

If the human race is strong in the gods and demons, he can also use his own blood to change the foundation of the younger generation, and he can quickly achieve the wheel of life.

It's just that this kind of path is just repeating the old path, and it doesn't conform to the way of cultivation to transcend the sea of ​​suffering.

This is just a shallower level of cognition.

Going deeper to discern the source of power, there is still a difference.

The human race is my main power, and then I go to chase after it. I and the power become one, perfect and wishful, and embrace the original and keep the one.

The Pantheon is the power that governs me, and then to understand my own blood, it is me to fit the power, and finally to achieve the fusion of me and the power.

It's just that the human race must understand it when the golden core is achieved, while the pantheon must be delayed until it becomes the upper god.

There are differences between the two, but also the same.

Because the road leads to the same goal.

Pantheon can continue to expand, there is definitely something to be desired.

The path of Pantheon cultivation is really simple.

A genius like Wei Long who walks the road of perfection and detachment has comprehended the "meaning of harmony" in advance. If he took the path of the Pantheon, he would have been able to break through the upper god, condense his divine body, and survive the thunder disaster.

But what if some people, after becoming descendants of gods, find that the blood they choose is not suitable for them?
The path of human cultivation can be rebuilt, but there is no such thing as the path of the Pantheon.

Generally speaking, the Pantheon can be at the same level as the Human Race in terms of cultivation, but in terms of state of mind, it is often a level behind.

of course.

There are peerless geniuses among the human race, and there are also some geniuses in the Pantheon. Some geniuses who are incomparably compatible with their own divine blood and the gods, or geniuses who have amazing insights, can innovate, completely grasp the roots of their own divine blood, and walk out of their own paths. Geniuses also exist.

It's just that there are fewer human races.

Because if one's own talent is strong enough, why take shortcuts?
The cultivation path of the Pantheon is to first determine the foundation early, and then move forward within it.

It saves trouble in the early stage, but it will suffer a lot in the later stage due to lack of training in the early stage.

But because one step is in place in the early stage, a lot of time is saved. It really depends on the individual who is stronger or weaker.

"The Pantheon is not taken by the strong, and more is the thunder point that may exist in the gift of divine blood. From the perspective of human cultivation, I will give you a trace of Danyun. You have refined it, but you still have my breath , I can detonate it at any time."

Wei Long saw it very clearly.

Whether it is the human race or the Pantheon, the power itself is not evil, and each has its own shortcomings and advantages.

As for Wei Long, he often labeled the Pantheon as evil, just for his own convenience.

Of course, he would not admit this statement.

The Pantheon road is just not advisable!hum!
Wei Long pinched the divine power crystal.

This crystal of divine power contains Xie Dong's own perceptions about the source of pure power, divine power, the original power of the Scorpio clan, and so on.

How could it be easy for someone to become a strong highgod?
This crystal cannot be condensed by powerfully killing Xie Dong. It will only appear if he sublimates his own perception and purifies the blood of God and everything else.

"If some practitioners with poisonous supernatural powers get it, it will really make a lot of money."

This is what made Wei Long hesitate.

He has been using the divine blood all the time, and he has taken it orally. His stomach is super strong, and there is an extra barrier. He does not directly refine it to avoid polluting his own magic, or polluting the blood.

Wei Long has always done this.

What he coveted was never the perception of the original power of a certain god race contained in the blood of the gods.

In Wei Long's view, the sentiments of those descendants of gods are rubbish.

Even if the divine blood comes from the upper god, it is garbage.

How could he be as strong as his 'Zi Ji Ba Huang'.

Even the initial 'Ultimate Power' completely exploded the opponent.

On the pure side of strength, how confident is it!

Wei Longtu is about nutrition and metamorphosis factors.

It's just that Xie Dong gave Wei Long a big gift.

This crystallization of divine power is really a treasure, especially the original power of the Scorpio protoss.

A high god's perception of the way of poisonous power, "I exchange this with a poisonous supernatural cultivator. I am afraid that the strong in the gods and demons would rather give up all their wealth and exchange it. After all, the stones of other mountains can attack jade, but there is a possibility There is a pit."

Wei Long felt that he could not harm others.

Xie Dong simply died and left behind this crystal of divine power, obviously trying to induce Wei Long to refine it, which also shows Xie Yun's confidence in the crystal of divine power.

Traditional alchemy and weapon refining secret techniques are difficult to clear the traps inside.

A bad one will transform into a Scorpio protoss.

"Forget it, whoever will go to hell if I don't go to hell!" Wei Long put the crystal of divine power into his mouth.

In an instant.

Explode directly.

The endless body energy is violently transported, all the essence of a high god, or the crystallization of divine power that he wants to actively sublimate, completely detonated.

In layman's terms.

Xie Dong's approach is like the gods in some games Wei Long played in his previous life, who voluntarily condensed his divine power, godhead, and priesthood, just to let the enemies who killed him follow his path.

In order to worry about harming others, Wei Long absorbed divine power orally, allowing the inner perception and restraint to dissipate.

"The stamina is quite strong!" Wei Long felt his back itching, as if he was about to grow a scorpion tail.

He directly suppressed the mysteries of "Purple Extreme and Eight Desolation", and allowed a lot of related perceptions to dissipate, only absorbing nutrients and the transformation factors in them.

If Xie Dong saw it, he would go crazy immediately.

This is a waste of money, and it will be punished by God!

The most precious crystallization of divine power is comprehension, that is the comprehension of a high god!

He didn't expect Wei Long to give up so simply, this is naked strength!

Wei Long's whole body became fatter and fatter, reaching the size of a foot, but fortunately the attic was big enough, otherwise he would have exploded directly.

"This feeling is really wonderful, incomparably wonderful!"

Wei Long swallowed the sugar coating and threw away the shells. The bone inscriptions in his body suddenly disappeared and merged with blood, bone marrow, and viscera.

Bone Inscriptions: Dacheng Bone Inscriptions [Dacheng]

Wei Long knew that the Vigorous Bone Inscription had reached the extreme. Under the influence of the transformation factor of a high god, although he had not yet condensed the body of the god and demon, he already had a trace of the power of the Vigorous God and Demon, "strength increase It has reached [-]%. What is even more terrifying is the change in physique."

Wei Long clenched his fists. After the bone inscription has been completed, he doesn't need to use any treasures at all, as he contains endless power.

Wei Long's heart moved, "In other words, this can be equivalent to my innate treasure technique."

"Different routes lead to the same goal, isn't this the way of strength?" Wei Long took out the divine blood of Tiangou and the divine blood of Huoyun, and swallowed them in one gulp, without the need for miraculous suppression.

With his physique, he completely ignored the factor that wanted to lure him into distortion.

"The Holy Market Scripture has been improved enough!"

Wei Long silently sensed that the body energy accumulated at this moment is enough to improve the "Sacred Ruins", or to make the "Black Territory Broken Stars" go one step further from "reaching the peak".

All the energy of a highgod, "If I add some points now, I am afraid that I will directly comprehend the 'Linglong True Meaning', and I should be [-]% sure that the thunder disaster will come."

"After adding points, there is not much energy left in the body, that is to say, there is still [-]% that may be gray."

"No hurry, no hurry." Not to mention, thinking about it this way, Wei Long became calm again.


If you are not 100% sure, you will never survive the thunder disaster!

"I have the feeling that after Dali's bone inscriptions are completed, it will be more difficult to transform into new bone inscriptions in a direct way."

"Besides, can I be called Hercules now?" Wei Long felt the continuous ups and downs of countless bone inscriptions in his body, and another thought came to him.

On the road of strength, Wei Long has always maintained a thirst for knowledge.

At the end of the power, it seems that there are more and more commonalities, but the differences are also very obvious.

That is, who is the master of power?
"It's me!!" Wei Long smiled confidently.

Xie Dong underestimated Wei Long's character, those perceptions about power are really precious, even to a certain extent, the most precious thing in the crystallization of divine power is perception.

But Wei Long abandoned him like a shoe.

And this is why Wei Long continues to be strong!
Adding points just gave him a door, but how much light can bloom depends on Wei Long's heart.

So what?Not my strength, I don't want it!

No matter how good it is, it's just chocolate-flavored shit!

Xie Dongqiang?Not even a punch.

This is Wei Long's confidence in his own path.

Wei Long took out the book of black iron, and after practicing the first theorem, he made a supplement, "'A wave of flow + points = invincible', only by understanding the essence of power and distinguishing between universality and particularity, can we grasp power , Only then can we have a lofty heart! My strength is not that I have no way to go, but that I have chosen this path! When I choose this path, even a muddy road can become a road to the sky!"

Krypton gold + points = strong.

A wave of flow + points = invincible.

"What an exciting formula, what a simple formula." Wei Long admired it, and couldn't help but be infatuated.

Being strong to invincible is a very large span, and the summary of "a wave of flow" is also the road perfected through countless battles.

It was already bright outside the window, and the sun was high, before Wei Long realized that it should be time to inspect the mine deposits, and it was also the end of this mission.

(End of this chapter)

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