Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 12 Convinced

Chapter 12 Convinced (recommended)

It seemed like a long time had passed, but in fact it was only a short while from the attack of the flying python to when everyone reacted, and then to Wei Long beheading the flying python.

Even the corpse of the flying python was still convulsing.

It was long dead, but still twitching.

Wei Long flicked the blood on the simple knife, strode up to Wei Tianhu, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Your courage to respond on the spot deserves my respect. We had a little misunderstanding before, but I want to use your I will definitely not hold on to my heart."


Wei Long took the initiative to take a step back and took this opportunity to reconcile with Wei Tianhu.There was not much grievance between the two, at most it was just a battle of fame.

When he was in school, Wei Long understood a truth, the environment around him is very important.

Maintaining a good relationship with teachers and classmates around you is the basis for a smooth study. If you don’t like the teacher or quarrel with the same table all day long, let alone study, every minute you stay in school is a kind of torture.

When he went to university, he understood the meaning of the words "like-minded and united" more, and when he joined the work and began to choose friends independently, he became more and more convinced of it.

The same principle applies to cultivation.

Wei Long already has a plan for his future cultivation, and before implementing this plan, it is best to end the grievances with Wei Tianhu, so that he can have more energy to do what he wants to do.

Instead of wasting time on the so-called 'young first' such boring names.

For this reason, Wei Long can take the initiative to take a step back.

If you can't destroy your enemy, you might as well turn your enemy into a friend.

Of course, if Wei Tianhu didn't know what was going on, Wei Long's eyes flashed a faint light, quietly waiting for Wei Tianhu's reply.

Seeing Wei Long striding forward, Wei Tianhu couldn't help but move his butt backwards for some reason, but he didn't want to affect the injury on his body, so he could only grin in pain.

When Wei Long stretched out his hand and heard what Wei Long said, Wei Tianhu was even more stunned.

"You are the real genius. Not only is your strength far superior to mine, but your heart is also much inferior to mine."

Wei Long's voluntary retreat, coupled with his previous life-saving grace, made Wei Tianhu feel ashamed after he came back to his senses.

He hurriedly grabbed Wei Long's hand, stood up, and then saw the smiling face beside him. In the setting sun, Wei Long seemed to be shining like a heaven and man, and his expression once again completely impressed Wei Tianhu.

Full of apology, he said: "I have always been proud and complacent. If I could learn from your humility and broad-mindedness, I would not only focus on the so-called false name."

"Actually, you are already very powerful."

Wei Long handed over Wei Tianhu to the later logistics doctors and nurses to deal with the injuries, and Wei Long took the initiative to help Wei Heitie and Wei Wenbao who were swept away by the tail of the flying python one by one.

Among these people, Wei Tianhu was the most seriously injured. He, who suffered the heaviest impact of the flying python, was seriously injured. However, practitioners have very strong physical fitness, and they should be able to recover within a few days of cultivation.

As for people like Wei Heitie and Wei Wenbao, their injuries were relatively minor, but they felt a little lost in their agitation.

Mingming thought he was a real fighter, but he behaved unbearably when faced with fierceness, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

Wei Shengjun saw his son and Wei Long smile away their grievances, and he, who already knew the twists and turns, felt a little complicated.

How big is this village.

He is also the strongest, it can be said that the whole village is attached to him, it is difficult to hide anything from him.

Seeing that Wei Long saved his son, he was happy, but when he thought of the strength Wei Long had shown, he felt a little worried, and seeing Wei Long handle the conflict with his son maturely, his mood became more complicated.

"here you go!"

Wei Shengjun suppressed the emotions in his heart, ignored Wei Daqing, who pleaded guilty, and came to Wei Long first, and he patted Wei Long on the shoulder, seemingly very relieved.

"I just did what I should do." Wei Long was in a good mood, very humble.

Resolving the conflict with Wei Tianhu's small group means that there will be fewer troubles in the future, at least it won't be too embarrassing to be in the preparatory battle group,

After a few words of encouragement from Wei Long, Wei Shengjun came to Wei Tianhu, who was being treated by the medical staff, and said, "It is my son who can not back down at such a moment!"

"But I still can't stop the flying python's blow." Wei Tianhu spat out two mouthfuls of blood, his tone was still as strong as before.

Wei Shengjun smiled, "Don't worry, you will become stronger step by step."

Wei Shengjun went to the frightened young men of Wei Wenbao again, and comforted him: "Don't be embarrassed, your strength is lower than that of the flying python, and you are naturally suppressed by its fierce power. If you don't run away under such circumstances, it means that you have grown up. !"

"Master Village Chief!" Wei Shengjun's compliment finally regained their confidence.

Then the people from the first-line brigade finally arrived. Many people in the hunting team were related, and it was a comfort to find their own children or brothers.

This time the attack of the flying python took advantage of a loophole and almost caused a catastrophe.

Wei Long also received a lot of thanks, and he was also invited to be a guest at home.

In the eyes of everyone, Flying Mang was aiming at their juniors, but Wei Long could feel that Flying Mang was going to kill Wei Tianhu, the worst result would be Wei Tianhu's death, and Wei Daqing rushed to kill Fei Mang.

Of course Wei Long wouldn't say much.

Frankly accepted a lot of gratitude, and he was completely integrated into the village.

Night fell again.

The night sky of the Great Wilderness is dotted with stars, and the big pot in the center of the village is boiling wild beast meat. The flying python that died in Wei Long's hands is a female, and its strength is at Shenxi's mid-stage level.

And the male that was hunted by the first-line brigade was far more powerful than the female, at least it was the strongest level under the life wheel.

Blessed are the children once again, the little doll is boiled in medicinal soup, and it is very rare to be able to bathe with the true blood of this powerful wild beast.

"Wei Long made a great contribution today!" Wei Shengjun cut off a large piece of flying python meat for Wei Long, which was the largest piece of meat Wei Long had ever obtained.


Many members of the hunting team who witnessed Wei Long beheading the flying python roared together.

This is an affirmation of Wei Long's strength. He is just 16 years old, but he has such a strong strength, and he is calm and stable, which deserves everyone's admiration.

Wei Long was also polite, and ate the nearly one hundred catties of flying python meat.

The energy in his body has already been exhausted because of adding points to improve his strength. At this moment, he has been supplemented with a large amount of qi and blood. He is shaking his head when he eats it. He is sweating all over his body due to the heat. It's a lot of fun.

The pale golden color of Shen Xi surged within her body, and her terrifying aura rose little by little.

Constantly refining and strengthening, there are faint traces of Shen Xi's condensation.

"This kid is getting stronger and stronger!" Many people saw this scene, and Wei Long's strength was not weaker than those hunting team elders.

After eating and drinking enough, Wei Long got nearly a hundred catties of cooked flying python meat. What he ate before and the last thing he got was the more powerful male flying python.

Wei Long accepted it frankly.

He deserved all of this today, even though he just killed Fei Mang with a single blow, the painstaking effort he put in is invisible to others.

After this accident, Wei Long, who traveled for more than a month, finally fully integrated into Weizhuang Village and became the most shining new star.

After eating, many people came to chat with Wei Long, which was unprecedented before, and they also received a lot of gifts, thanking Wei Long for beheading the flying python and saving his child, and an uncle shouted "I know you best ", making Wei Long dumbfounded.

Go home.

Wei Long swallowed a hundred catties of flying python meat, and most of the gifts he received were meat. Among them, Wei Wenbao's father, a pharmacist, gave a pack of soup and medicine, saying that taking it would increase his strength, and Wei Heitie's father, a blacksmith, gave him a pack of decoction. He picked up a black iron dagger.

These two gifts are the most precious.

Wei Long took a look at the decoction and put it aside. He still likes to improve his strength steadily, and taking medicine is not advisable.

But he likes the black iron dagger very much, metal is precious in the wilderness, and only a blacksmith can be so generous.

After eating the meat in the gift, Wei Long ate a total of two hundred catties of flying python meat and more ordinary meat. He felt hot all over his body, and he became round several times.

When Wei Long's mood moved, a large amount of body energy was digested accordingly, his body also lost weight little by little, and Shen Xi rumbled in his body.

With only some spare energy left in his body, Wei Long stopped in satisfaction:
Shenxi value: 72
Kung Fu: Boxing branch "Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Entering the Hall and Entering the Room]

A total of 27 points has been raised, directly entering Shen Xi's late stage, and her strength has greatly increased by one step!
Wei Long stretched out his hands, and the golden Shenxi was condensed like golden sand in his hands, and he could see that the original pale golden Shenxi was becoming richer. Such a change would not be possible without the solid foundation laid during the consummation of blood transfer.

"Wei Shengjun doesn't know what he has in mind. Although I have no intention of competing with Wei Tianhu for anything, and I don't think much of the position of village chief, it doesn't mean that the other party won't have small thoughts."

Wei Long thought secretly, feeling a little troubled in his heart.

With so much food, two hundred catties of flying python meat is almost the strongest desolate animal meat under the realm of life, at least one tenth of that of the male flying python, but it only increased by 27 points for Shen Xi value.

As his strength improved, Wei Long obviously had to face some things that he didn't have to face before.

"We solved Wei Tianhu's hidden dangers, and maybe we can plan what we thought before." Wei Long took out the animal skin notebook, flipped through the things he wrote down, and gradually got an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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