Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 20 "Prisoner Killing"

Chapter 20 "Prisoner Killing"

The night is drawing to a close, and this is the darkest hour before dawn.

The horned dragon remnant was full of curiosity, watching the roaring and crying of the Twolegs under its feet with great interest.

It is just a cub, but its extraordinary background has made it as powerful as a human being in the wheel of life.

It is like a curious cat swinging a helpless mouse, gently scratching and shredding a two-legged beast. In its eyes, there is not much difference between a human and a desolate beast.

It has a certain amount of wisdom, but it can't turn its head when it is still underage, and can only make simple judgments.

The old two-footed desolate beasts taste bad, the small ones are worthless, and the females have too much fat. Only those males in their prime have the best taste, chewy and highly nutritious.

The wilderness reveals its cruel side.

A desolate beast like the remnant of the horned dragon cub should have lived in the depths of the wilderness and was kept out of the country by the frontier army of the Yan Dynasty.


Because of the changes in the depths of the wilderness, it was attacked by unknown people and fled in a hurry until it came to the edge of the wilderness.

In front of such horned dragon cubs, Huangcun is like a girl who can only cry because of her grievances, and has no power to resist.

This kind of thing rarely happens, but every time it happens, the impact is extremely terrifying, and it is often a disaster like massacring a village.

The probability is very low, once it happens, it is absolute.

A middle-aged woman hugged her child to protect it, but the sharp claws of the horned dragon cub cut her back, and hot blood splashed down.

When she was dying, the woman still tried her best to hold up the space to protect the child, but the child did not cry, but just pursed his lips.

Very nice.

The old people are dying, and those who have lived past the age of 50 have taken up arms and charged.

The vitality and blood in Shen Xi's old body were almost exhausted, but when her life was burning, she seemed to return to her prime of life in an instant.

It also once looked like a cow, and killing wild beasts was like searching for something.

Wei Shengjun was shirtless and picked up the long knife, his body trembling.Looking at the dying old people with red eyes, they urgently ordered to evacuate.

Fortunately, they had already planned to evacuate after the coming-of-age ceremony, and some supplies had already been packed.

The second reserve team covered the evacuation, while the first-line brigade had to buy time for the village to evacuate.

The last old man fell down and was easily torn into pieces by the horned dragon's remnant. It had already torn apart many such old two-legged beasts, and gradually came to understand.

It is necessary to start from the chest and abdomen as much as possible, so that the scattered blood and internal organs will have a beautiful effect of red, green and green.

Seeing the two-legged beast surrounding it, the horned dragon remnant was surprisingly angry, angry that the game had exceeded its expectations.

"Battle of Jackdaws!" Wei Shengjun stood at the front without hesitation.

The old people who were going to die won the time for the front-line formation. In the end, how many people will survive in the village depends on them.

The majestic Shenxi filled Wei Shengjun's whole body, and the red fire of life poured into his long sword. This long sword made by the Iron Army of the Dayan Dynasty was a precious weapon.

Although it is only a mass-produced treasure soldier, it is still a treasure soldier.

The long knife is like a dragon, and it directly cuts off Qiulong's head.

The horned dragon cub let out a cry of pain and wanted to dodge, but more than 20 strong men around it, holding simple knives and breathing together, quickly approached it from all angles.

Jackdaw, report to death!
This is the famous formation of the Iron Army of the Dayan Dynasty!

The horned dragon cub paid no attention to its head, ignored its back, swept its long tail and knocked two big men into the air, kicked its hooves and turned its head to dodge.

Before breaking through the siege of the battle formation, Wei Shengjun's long knife fell, it could only deflect its head, the long knife cut on its neck, and the tight black scales drained most of the power, but the long knife still cut in, entered half an inch.

Golden blood spilled from the heads of the cubs,

"Ang!" The horned dragon cub was completely enraged, and stopped breaking out. Its four hooves stopped firmly, and suddenly, the long black horns on top of its head shone brightly.

A drop of heavy black water slammed down, and Wei Shengjun stood upright and couldn't dodge, so he could only raise his knife to block.

Baobing seemed to be hit by a giant hammer, the light dimmed, and Wei Shengjun was blown away.

Forced to retreat Wei Shengjun, the horned dragon cub opened its mouth and killed two besieging strong men, and in a blink of an eye, two holes were exposed in the "Jackdaw Battle Formation".

Wei Shengjun's viscera were impacted by the impact of that drop of black heavy water, and he opened his mouth to spit out blood, and he fell sharply in the air. He, who had already experienced many battles, was used to death, swung his long knife, and slashed at the horned dragon cub again. .

With him taking the lead, the rest of the first-line team members slowly stabilized their footsteps and began a doomed and tragic fight.

This is not in a hunting ground, if you can't fight, you can escape.They couldn't escape, at least not until their own families had evacuated.

There is no retreat, there is me without it!
The pharmacist ordered the doctors and nurses to lead the people to evacuate. After Qiulong attacked the village, after the initial panic, they had stabilized.

Crying is useless, only living, gritting your teeth to live!

The warning calls of the security personnel and the desperate efforts of the elderly in the village finally allowed Wei Shengjun to hold the horned dragon cub with his hands.

This bought time for the village to evacuate.

"Go!" Pharmacist patted Wei Tianhu on the shoulder and roared at him.

The women, old and children in front were evacuated in an orderly manner under the protection of the second-line reserve team. Except for the immature children, everyone restrained their voices as much as possible.

Those children who lost their parents were hugged and comforted, crying silently, fleeing and migrating.

Wei Tianhu nodded his head heavily, and the corners of his eyes were slightly astringent. He could clearly see the central square of the village, where the originally flat soil and rocks were broken into a mess, and the two giant vats for cooking meat collapsed and disappeared.

He could also see the familiar seniors of the hunting team fighting to the death one after another, while his father was like a tireless fighting machine, spit out a lot of blood.

Before that, he was also taught to wait until the Fate Fire Realm, and to use Fate Fire sparingly, because even in the Fate Wheel Realm, most of the battles were just to transform the Fate Fire into Shenxi.

But at this moment, the red fire of life is like blood, burning like fire, not retreating a step, not thinking about it at all!

"The responsibility of the village chief. You will get a lot of things. You can get the hunting trophies first, and you can get the best women in the nearby villages. Similarly, when the village needs it, your long knife must be sharp enough!" In Wei Tianhu's ears, it seemed that his father's teachings sounded again.

"Where's Wei Long?" Wei Heitie exclaimed, only now did he realize that Wei Long had disappeared.

"Didn't you find it?" Hearing his son's voice, the blacksmith took a quick look, "That kid lives at the westernmost end of the village, and if he didn't worry about it, he might have run away long ago."

"No." Wei Heitie subconsciously denied, but finally he lowered his head.

It seems that such a crisis is gone.

But for some reason, there was always some pain in his heart. Wei Long not only convinced Wei Tianhu, but also convinced them.

That is a genius, even if he doesn't talk much, everyone knows that he is a genius.

Wei Heitie regards him as a friend.

"It's good to leave, if you can live, you won't all die." Wei Wenbao said sullenly.

"Hurry up, what nonsense are you talking about, nothing will happen to the village!" The pharmacist slapped his son hard.

Everyone was silent.

"Look!" Someone said with difficulty, his throat seemed to be blocked by something.

The retreating people looked up, and saw that Wei Shengjun once again resisted the horned dragon cub's attack on the black heavy water, and the precious soldier in his hand burst suddenly, and he was bombarded and flew more than ten feet away.

this time.

But he could no longer counterattack as quickly as before. He was knocked down and never got up again.

the center of the village.

In the first-line hunting team, including the village chief Wei Shengjun, no one could stand still, only the scarred horned dragon cubs kept roaring and roaring.

Its golden true blood flowed into a stream, the chest and abdomen wounds that had healed opened again, and there was an equally terrible wound on the neck.

The horned dragon cub looked up at the retreating Twolegs, with cruelty in its eyes.

These lowly, weak creatures who dare to defy it must die!
The huge team that had just evacuated from the village became quiet, and even the young children stopped crying.

Terribly quiet.

Try your best to escape, but the ground is shaking, and the horrible creature is approaching.

"Except for doctors and nurses, all active adults stay!" The pharmacist's voice sounded after a few breaths.

Those patrol teams with disabilities quietly left the team and stopped silently.

"The reserve team, continue to cover the evacuation of women and children, change direction, and evacuate to Damu Village."

"Everyone follow me!" Wei Tianhu nodded silently, looking at those struggling young people, most of their parents were in the first team.

Going away now is goodbye forever.

But had to go.

"Let's go!" Wei Tianhu grew up a lot overnight, even if he would rather die here, he must go now.

Only with young people like them around can the women and children in Weizhuang Village not be annexed by Damu Village.

Escaping has been difficult, and the journey after that is not easy.

The horned dragon cub walked over step by step. Although it was covered with bruises, in its eyes, those two-legged beasts could be easily killed.

It slowed down a bit in pursuit of the fleeing, cunning Twolegs.

It needs to hear the loud cries and pleadings again, so that its angry heart can be comforted a little.

But it is destined to be disappointed.

Those toys once again exceeded its expectations, and they actually divided into a small team again, those disabled products with missing arms and legs, and some wastes who were obviously not good at fighting.

As for the group of women and children who fled away, although their faces were pale and their escape was not fast, no one cried.

The Great Wilderness honed their spirits, and perhaps they were doomed to die in front of the mighty wild beasts, but they were human beings.

Not rats being toyed with by big cats, no one can really bring them to their knees.

The breath of death is getting closer.

Professionals such as blacksmiths and pharmacists who did not participate in the battle took up weapons.

The soldiers who retreated from the hunting team held the Pudao tightly in their hands.

The fleeing women and children tried their best to keep a spark for Weizhuang Village.

Just as countless villages were in the Yan Dynasty, enough to form a prairie fire of civilization, they must also pass on their blood.

Wei Tianhu commanded the people of the second reserve team to prepare for the final resistance to the enemy.

Death is so close, so strange, yet so familiar.


As the horned dragon kept approaching, a figure blocked the cub's path and made a big hole in the ground.

"Go! You are no match for it. This is at least a mid-life remnant. The village chief has already been defeated." Seeing the figure, the blacksmith urged him to leave.

The adults in Weizhuang Village have not died yet, and it is not the children's turn to die.

"The village chief has already damaged it severely, leave the rest to me!" The man's tone was a little sad, and it was Wei Long who came back from extra training at night.

When he returned to the village, he found that it was completely chaotic, with corpses everywhere, and the village square was even more tragic.He lived in the village for such a long time, and his colleagues in the first-line brigade also looked down and looked up. The familiar companions died one by one, and Wei Long couldn't help but grow angry in his heart.
"You!" Before he could say anything, the eight chains rumbled out from behind the figure, staggered and gathered and flew towards the horned dragon cub.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge cage to cover it.

Caging the horned dragon!
"This!" Everyone who saw this scene couldn't believe it, "True meaning in form, it turned out to be true meaning in form!"

Before the horned dragon cub could react, it was covered by a huge oval cage with a radius of more than ten feet from the sky. The black chains were intertwined and coherent.

The two-legged beast that appeared suddenly gave it a more terrifying feeling than the monster that drove it to the edge of the wilderness.


Wei Long clenched his five fingers, and the surging dark golden Shenxi propped up the true meaning of the fist behind him, as if the vast earth was overturned, and the eight chains were instantly tightened, turning into a terrifying cage.

Wei·Bahuangzhen Prison Fist·Prisoner Kill!

Wei Long was conceited that the melee attack might not be as strong as Wei Sheng's army, so he would not go into melee.

It is foolish to attack its strengths with its weaknesses.

He simply used his true intention to form a chain to trap this scarred survivor inch by inch.

The horned dragon cub roared incessantly. As the black chain cage was tightened step by step, its scales began to shatter, and the internal compression made it unable to breathe. More than ten drops of black heavy water shot out from the top corner of its head, but it could not hit the hundred meter other men.

The fatal crisis made the cub feel regretful and unwilling to play with Twolegs.

It lowered its head, exposing its belly, and the figure looking into the distance was full of pleading, its big eyes gleaming with tears.

It's just a child.

The cub knelt down expectantly, his eyes shining brightly, but the pharmacist behind Wei Long wanted to say something but was stopped by the blacksmith, and the others were also stunned, and the women and children running away in the distance stopped involuntarily.

Wei Long's heart moved, and the chain cage no longer shrunk.

A gleam of joy flashed in the eyes of the cub, just as he was about to express his loyalty, his eyes were pierced by two black chains, his brain was shattered, he trembled twice, and then he was lifeless again.Wei Long confirmed his death, waved his hands, and the cage turned into eight chains and disappeared behind him.

He slowly turned around and looked at the group of people who had escaped from death with complicated emotions. The morning breeze blew the corners of his clothes, and a red glow in the distant sky lifted the black night.At this moment, the Jade Rabbit disappears, the Golden Crow rises to the east, and infinite light blooms here!

(End of this chapter)

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