Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 33 Introductory Testing

Chapter 33 Introductory Testing
Among the lofty mountains, there is an ancient city that is more majestic than the mountains. It stands on the ground. The city alone is a hundred feet high and stretches for thousands of miles, like an independent kingdom.

There is an endless stream of people at the gates of the surrounding cities, and there is a turmoil of people.

Seeing the mountain gate made of that mountain, Zeng Qingru felt relieved.

During this trip, the guard disciples practiced in the depths of the wilderness. Although there were some minor problems, they were generally not bad, and they also accepted a highly talented disciple.

Even though this disciple is not as reliable as he seemed before, he is a bit lazy.

But all in all, okay.

"Take Wei Long for a stroll in the ancient city of Loulan. By the way, go to Qingfeng Island to register as a disciple, and then let him take the entrance test a month later. I will go to Jitian Peak first to process the experience of this trip." Zeng Qing Ruyi pointed to Zhang Zixin and gave the order.

Without waiting for an answer, he turned into a ray of light, crashed straight into the mountain peak engraved with the ancient script of "Ling Xu", and disappeared before everyone's eyes like a wave of water.

"Junior Brother, that mountain peak is not formed naturally, it is called 'Zhenyuan Mountain', it is a weapon of the king of gods and demons, refined by the ancestor of the Lingxu Cave and Heaven Sect, it can be used as a mountain gate, and it can also be used as a passage for the high-level sect to enter and exit. Of course, only true brothers above the Jindan stage or higher-level deacons and elders, or distinguished guests invited by the sect can enter it."

Zhang Zixin introduced to Wei Long, "Similarly, Zhenyuan Mountain is also the first protection of Lingxu Cave."

Wei Long nodded, shaking his strong chest muscles unconsciously.

Baobing is also different.

Baobing is a weapon with supernatural power. It is divided into Baobing, Shenmobing, Shenmowangbing, and Shenbing. According to the strength of the supernatural power contained in it, there are such divisions.

Generally, practitioners in the wheel of life and golden core realm use precious soldiers, and then go up to a layer of gods and demons. If they are not strong enough to use them, they will cause backlash. However, the refining of gods and demon king soldiers and divine soldiers is no better than cultivating gods and demons to a certain extent. It is easy for practitioners at the level of the devil and the golden body.

Even, in the long run, divine weapons may be more effective than legendary powerhouses at the golden body level.

Possessing a magic weapon almost means that a power will be immortal for ten thousand years. Even if the most powerful person falls, the magic weapon is still there, and it can still exert its divine power by training with blood sacrifices.

Paying a huge price, and even completely awakening the magic weapon, is equivalent to the arrival of a strong golden body, which is extremely terrifying.

It is the confidence to suppress the big faction.

Generally, only powerful forces at the level of the Shengwu Dynasty can have the resources to build magical weapons.

"Junior Sister Xia, we have agreed on the way, and Junior Brother Wei Long will be in charge of you."

Zhang Zixin changed the topic, "I'll go back first and go to Qingshui Island to report on our mission, so that we can verify the completion of this training mission as soon as possible and settle the reward points."

Zhang Zixin waved his hand at Wei Long, using an unknown mysterious movement technique, and quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

"The origin of the Lingxu Cave is to suppress the Heisha Abyss, and the other is that this cave was originally built on the ruins of an ancient country, and the restored ancient city is called Loulan."

Xia Yonglan looked at Wei Long who had swollen for an unknown number of times, and explained the origin to him, "Because outsiders are not allowed to enter the Lingxu Cave except Xinbao Island, one of the three treasure islands, so together with the disciples, deacons, elders and even the cave master's The family members were also resettled in Loulan City, and the city grew bigger and bigger over time, and now it is as large as a thousand miles, like a small kingdom."

"Lingxu Dongtian is different from the outside world. It consists of nine main islands and hundreds of small islands. Among them, Qingfeng Island, Qingshui Island, and Qingqi Island are called the three islands on the ground; Yaowang Island, Shenbing Island, and Xinbao Island They are called the Three Islands of Floating Sky; and the core Caiyun Chuangong Hall, Jitian Peak and Mingkong Island in the core are the Three Islands of Xuantian. Xuantian also means "hanging sky", you will know when you enter. "

Xia Yonglan looked at Wei Long with pity, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt pity, and finally sighed, "Junior Sister Su Qian, you should be in charge of Junior Brother Wei Long's entry. I really can't bear it."

Xia Yonglan tapped Wei Long's thigh-thick arm, "When junior brother loses weight, don't forget to call senior sister."

With a sigh, Xia Yonglan only left behind Xiangfeng, who had already left.

"Junior Brother Wei Long, don't be discouraged. It turns out that the fat ones are not bad, and they are quite cute." Su Qian was afraid that Wei Long would think too much, so she whispered, "Senior Sister Xia Yonglan likes pretty boys."

Wei Long's eyes widened, what is this?
"Su Fan, I'll leave the younger brother's affairs to you."

Su Qian made a haha, waved to Cui Wenhai, Yan Wei, and Shen Jie, and ordered her younger brother mercilessly, "Everyone has worked hard all the way, and I will leave the rest to my younger brother."

The four of them dispersed, leaving only Su Fan and Wei Long behind.

"Junior Brother, should we go to Loulan Ancient City first, or go directly to Qingfeng Island to register?" Su Fan opened his eyes wide and looked at Wei Long pitifully.

The trip of seven of them to go deep into the wilderness, even though it ended early due to an accident, lasted for nearly a year.

Zeng Qingru is only responsible for dealing with some desolate beasts that are beyond the scope of their response, and if they are killed by weak or similar desolate beasts, Zeng Qingru will not save them.

Most of these seven people were children from the big city, and it was the first time they lived in such a state of continuous tension.

I have long been looking forward to returning to the cave of Lingxu.

"There's nothing better about the ancient city, so let's go straight to the point." Although Wei Long wanted to visit such a huge city as Loulan Ancient City, he could do it himself after finishing the registration, so there was no need to trouble Su Fan any longer.

This poor child who is being used by his own sister.

Besides, along the way, Wei Long used the seven senior brothers and sisters directly as tools, and seized the opportunity to eat an unknown number of desolate beasts.

As a human being, you can't go too far, and you have to be considerate of each other.

Su Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and led Wei Long all the way to the inner city of Loulan Ancient City, with the token token of Lingxu Dongtian disciple, it was very smooth.

Take the big boat of the day and go straight into the cave.

Su Fan explained to Wei Long, "The real mountain gate is in Zhenyuan Mountain. Unfortunately, we are not strong enough and can only take the cave treasure ship to enter the cave."

The Treasure Cave Ship is huge, just like the freighter in the previous life. This Treasure Cave Ship is a strange means of transportation, with mysterious bone inscriptions carved on it, a kind of mysterious power learned from the bones of wild beasts. The text can directly navigate in the void.

"One of these ships enters the cave every quarter of an hour. It is estimated that my sister and the others have entered before."

Seeing what Wei Long was looking for, Su Fan smiled and said, "Senior Sister Xia just said that there are nine main islands in the cave, Qingfeng Island is responsible for the residence of beginner disciples and arranges related tasks in the sect; Qingshui Island is for disciples who enter the house and above The residence also has corresponding training tasks issued; Qingqi Island is the place where resources are distributed and tasks are settled for the disciples in the sect."

"Floating Island above, Yaowang Island, the refining and seed picking of the main elixir; Shenbing Island, mainly for refining weapons and refining minerals; islands, but very restricted."

Seeing Wei Long thinking about his memory, Su Fan slowed down, "The three core places, one is the Caiyun Chuangong Hall, which houses the Sutra Pavilion, which is also the key point of the collection. Killing is the forbidden place of the sect. Jitian Peak is the place for elders and senior deacons to practice, and Mingkong Island is the place for the master of the cave to practice, and true disciples can practice on it for a certain period of time every year."

Standing on the deck, Wei Long felt his body sank, then lightened again, and the surrounding scenery changed drastically. After about [-] or [-] breaths, he regained his vision.

Wei Long felt light all over his body, and endless red clouds permeated the void.

In the outside world, the huge and violent Heisha, if you carefully perceive it, there are very few of them, and they will be assimilated at any time when they are mixed in the red clouds.

Wei Long subconsciously ran the "Huayue Hunyuanxu Jing", but found that Chixia seemed to be fixed by some kind of force, which he could feel but could not absorb.

He couldn't help asking the question in his heart, "Senior Brother Su, why is this?"

"follow me."

Su Fan took Wei Long off the 'Dong Treasure Ship' and walked out of the bustling crowd, "Entering the Zongmen from the outside world will first go to Fangshi on Xinbao Island, and then transfer to other islands via the 'empty boat'. There was a time when foreign enemies invaded through the route of Xinbaodaofang City, and since then the open areas of Xinbaodao have been under the strictest control, not to mention Chixia, even the air you breathe will be inspected by the law enforcement team from time to time.”

Wei Long looked up and found himself in midair, as if on a floating island.

The endless red clouds around are constantly blooming, walking out of the controlled area of ​​Xinbao Island, the whole person can't help but feel comfortable, the endless red clouds have been baptized and refined by the fire of life, and all of them are compressed to increase the life marks.

There are also two floating islands around Xinbao Island, one is full of medicinal fragrance and divine glow, and the other is like thunder with swords and hammers.

Below that are three islands with a radius of thousands of miles, and thousands of small islands dotted around them. On the top of the cave, there are three unknown objects, like the sun and the moon.

A mountain peak that seems to stretch the sky and the earth, exuding a sharp white light, is called Jitian Peak;

One is like a rainbow of seven colors, and there is a thousand-foot hall in which the ups and downs contain endless wonders;
And the center is like a golden crow dispelling the endless darkness, where Chixia seems to be condensing the chains of rules, clearly visible, it is the training place of the master of the cave, Ming Kong Island!

"It's a mystery that can't be described in words." Wei Long and Su Fan took the 'empty boat' for transportation.

This is also a kind of magical artifact, made by Shenbing Island, which can travel within the cave, as if on flat ground.

of course.

If you want to be proficient in manipulation, you need to go through practice, and these are all performed by disciples who lead corresponding tasks.

Wei Long really opened his eyes. This is not from the primitive to the modern, but directly from the primitive horror world to the extraordinary civilization.

This is civilization.

People's lifestyles have all changed, no wonder whether it is Zeng Qingru, Zhang Zixin, or even Xia Yonglan, they don't care about his "masculinity" anymore, and they only want to enter the cave.

Dongtian is really a blessed place!
Even without mentioning the rich and exaggerated red clouds in the sky, these alone are enough to make Wei Long dumbfounded.

"Do you want to take the entrance test?" Wei Long followed Su Fan to Qingfeng Island, found the corresponding Hall of General Affairs, and was received by a deacon. After confirming Wei Long's identity and the token left by Zeng Qingru, he became a disciple directly.

And the entry test a month later is related to whether one can become a disciple in advance.

"Where are you from?" The deacon looked at Wei Long's original hometown, his eyes widened, and he was a little absent-minded.

Just as Su Fan wanted to stop him, Wei Long had already answered, "From a deserted village."

"Weizhuang Village on the southern frontier of the Great Yan Dynasty?" the deacon muttered to himself, looking at Wei Long with an indescribably strange look.

It was probably because he hadn't seen a practitioner from a barren village join Lingxu Cave for decades. Even if he was recommended by an elder, he couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed "tsk tsk tsk".

There was an unintentional but even more irritating subconscious mockery in his expression, just like a middle-class kid in a big city who first hears that his classmate is in a remote mountainous area, and unconsciously despises him.

 The recommendation on the Internet has been exploded, I am really just a dead salted fish rushing to the street, please ask for a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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