Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 40 "Practice the First Theorem"

Chapter 40 "Cultivating the First Theorem"

Creating a book of notes is only Wei Long's first attempt, success is a surprise, if he fails, when he has more resources in the future, he can find some master craftsmen to make it for him.

At the end of the day.

Still a word, poor!

Wei Long became a house-breaking disciple, three Xisha Dans and three Xiayu per month, this is his monthly rule, and the obligation he needs to bear is [-] points per year, most of the tasks are not difficult.

In addition, every few years, there will be an outing experience, and the difficulty will vary according to the progress of the cultivation, such as Zhang Zixin's seven people's experience in the depths of the wilderness.

Of course, there are also many benefits. Some notices are often posted on the square of Qingshui Island to inform the elders or true brothers in advance of the teaching time, and most of them are free.

Wei Long took an empty boat to Xinbao Island, which is also Fangshi Island within Dongtian.

This square market includes Xinbao Island and the ancient city of Loulan outside. It is collectively called "Lingxu Square City", and it is the largest trading market for practitioners in the entire Southern Wilderness.

The cargo handled every day is terrifying.

Wei Long got off the empty boat and thanked the juniors in charge. There are many empty boat stops on each main island in Lingxu Cave, and most of the disciples who drive these empty boats are disciples who have received the task of points.

Not every disciple is as powerful as Wei Long.

Most disciples who have the confidence to receive points tasks such as killing fierce dragons tend to choose the handyman tasks in the cave, and these talents are the majority of entry-level disciples.

Nine squares and streets are planned on Xinbao Island, all of which can be opened to people outside the cave.

Some strong men leading their servants to walk outside Fang City may be some wealthy patriarchs of the county town and generals and senior officials of the Dayan Dynasty.

Wei Long casually walked around Fangshi Street at the beginning. The nine Xisha pills accumulated in three days were exchanged for a total of thirty Xiayu.

Compared to Lingxu Dongtian's daily trading volume of tens of millions, it's not worth mentioning, not even a drop in the bucket.

After encountering the crisis of being attacked by horned dragon cubs that day, the pharmacist gave him three rosy jades, plus the three-month rule, and the one just traded, "a total of 42 rosy jades." Walking on the street, Wei Long murmured language.

He went directly to a shop that mainly dealt in desolate beasts. The shopfront was full of antiquity. There were many bones of powerful desolate beasts. There was a ferocious dragon head that looked like a horned dragon. It seemed to be a pure-blooded adult desolate beast.

Placed in the center of the store, the terrifying aura is still frightening even though it has been dead for many years.

"Do you sell fresh desolate animal blood food?" Wei Long went to the store clerk.

A clever guy asked with a smile: "What level of wild animal blood does the guest need?"

"Probably equivalent to a desolate beast in the realm of life wheel."

"Are there any parts restrictions, such as where does the customer want to mend?"

The guy asked meaningfully: "Some special parts will be very expensive."

"Normal edible flesh and blood." The corner of Wei Long's mouth twitched.

"That's it."

The guy was clearly not interested. "Our small store has a special team that goes deep into the wild, and we can get all kinds of rare wild animal meat. What kind of wild animal meat do you want to try?"

"I don't have a requirement for the taste, but I have a requirement for the quantity." Wei Long moved away from the door, looked at the waiter and said, "I need a large quantity. I wonder if you will do this business?"

"How much?" The buddy didn't take it seriously. As long as a monk enters the realm of life wheel, unless he eats the blood of wild beasts that are far higher than his own realm, it will be of limited help to his cultivation.

Wei Long said calmly, "First come Wanjin."

"What?" The man thought he had heard wrong.

"Come to Wan Jin to taste the taste first."

"I need to ask the shopkeeper for instructions on this matter."

Looking at the flustered figure of the man, Wei Long nodded slowly.

The nine outer squares of Ruxin Treasure Island are the only ones in the entire cave that allow outsiders to stay, but the identities of each of them will be clearly registered.

This is also the purpose of Wei Long's visit to Dongtianfang City this time.

He worked desperately, hunting at most three or five desolate beasts a day, eating only three to five thousand catties of meat, and as time went by, there would be fewer and fewer desolate beasts nearby.

Because originally around the ancient city of Loulan, there were not many fierce birds within the ten thousand li radius controlled by this Lingxu Cave.

And with the growth of strength, Wei Long needs more and more terrifying energy.

Life mark value: 35 points

Cultivation method: "Huayue Hunyuanxu Jing" [Superb]

"Bahuang Township Prison Sutra" [Perfect]

"Consonance" [First Look at the Door]

"Burning Blood Escape" [First Glimpse]

"Hua Ying's Spring Grass Skills" [First Look]

The three auxiliary exercises are at the level of [First Glimpse], and the main battle "Bahuang Town Prison Sutra" has dropped to the level of [Superb], and the energy required to go further is terrifying.

As for whether the "Huayue Hunyuanxu Jing" will go further, Wei Long has not yet decided.

Because he currently has no bottleneck at all, and it is not a top priority.

The most important thing is that the improvement of the life mark value is related to the realm of cultivation, which is another big consumer of energy.

Of course, Wei Long can also absorb the power of Chixia honestly. This kind of cultivation speed is not bad in the cave, but this kind of improvement is only quite satisfactory!

What is Weilong's advantage?
It's cheating!
No, it is hard work!

Generally speaking, it is a path of hard work with special features!
Wei Long also communicated with Zhang Zixin. His cultivation speed is not slow, and he can cultivate to the perfection of life mark in about 30 years. He can consider preparing for the condensed golden elixir.

This is the benefit of having inheritance, being able to see the way forward.

30 years is actually not a long time. For practitioners, being able to improve steadily is a kind of happiness in itself. Many disciples are stuck in the bottleneck of the late stage of the life wheel or the completion of the life wheel.

In addition, Wei Long himself still has some shortcomings, and those skills should also be studied. If there is no addition, together with the improvement of the realm and the improvement of the cultivation base, the time of 30 years may be doubled.

In 60 years, to make up for all the shortcomings, and then practice until the life wheel is perfect, this speed is too slow for Wei Long!

too slow!
Therefore, Wei Long simply didn't hunt wild beasts by himself, but used money and the power of capital. It happened that Xinbao Island is the largest monk trading market in the Southern Wilderness. The problem of wild beasts' flesh and blood and time was simplified into one problem .

That is the question of money!
"So, my path of cultivation is to increase the flow of resources." Wei Long found his own path.

Krypton gold + points = strong.

What a neat and perfect formula.

Full of beauty.

Wei Long thought about it, took out the animal skin notebook and wrote it down, "This is an amazing discovery, and it is also a milestone node. I have perfected my own cultivation path! Although it cannot be copied, there is no doubt that this is a great achievement. Discovered. I named it 'Wei Long's First Theorem of Cultivation'!"

"Cough cough cough!" The store manager had no choice but to remind the abnormal disciple in front of him.

Judging from the identity token, he is a disciple of the Lingxu Cave, but Yazi seems to be out of his mind, "The guest needs ten thousand catties of wild animal blood to eat?"

"Yes." Wei Long put away his notebook and replied calmly.

Although he discovered the essence of cultivation, it was not something to be proud of.

Simplifying complex problems is science.But to apply the concise formula to practice depends on one's own ability.

Just like building blocks, some people can only use cubes, while some people who are well versed in artistic beauty may carve and play tricks.

Easier said than done is probably the case.

"I don't know what the customer needs the flesh and blood of the wild beast for?" The shopkeeper looked Wei Long carefully.


"No, what I mean is that the guests are used for cultivation?"

"How much do you care about?" Wei Long was a little unhappy.

The shopkeeper has a strong ability to observe words and expressions, and said: "This is for the sake of customers. Our small shop also has a branch in the ancient city of Loulan outside."

Wei Long looked at him, indicating that he was listening.

"In the cave, we are responsible for the supply of some ingredients for Qingfeng Island. This is part of the responsibility that our chamber of commerce needs to fulfill. There are also some materials for refining medicine and equipment, as well as purchasing from Shenbing Island and Yaowang Island. These can be kept in the shop The products here have their own characteristics.”

The shopkeeper pointed to the furnishings in the shop, and explained: "As for the flesh and blood that the customers want, we usually supply the inns and restaurants in the ancient city of Loulan for our bulk transactions."

"I mean, if the customer has no other requirements, they can trade in the ancient city of Loulan, because in the cave, a treasure ship is required, and the freight alone may be more expensive than those desolate beasts and flesh." The shopkeeper went around for a long time. To circle back.

Wei Long understood, "Then you can trade outside the ancient city of Loulan. I don't know what the price is outside?"

"That depends on the specific order. If the volume has been going for a long time, the price will be cheaper."

"Long-term growth, and the higher the requirements for the level of desolate beasts in the future."

"Based on the desolate beast with mixed blood that condenses the whole body's true blood, one thousand jin of Xiayu, if the customer's level of desolate beast improves, shall we reset the price?" The shopkeeper proposed.

Wei Long made some calculations and said, "I want to think about it."

Wei Long found a few other stores, and walked around the other eight streets, and found that the prices were about the same.

He turned back to the first shop - the home of the wild ancients.

Wei Long and the shopkeeper formally signed a deal for 20 catties and 200 Xiayu.

This order will be completed in the ancient city of Loulan in one month, and will be protected by the law enforcement team of Lingxu Cave.

Wei Long first paid the deposit of ten Xiayu.When the first batch of goods arrives in seven days, Wei Long will need to pay half of the transaction fee, and the other half will be paid when the transaction is completed.

At this point, the transaction is complete.

"Can I have two flowers?"

Wei Long still has [-] pieces of Xia Yu left in his hand, so he can sign three more copies of this order. He can eat meat first to improve his strength, and then pay later. It is not impossible to even default on a sum.

But after thinking about it, he still dismissed the idea.

Killing the chicken to get the eggs is not a good idea.

If this path can go smoothly, it will undoubtedly prove the correctness of the formula of "krypton gold + points = strength". In this way, long-term cooperation is more important than short-term squeeze.In this way, all problems can be simplified into one word: Xiayu!
(End of this chapter)

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