Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 44 Captain

Chapter 44 Captain (please recommend for collection)

There are various levels of treasure soldiers, treasure soldiers, gods and demons, gods and demon kings, gods and so on. At each level, there are low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade and top-grade points.

But in fact, this kind of division is just a simple division, and there is always something special.

Just like Wei Long, who is also a cultivator of the wheel of life, can run rampant in the same realm, every treasure soldier has its own uniqueness, and they are all condensed with the painstaking efforts of the forger.

Even low-grade precious soldiers, if they can be used properly, they may not be unable to play a big role if they are magically combined.

For example, the "notebook" made by Tie Wuxin according to Wei Long's request is only a low-grade treasure in terms of magic, but its treasures cannot be equally estimated.

"You actually built it?" Wei Long was quite surprised when he took the 'notebook'.

Originally, he just entrusted it casually. Although he often came to remind him and sent a lot of materials in the past ten years, he was already prepared to fail in his heart.

Before going on the road, I just made a final confirmation, but I didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

The whole body of 'Black Notebook' exudes a magical atmosphere.

The more Wei Long looked at it, the more he liked it. He took it lightly, and his hands were warm and moist, like warm jade. The main material was refined from the skin and horn of horned dragon cubs, supplemented by other precious materials, and even the extraordinary core of the Heisha monster.

After opening it, there are no pages in this book, only a strange substance like flowing water.

Wei Long refined the power of Chixia in the void, poured it into it, and saw that the 'notebook' was divided into pages freely, and many chapters were added.

It's amazing.

He is free to create corresponding chapters as he wants.

After thinking about it, Wei Long created a sub-volume called 'The Beginning of Cultivation', and he had made notes before, such as "Not Mere", "Prisoner" and so on, which can be included in it.

He created another sub-column called "Fate Wheel Realm", which included two chapters of "Ultimate Power" and "Ping Tui", which showed his bravery.

"The color is so deep, and it is so easy to use. It's so ingenious, why not call it 'The Book of Black Iron'."

Wei Long gently closed the 'Book of Black Iron', and then opened it again, using miraculous connections to confirm that the last record still exists, and Tie Wuxin really did it.

Wei Long couldn't help but be overjoyed, this "Book of Black Iron" is really useful, and there will be no place to record his cultivation insights in the future.

Wei Long looked at Tie Wuxin, and with the "Book of Black Iron", he completed the equipment he had experienced this time.

This precious soldier who can record a lot of his experience and achievements, in the future, Wei Long will have nothing to ruminate about his heroic deeds. What is the breakthrough of Shenxi in January is mediocre, what is the imprisoning and killing of the relic cubs just to try it, what is the miracle. Just break it with strength and so on.
What is this, this is inheritance!

"In terms of refining weapons, among the disciples entering the room, I, Wei Long, would like to call you the strongest!" Wei Long solemnly thanked Tie Wuxin.

To be able to forge such a precious weapon, Tie Wuxin is really strong, "You can rest assured that the 'Book of Black Iron' will shine in my hands, and you will be honored by it."

"It's nothing." Tie Wuxin always felt a little weird, and he reminded, "The 'Book of Black Iron' is pretty easy to use inside the cave, but outside the cave, you have to fully refine it and put it in the life wheel before using it. Otherwise, it may be infected by Heisha and cause damage."

"I will cherish it."

For every craftsman, the precious soldiers they create are like their own children, especially the 'Book of Black Iron' has special functions. To achieve these effects, Tie Wuxin has spent a lot of effort in the past ten years.

Wei Long is not a rascal either.

Stop joking, and said seriously: "I owe you a favor today, and I will definitely repay you in the future!"

Tie Wuxin hastily said that it was unnecessary.

He felt a little empty after sending out the "Book of Black Iron". This is his first treasure soldier work. To some extent, the "Book of Black Iron" has witnessed his growth, "When I improve my skills again, I can serve its an upgrade."

Wei Long bid farewell to Tie Wuxin, and devoted himself to refining the "Book of Black Iron" in the remaining few days. The refining was almost halfway done, and when the time came, someone came to help him.

He could only temporarily hang the miraculous package on his waist and go with the deacon.

A lot of disciples had already gathered on the central square, and when the three teams were fully assembled, Zhang Baichuan counted the number of people and distributed the mission instructions for this time.

He was taken aback when he saw Wei Long. Although this disciple had become much more attractive, he still recognized him at a glance.

This is his disciple who was in charge of the entry test ten years ago.

He could imagine that Zhong Wuyan could join this high-end training mission, but Wei Long became the captain of one of the three teams with a more aggressive posture. Zhang Baichuan could only sigh, turmoil is approaching, and heroes will emerge in large numbers.

Wei Long took the paper on which the task of this trial was written.

The border city they will support this time is called Julu City, which is the giant border city in the south before Weizhuang Village was relocated.

It was divided into three teams, led by the elder Zhang Baichuan, and each team consisted of seven to eight people.

"Am I the captain of the third team?" Wei Long was a little surprised after reading the trial instructions.

He will be the captain of the third team this time, and Zhang Zixin and the others on the other side are also surprised. The seven of them are the third team for this trial mission.

Zhang Zixin, the oldest among the seven, has been a beginner for 30 years, and his strength is in the late stage of the life wheel, and he has condensed eight life marks.

This speed is not slow anymore, but it also depends on who you compare with.

"You guys are really amazing." Zhang Zixin looked at Wei Long with a complicated face.

In Wei Long's mission description, there is a description of the strength of the team members, and Zhang Zixin's mission list for the seven of them also has Wei Long's strength description.

The life wheel is complete, the attack is extremely strong, the defense is extremely strong, and it has strong body skills and means of escape. It has no shortcomings except for treasure weapons.

No short board!

What a horrible review!

In just ten years, Wei Long not only improved his cultivation to the perfection of his life wheel, but also made up for all the defects.

This kind of talent is peerless!

And Zhang Zixin seven people.

Zhang Zixin's life wheel has condensed eight life marks in the later stage, and is good at coordinating the overall situation; Xia Yonglan's cultivation level is comparable to him, and has strong healing methods; Cui Wenhai, Yan Wei, Shen Jie, and Su Qian, Su Fan and other five people are also condensed Seven life marks.

These seven people are all outstanding disciples who have been cultivated by Lingxu Cave.

This time they went to the border trial of Julu City because they had already done many small training tasks before, and it was time for them to be alone.

Without Wei Long, Zhang Zixin would not be able to become the captain, and there would be no conflict of interest.

Wei Long has had a good relationship with the seven of them in the past ten years. Now that they can form a team, it is easy to cooperate with each other.

And Wei Long is really strong!

For example, the strength description on the task list is Wei Long's evaluation from the elder after a test in the Caiyun Chuangong Hall. Teaming up with such a strong person, safety, and the completion of the trial task are all one of a kind. ensure!
With strength, you can really do whatever you want!

Wei Long also met Zhong Wuyan from the first team, she was a member of the first team, and the latter was quite surprised to see Wei Long.

"The old 狻猊 in the depths of the wilderness is about to die. It is at the most terrifying moment. Neither the wild beast nor anyone else has the idea of ​​provoking it. If they can avoid it, they will dodge it."

Zhang Baichuan introduced, "But as the day of extinction gets closer and closer, the old scorpion has become more and more crazy, and has already set off a million miles of slaughter. Many wild beasts in the depths of the wilderness, even pure-blooded wild beasts are fleeing. "

Wei Long has more experience.

Weizhuang Village was attacked by horned dragon cubs, and the deep-seated reason was the bloody turmoil caused by this old lion.

And the closer it is to death, whether it is to die smoothly, or to ensure that it will not be swallowed after death, or other things, it will make some arrangements.

This kind of pure-blooded old desolate beast has an astonishingly long lifespan and equally terrifying strength. Even if they are both pure-blooded desolate beasts, they will not provoke each other at this time, otherwise they will be considered to be plotting, and they will not die endlessly.

Zhang Baichuan gave his disciples time to digest the information.

"The Great Wilderness continues to be in turmoil. The territory of the human race established by the Shengwu Dynasty thousands of years ago and the 'steel wall' that defends the unknown land have also been impacted, and the borders of several dynasties have been affected. Julu City is the southern border of the Dayan Dynasty. One of the cities was also impacted by the tide of wild beasts."

Zhang Baichuan continued to explain, "Our mission here is to provide support on behalf of the Lingxu Cave. Apart from our three teams, there are already True Inheritance teams going ahead."

The True Inheritance team does not need to be guarded. Most of them are Jindan powerhouses. Zhang Baichuan paused, "In addition to the Lingxu Cave, the Mountain Sea Cave, the Extreme Sword Cave, the nearby branch of the Pantheon, and many other forces will also go."

Wei Long listened carefully.

The calculation of this experience is based on combat merit, so Wei Long looked at the other two teams and thought to himself: "If there is no accident, this should be an important experience for selecting true disciples."

After talking about everything, Zhang Baichuan took everyone out of the cave on the treasure boat.

Wei Long found Zhang Baichuan on the boat, "Elder, the disciple's original village is near the place of this trial. I joined the sect. I haven't returned for ten years. Can I ask for leave this time to go back and then go to Julu City?" I'll be with you."

"The village?"

Zhang Baichuan was a little puzzled when he heard the words, his expression changed, thinking of the information he had read ten years ago, Wei Long was from a barren village.

He nodded, "The support time is scheduled for one and a half months later, you can rush there before then."

"Thank you, elder." Wei Long thanked quickly.

Wei Long told Zhang Zixin about the matter and planned to let Zhang Zixin lead the team.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zixin and others also wanted to visit Weizhuang Village. They also gave advice to Wei Tianhu and others, treated the wounded, and participated in the reconstruction of the village.

The third team walked together. Although Zhang Baichuan didn't stop them, he still took out an unknown red knife, as if there was terror brewing.

He was grateful for Wei Long's intentions, and felt that his future was promising, so he relaxed appropriately.

But he himself still has the duty of guarding. Zhang Baichuan said: "This small knife is called 'Chixin Knife'. It condenses the power of my knife, and it can kill gods and demons with one knife. It can keep you safe all the way."

 Thank you book friends for your reward.Continue to ask for recommendation tickets for collection, hehe (﹃).

(End of this chapter)

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