Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 46 "Remembered"

Chapter 46 "Remembered" (recommended in advance)

The golden sky hangs down to the west, the red clouds fill the sky, the wilderness is vast and boundless, under the broken golden light, the hunting team is at the forefront, the second-line reserve team is behind, Wei Tianhu is already the leader, and there are many things that Wei Shengjun does not need to do.

The hunting team returned to the village in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Village chief, Tianhu."

Wei Long learned from Wei Wenbao that the village has changed in the past ten years, and Wei Shengjun did not disappoint him, perfectly solving the remaining problems of Damu Village.

ten years.

Not only did the youths of the original second-line reserve team all grow up, but also the original dolls filled the vacancies in the second-line team, forming a very good age structure of soldiers.

And because of the merger of Damu Village, the population has increased, and there are more good seedlings of the younger generation.

"Wei Long!"

Wei Tianhu was very excited to see Wei Long, with a rare shy smile on his vicissitudes face, "Why are you here?"

"I'm going to Julu City to complete the training mission this time, so I just happened to drop by to see it." Wei Long smiled.

"Let's all go in first."

Wei Shengjun beckoned people to go inside. He looked at Wei Long, secretly horrified, and perceived the past. Wei Long was like a mountain, stable but unshakable. "I didn't expect you to come back. You have grown up a lot in the past ten years."

The rules in the village have not changed.

One meal a day is held in the square of the village. Three large pots cook the food of the whole village, and the other big pot cooks medicinal soup for the little dolls.

It's just that compared to ten years ago, there are more people today, more than 700, with huge popularity.

"The genius who walked out of our Weizhuang Village today is back!"

Wei Shengjun looked around at the crowd and looked at Wei Long, "Without him, Weizhuang Village would not have survived the wild beast attack ten years ago, nor would it have survived the subsequent crisis!"


Ten years ago, all the dolls in the village had grown up, but they still vaguely remembered the big brother. As for some older people, they were even more excited to see Wei Long.

If it is complicated, only the powerful fighters of Damimu Village have mixed feelings.

It's just that ten years have passed, and the children of Damu Village never heard the name of Damu Village again, and the original high-level officials and their relatives were also removed by them and Wei Tianhu, taking their place.

Whether they like it or not, their children only recognize Weizhuang Village, and they must recognize Weizhuang Village.

Everyone yelled.

Wei Long ate a lot that night, and the first time he drank was fruit wine, very sweet.

Many of the aunts who distributed the food survived ten years ago and were very grateful to him. There were also many young people who expressed their admiration to him, and there was even a boy and a half who wanted to challenge him.

Let Wei Tianhu slap and fly to the ground.

The dinner party ended slowly, and the soldiers left with their children and their wives. Wei Tianhu also had three wives, and he had four sons.

"You are really powerful, even in the Lingxu Cave, you can still grow rapidly."

Wei Shengjun was very surprised to hear that Zhang Zixin and others were only Wei Long's team members in this trial mission.

Wei Long and Wei Shengjun were walking at the east end of the village, talking about what happened in the last ten years, "I'm here this time, and I actually have something else I want to ask the village chief?"

"whats the matter?"

"What is the identity of the fortune teller who raised me?"

Wei Long left in a hurry.

At that time, he didn't trust Zeng Qingru very much, and Feng Haiyang, the special envoy of the Department of Desolation, was still there, so for the sake of prudence, he never asked this question.

What Wei Long really cares about is not the fortune-teller who raised the original body, but the Panshen Temple's continuous actions in the Southern Wilderness for ten years, which is also related to this.

Will this matter affect him?

If so, Wei Long needs to understand what kind of trouble this is.

This is also one of the reasons why he came back to Weizhuang Village.

He also reminded the village not to speak out about fortune-telling, otherwise it may cause disaster.

"Why do you want to ask this?" Wei Shengjun was taken aback, his expression changed slightly, "He raised you up, you should know better than me."

"I never heard him talk about his past."

Wei Long shook his head, "And it is very likely that some powerful forces are involved in this. So please let the village chief tell me."

"Fortune-telling first appeared in Weizhuang Village. I was still young, just a child. He needed a place to live, so he made a deal with the old village chief and helped Weizhuang Village choose a land of water. The village was there before, and then the strength of the village began to improve in the past 20 years."

Wei Shengjun's tone was reminiscent, "He never mentioned his name to anyone, but people called him a fortune teller. He was almost a lunatic. After that, the strength of the village improved, and the old village chief wanted more, and then something happened. Issues."

"What happened?" Wei Long continued to ask.

"The fortune teller gave the old village chief a brand-new exercise book, and instructed me how to behave in the evaluation of the deserted village by the Department of Desolation, and took this opportunity to join the army. He also told me how to act after entering the frontier army, which helped me avoid crises many times. .”

Wei Shengjun sighed: "I didn't believe him at the time, but after trying it, I found that he seemed to be a prophet and could see through my life. Only then did I understand why he was called a fortune teller."

Wei Shengjun's tone was very complicated, as if he had thought of something bad, "When I came back, he told me the weakness of the old village chief. At that time, the village chief had already condensed seven life marks, but he was still successfully killed by me."

"He also instructed me how to deal with the investigation by the Department of Desolation, and mediated with Damu Village, Qinghe Village, and Huangshi Village."

Wei Shengjun shook his head, "I asked him, why did he kill the old village chief, and he asked me to do it instead of doing it himself."

The night was a bit cool, Wei Long listened quietly.

"He said, this is not his world, he can't do anything. I think it should be his scruples."

Wei Shengjun continued: "He raised you until something happened and he needed to leave. He asked me to take care of you."

After listening to Wei Shengjun's description, Wei Long had a basic understanding of fortune-telling. This is a mysterious figure with unknown intentions, "Do you know what enemies he has or where he came from?"

"I don't know. Even the old village chief doesn't know where he came from." Wei Shengjun replied.

"I don't know who he is, so don't mention him with others in the future."

The previous generation in the village knew that there were almost no fortune-tellers. Wei Long warned: "This person is secretly involved in the maelstrom and has been investigated. If it is leaked, it may bring disaster to the village."

After chatting with Wei Shengjun for a while, Wei Long returned to his residence.

Wei Shengjun built a stone house for him as promised. After entering the door, he found that Wei Tianhu was asking Zhang Zixin for advice on cultivation.

"Brother Wei Long understands the way of transforming reality from emptiness in 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' better." Zhang Zixin greeted Wei Long when he saw Wei Long coming in.

"What's wrong?" Wei Long looked at Wei Tianhu.

"I've been stuck at the Fate Consummation for a long time."

Wei Tianhu was a little cautious, he took advantage of Wei Long and his father's communication to ask for advice, but he still met Wei Long, "'Bahuang Town Prison Boxing' was too late to comprehend because of its emptiness and reality."

"'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' is not a method of cultivation. If you use it to break through, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and it will take time and effort."

Wei Long explained the key to the true meaning of "Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" from virtual to real.

He is now practicing the "Eight Desolation Town Prison Sutra", which is of a profound state, and his eloquence makes people suddenly enlightened.


There is a very important threshold to transform the true meaning of the 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist', that is, practitioners need to innovate.

Wei Longdao: "'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' is sufficient as a fighting method, but it is not suitable for cultivation."

"There is only this method of cultivation in the village, and Mu Dawei's method of cultivation is kept secret. The original inheritance of Damu Village is no better than 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist'." Wei Tianhu had no choice.

"Senior Brother Zhang, I don't have anything. It depends on you." Wei Long didn't have any extra exercises, so he asked Zhang Zixin for advice.

"The captain has anything to say."

Zhang Zixin joked, he thought about it, and said to Wei Tianhu: "It is very difficult to join the Lingxu Cave with your talent, but there are still some small sects and some martial arts halls will accept disciples besides the Cave."

Seeing Wei Tianhu's hesitation, Wei Long knew his difficulty, and begged again: "If this is the case, the person will not be free, what will happen to Weizhuang Village in the future, senior brother will change the method."

"Okay, okay. I will write a letter. My family is well-known in Shuitian City, thousands of miles away, and I will let them arrange it." Seeing that Wei Long was so caring, Zhang Zixin happily made friends with Wei Long .

This junior has a bright future, he said with a smile: "Don't worry, although I am not as talented as my junior in Lingxu Cave, I am still the face of the family, and they will arrange small things."

Zhang Zixin directly took out the jade butterfly that he carried with him and burned it magically, so that he could not pretend to be an imitation.

He took out another map, "Compared to this, it is more important to safely reach the Water Sky City thousands of miles away, you can follow this"

Zhang Zixin drew a path for Wei Tianhu. It was a little farther away, but it was very safe. "With your accumulation, you will soon break through the realm of the life wheel. When the time comes, it's up to you whether to go or stay."

Wei Tianhu took the jade butterfly and the map to thank him and left, with mixed emotions. What seemed big to him was just a troublesome little thing in front of Zhang Zixin.

Whereas in Wei Long, all he had to do was move his mouth.

Should he be happy?If Wei Long had an accident, he should feel bad, but seeing Wei Long so eye-catching no matter where he is, he would feel even more uncomfortable.The countless contributions made in the past ten years seem a bit ridiculous.

"Let's go."

Before dawn, at the darkest hour of the day, Wei Long found seven people.

Xia Yonglan was a little surprised, "Are you leaving now without saying hello?"

"I can go back to the village and have a look, and my last thoughts have been settled." Wei Long laughed.

When I came back this time, my former partners had all grown up.

Wei Long knew that what he missed was not Weizhuang Village, but the feelings he had just traveled to this world, and put all his emotions from panic to peace of mind in Weizhuang Village, just like a wanderer homesick.

What Wei Long misses is only the Weizhuang Village in his memory; Wei Tianhu in his memory, Wei Tianhu who is full of enthusiasm, Wei Heitie who is thick and honest, Wei Wenbao who has a changeable mind but maintains simplicity;

When everyone is no longer young, only he is still.

He knew that he would probably never come back again. He and Weizhuang Village were just each other's shooting stars, leaving a light in each other's trajectory.

Wei Long took out the "Book of Black Iron", stopped joking, wrote it down carefully, removed sentiments, and left only the pure beauty. He filled a lot of space in the article "Not Mere", to record the lovely Chinese Two teenagers.Weizhuang Village, which is left in memory, is beautiful even if there is conflict.

 Exploded in situ.It is recommended to advance.But it's going to be cold again. This time, there are so many great masters. I can't stand it. Please recommend it for collection.Guys vote! (Breaking sound)


(End of this chapter)

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