Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 60 The Retrograde Man

Chapter 60 The Retrograde Man (Subscribe for the third watch)

The beast tide can be regarded as the migration of desolate beasts, or it can be called fleeing.

Desolate beasts are creatures with a strong concept of territory.

When the old 狻猊 is about to perish, abandoning its own territory, and its whereabouts are uncertain, every time it lands on a piece of land, needless to say, the center will all be turned into the blood of this terrifying creature.
And those desolate beasts in the periphery will escape.

As the fleeing team got bigger and bigger, they engulfed more and more of the same kind, because when the beast horde came, they were facing the whole group and couldn't beat it.

Can't beat what to do?
It's easy, just join.

The appearance of the beast horde will cause more wild beasts to lose their territories. As time goes by, the hordes of beast hordes will gradually dissipate and disperse throughout the wilderness.

However, the beast tide formed in the depths of the wilderness was like a boulder falling into the lake, causing waves of ripples, which had a huge impact.

When the first wave of beasts dissipates, there may be several, dozens, or the same, or smaller-scale beast tides.

Wei Long's epiphany was interrupted,

Epiphany is a sudden realization, an opportunity that practitioners dream of. Wei Long's own talent can only be said to be above-average, far from being good.

Although he has a lot of fallacies and heresies, they are all bragging. Who is not a baby deep down.

He also wanted to prove himself once and for all.

Epiphany is a very good opportunity. This is an ability that has little to do with talent. It depends more on the practitioner's own sensitivity and ability to perceive the outside world.

"'Heheyi' is like the skirt of the goddess of fate, and a corner has been lifted in front of me, but you told me that I woke up from the dream?" Wei Long was very depressed.

Fortunately, the threshold was touched.


The physical energy required to upgrade the "Huayue Hunyuanxu Jing" will be reduced.

Seeing Wei Long wake up, Zhang Zixin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "The beast tide is coming, what should we do?"

Hearing the word "beast tide", Wei Long was completely awake.

Why is it said that the first, fifth, and eighth theaters are under the greatest pressure?

It is because the terrain of these three theaters is relatively special.

Originally, from Julu City to the south, facing the unknown land, the terrain was low in the south and high in the north.

But in these three war zones, it is the terrain of the Great Basin. Therefore, from the depths of the Great Desolation, these three war zones are downhill.

So every time a beast tide appears, it will inadvertently flow into three more theaters.

Wei Long has already seen many people evacuating to the garrison, most of these people are scattered people who came to the border to earn military exploits.

Most of them are from small powers.

There are also members of some business groups who earn combat merit points in exchange for cultivation resources.

And among the crowds evacuating to the station, there were also retrograde people.

Most of these people were border guards wearing black armor, and not only that, there were nearly ten thousand soldiers stationed in the garrison who rushed out.

They are also retrograde people.

Facing the hordes of beasts that could destroy almost everything, they still faithfully shouldered their responsibilities knowing that this trip might never return.

For practitioners like Wei Long, their first identity is cultivation and the pursuit of detachment.

And these frontier soldiers, their first identity is the Iron Army of the Dayan Dynasty, and the meaning of their existence is to protect.

Seeing this scene, Wei Long understood more deeply the meaning of what Zeng Qingru said when he invited him to the border trial.

When you are enjoying the benefits of Dongtian Paradise;
When you have power that no one else has;
When you have a greater future;
You face danger.

This danger is not a trivial matter, but a real danger of death crisis.

At that point, you have a choice to make.

Because when you are cultivating comfortably, when you are enjoying these resources, someone is uncomfortable outside the steel wall, and someone is resisting all this.

So, when you have the strength, what choice should you make?
Wei Long seemed to feel the gaze from somewhere.

This feeling, he is very clear, this is probably the test of the position of true inheritance, wanting to become the true inheritance of Lingxu Cave, wanting to inherit the great inheritance.

So, do you have the qualifications?

Talent, character, determination, these things are indispensable.

Even sacrifices are added.

This world is a sea of ​​bitterness, if there is no persistence, how can we sail far?
Lingxu Grotto allows the disciples to practice comfortably and provides them with the best environment, but when it comes to selecting the core elite disciples, they also have the determination and wisdom to push them into a dangerous environment to choose.

"You go back."

Wei Long glanced at Zhang Zixin's seven people, and his depressed mood slowly dissipated, "This is my trial, and you are not yet qualified to take this step."

The seven Zhang Zixin also knew that the time was urgent, and they probably understood the meaning behind Wei Long's words.

This is a trial of a higher level. If they go there, they will die and live. "I wish my brother a smooth journey! Martial arts prosper!"

"Then I will borrow the auspicious words from all the brothers and sisters."

Wei Long laughed, looking at the hordes of beasts that had traveled hundreds of miles away, his eyes gradually faded from indifference, leaving only indifference in his heart,

His figure flashed, like a cannonball, covering nearly ten miles in one breath, and after a few breaths, his figure had already crashed into a beast tide.

In times of crisis, there is only retrograde!

"Brother?" Xia Yonglan looked at Zhang Zixin.

Zhang Zixin smiled casually, "Although we can't directly hit the center of the beast horde like our junior brother, we can't really go back to the station. We still have to do our part."


At the frontier army headquarters in Julu City, a middle-aged man dressed as a scribe walked into a meeting room with an urgent report, "Five waves of beasts appeared, the strongest one appeared in the direction of the fifth war zone, and the second strongest two appeared in the direction of the fifth theater." The first and eighth theaters, and two more in the fourth and sixth theaters."

"The revenge of the Holy Beast Gate is coming."

Chen Minghan said: "The Holy Beast Sect has long betrayed the human race. If Julu City is really broken, it will go straight to the hinterland of the Southern Desolation. At that time, countless people will die in the mouth of the desolate beast."

There are five people sitting in high positions in the meeting hall of the frontier army headquarters.

Chen Ming lost his sense of wonder, with a calm and majestic face, his eyes swept over the strange man on the right, and a hidden emotion flashed in his eyes.

The first one on his left is a young man with a long sword on his back, who is the elder of the Great Sword Cave; the second is a heroic woman who is the guardian of the mountain, sea and cave; Zhang Baichuan, the elder of Lingxu Dongtian, whose voice echoed.

And on Chen Ming's right hand is a mysterious man with a dark green scorpion tail on his back.

This is the upper god of the Scorpio Protoss in the Pantheon. The five have different auras, but they can all be said to be extremely strong.

"Since we have found the headquarters, let us go there and destroy them first."

The man with the sword on his back said: "The Sacred Beast Sect has a way to coerce wild beasts. If we let them attack again and again, I'm afraid we will become more and more passive."

"So thank you four." Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

The heroic woman stood up and said: "General, please take care of my disciples under the Shanhaidongtianmen. Those little guys are really hot-headed and can't be stopped."

"My disciples under the cave of Lingxu also have General Lao." When Zhang Baichuan led them away, he asked for help.

Only the young man with the sword on his back remained silent.

A disciple of the Extreme Sword Cave Heaven, who lives towards death and loves the sword extremely.

The first war zone.

When the beast horde just entered the war zone and was still thousands of miles away, a figure with a sword plunged straight into the beast horde.The dark green long sword in Bai Qingyuan's hand was flying like a dragon, and his sword moves were mostly at two points and one line.

Just chop, chop, chop.

Unceasingly cut out the long sword in his hand, beheading all wild beasts within sight.

Eighth War Zone.

Zhao Wubai will send away his brothers and sisters who have been following him all the time. His hairless bald head shines brightly under the sun. support.

Facing the desolate beast, he just punched and punched, pouring endless passion into the desolate beast's body.

Besides Wei Long, the captains of the three teams in Lingxu Dongtian also chose to join the beast tide.

And a flying figure with purple patterns also made the same choice under the captain's complicated eyes.

In half a year, Zhong Wuyan also reached the realm of consummation of the life wheel.

Among the disciples of that class 11 years ago, Wei Long was not alone.

These figures are more radical than those of the frontier soldiers. Facing the rising momentum of the wild beast's climax, they launched an attack like a national soldier.

Facing the difficulties is naturally even more difficult.

But this is the path of practice that belongs to each of them.

In the fifth war zone, a mysterious figure landed behind the beast tide. He hid in the belly of a dragon bear.

With the huge body of an earth bear and dragon horns on its head, this is a desolate beast equivalent to the golden core realm.

And this person is also a strong person at the Golden Core level, named Song Renming, a core disciple of the Holy Beast Sect, and the executor who killed Wei Long on Zhu Yan's order.

This time the beast tide was led by him and other senior brothers.

It is naturally impossible for the Holy Beast Sect to control the old Suan Ni, but they can use their knowledge of the Suan Ni clan to guide them.

When this old 狻猊 was dying, he still did not choose to return to the mausoleum of the sacred place of the 狻猊 clan just to find that glimmer of life.

Song Renming looked at Wei Long with great interest as he kept making shots amidst the beast tide. From the beginning of indifference, he gradually turned into seriousness. With his strength in the Golden Core realm, he couldn't help being secretly startled.

Seeing that Wei Long punched a hundred meters of blood, Song Renming made up his mind, "Even with Danyun's body protection, I will never fight this monster in close combat, so I will use the beast tide to consume it first, and give all the cards as much as possible." Grind it out. I will take another shot when it is exhausted."

(End of this chapter)

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