Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 79 Golden Elixir Consummation

Chapter 79 Golden Elixir Consummation (for Subscription)

For nearly eight years, Wei Long has been making money, making money non-stop, eating and eating, and eating non-stop. Other than that, he just sleeps non-stop.

With the name of a true disciple and backed by the big tree in the Lingxu Cave, the strength of the Guhua Chamber of Commerce has grown by leaps and bounds, and even the seven Zhang Zixin have made great progress, and they have all reached the realm of life wheel perfection.

And Zhang Zixin is starting to break through the golden core realm.

The seven have made great progress, and the family behind them is also growing.

If the disciple who enters the room cannot become a true disciple, then he must take the path of a deacon, manage the power of the cave, and then gradually increase his strength.

For the seven members of Zhang Zixin, joining Wei Long's team, the biggest gain is not their own growth, but the step-by-step development of the family behind them.

Similarly, it was Wei Long who gained the most.

Wei Long is very efficient in doing things. He will do his best when he sees a direction. Even if he starts slowly and encounters setbacks, he will persevere.

It is precisely because of this that he turned the influence of his true disciples into his own cultivation resources as much as possible.

Sometimes eating is not a good look.And this is inevitable.

It is almost impossible to be able to enjoy the harmony, beauty, and tranquility of the years. Wei Long built his own power system, and naturally some people's interests will be damaged.

And this was secretly encouraged by Lingxu Cave.

As a true disciple, Wei Long exerted his influence on one city after another, just like a desolate beast marking its own territory, and in the end, everything will be marked with the mark of Lingxu Cave.

The Lingxu Cave is responsible for guarding the Heisha Abyss and guarding the territory of the human race.

But if you think of it as 'kindness', it would be too simplistic.

The development of any power, or the continuation of a race, must have blood and some ugly things.

The Lingxu Cave is the guardian of the Southern Desolate Territory, and has sacrificed countless blood for it. From disciples to elders, generations of people have followed suit, but Lingxu Cave is still doing some domineering things.

Occupy the best paradise and plunder the best resources.

This is something that cannot be avoided.

And Wei Long never felt this kind of atmosphere during his time as a disciple, it's not that it doesn't exist, but someone has already borne it for him.

Therefore, there is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden forward.

After becoming a true disciple, Wei Long had to get involved in some "common things" instead, and could no longer practice quietly like some. Even the seven Zhang Zixin gradually found their own position.

The pure and beautiful friendship between Wei Long and the seven senior brothers and sisters was tainted with some interests.

Sometimes, what is more helpless is that interests make the relationship between the eight people more complicated and also stronger.

It is much stronger than purely personal likes and dislikes.

Wei Long's radish-thick fingers gently rubbed the briefing, thought for a while, and asked the Guhua Chamber of Commerce to support Weizhuang Village. This is what he has been doing for eight years, supporting some deserted villages.

It's good to do business, "There is no need to mention my name, I want to keep the simple beauty, so it is good to do business."

Wei Long left the briefing on the table, and someone will come to take it away later.

In the past three or four years, he has not asked about the specific operation of the Guhua Chamber of Commerce, but only gave some support when the true disciples gathered.

"Eight years have passed."

Wei Long came to the side hall of cultivation, and saw the news of Weizhuang Village, which touched his thoughts, "When I first became a true disciple, I was a little drifting. My cultivation speed is very fast, and my strength used to be strong. I have the realm of gods and demons." Enough to grasp the breakthrough."

Wei Long's excellence and strength are indisputable facts.

And relying on the name of a true disciple, many people circled around him, and a steady stream of resources rushed towards him.

This is certainly what Wei Long deserves, but it cannot be taken for granted.

"When we move forward with heavy burdens, what we should feel is happiness, not pride or arrogance, let alone laziness or decay."

Wei Long thought of what Elder Zeng Qingru said when the first ten-year silent period ended.

'We enjoy the benefits of Dongtian Paradise, so naturally we also have to bear due responsibilities.Practitioners practice internally to transcend their own suffering and pursue immortality, while externally they shoulder the mission of transcending the entire human race!Slaying wild beasts and eradicating the spread of the unknown is exactly the mission of our practice! '

Wei Long's gaze gradually became firm.

All the pain is because this is a world filled with blackness, and the human race is helpless in it.

If it was a world like the Paradise of the Heavens, where any monk in the wheel of life could control an empty boat, where countless rare and exotic plants would be bred, how could there be so much pain?A barren village would not be so simple.

Instead, it should be the place where the mortal race sits, and there are vast mansions and pavilions.

"Cultivation itself is enough to make me happy!" Wei Long felt that the time had come. He relied on his own practice for eight years to raise his cultivation level to Jindan Sixth Refinement.

Intuitively speaking, Dan Yun's value has increased by 12 points.

Reached the peak in the middle stage of Jindan, only one step away from the late stage, and correspondingly, the consonant Fengshen legs have also been upgraded from "first peeking at the door" to "entering the room", and the same is true for Xuanying Blood Escape.

"Even if I, Wei Long, don't rely on adding points, I can still move forward quickly." Wei Long gradually regained his composure.

Eight years of accumulation.

He has accumulated a huge amount of energy in his body, body energy and metal energy, maintaining this ratio of ten to one.

The first thing Wei Long improves is his own cultivation. For him, cultivation is the foundation and the basis for all exercises to exert their power.

Wei Long's heart skipped a beat.

Dan Yun+1
Dan Yun+1
A quarter of an hour later, Wei Long's body lost two circles of weight, and his golden core was resplendent, as if it had been forged by an invisible force, and the purple halo became even more astonishing, containing unparalleled power.

And like the power of Zixia's Danyun, it lingers around Wei Long.

The palace where he was located trembled faintly. The supernatural power of 'Ultimate Purple and Eight Desolation' was terrifying to the extreme. It possessed an extremely powerful power of terror and permeated the supernatural power, as if it had touched the power of the law.

Dan cloud value: 100
"Sure enough, my previous thought was correct, to establish my own power system first, although it was a bit difficult at the beginning, some battles were not very honorable, and even made my heart dusty, but there is no doubt that in the face of this rapid improvement , all the sacrifices are worth it!"

With the rapid increase in strength, Wei Long swept away his somewhat depressed mood.

He is the true biography of Lingxu Cave, and it is his responsibility to protect the territory of the human race.

Similarly, it should be his right to obtain massive resources.

"What laziness! What arrogance! What pride! What corruption! I don't have any! That's not me!"

Wei Long looked at his own heart squarely, and he really kept his true heart, "Those strange thoughts are just because I did something I'm not good at."

Wei Long had to admit that he was really not suitable for managing power, and his brain couldn't turn around such a turn, "In the future, professional things should be left to professional people. I shouldn't get involved in mundane things, it won't do me any good."

"The reason why I am so strong now is to maintain a pure idea, both in cultivation and in battle!"

Wei Long finally knew where the problem was, "I have a high IQ, but I'm not suitable for trying to figure out people's hearts, nor for fighting people's wits."

Wei Long thought of how he was once speechless by Mei Si's wickedness, and it was Xia Yonglan and Su Qian who scolded each other bloody in the end.

The same is true for his establishment of the Guhua Chamber of Commerce.

Although he hasn't developed a micromanagement chamber of commerce for several years, he still maintains the habit of reading briefings and giving pointers from time to time.

"Do what you are good at, Wei Long, don't use your weaknesses to compare with others' strengths."

Wei Long reflected on himself, "I kind of understand why the cave master and some elders let his disciples manage the common affairs of the cave. Only in this way can we maintain a pure heart."

Thinking of this, Wei Long felt refreshed and his mood improved, "Fortunately, the Guhua Chamber of Commerce is now on the right track. From then on, I can just read the briefing once a year. I let go of many things completely. I just need to focus on my cultivation. Be brave and diligent. This is a world where great power belongs to oneself!"

"Strength is the fundamental way, no matter what the road ahead is, just push it flat!"

Wei Long's heart relaxed, he felt indescribably comfortable, and he strengthened his confidence even more.

With a movement in his heart, the accumulated metal energy was directly consumed.

In a blink of an eye.

The Book of Black Iron has been upgraded from [Low Grade Sturdy Glyph] to [Top Grade Sturdy Glyph]. The mountain-shaped relief on the back of the book is more clearly visible.

"If you want to upgrade to the best level, I'm afraid you need a lot of resources." Wei Long can feel that the more resources you need for cultivation, the more you get to the end.

In recent years, for some unknown reason, the price of desolate beast meat has increased. Not only Wei Long is buying it, but even the Cave Master Elder is also buying it in large quantities.

I don't know what the two want to do.

Wei Long shook his head, no longer thinking about it, but his heart was moved again.

In terms of skills and treasures, he first raised the level of Xuanying Blood Escape, from [entering the hall] across two realms, and entered the level of [extraordinary perfection].

The blood crystal in the Palace of Fate was extremely dazzling, his figure flashed, he went out directly from the side hall of cultivation, rose into the sky from Mingkong Island, and rushed straight to the land below.

Wei Long turned into three blood shadows.

With just one breath, he spanned more than 400 miles of space, and with a bang, Wei Long landed on a piece of bare ground.

The other two blood shadows dissipated hundreds of miles away.

Wei Long leaped out of the big pit, his breath was a little messed up, his mouth smelled of blood, 'Xuanying Xuedun' was upgraded to the [Superb] level, and the speed on the far escape was accelerated again, and the distance also became longer.

The consumption of the body is also great.

After recovering his body, Wei Long improved the [Consonant Fengshen Legs] for the second time, which also increased two levels in a row.

Wei Long's figure flashed.

Only an afterimage remained in place, and he appeared in an open space more than 2000 meters away, and then his figure disappeared again. The air flow was used by him, and coupled with the powerful and mysterious power of his legs, he moved in a short distance. It's almost over.

The third treasure technique that Wei Long has improved is Delusion Breaking Technique. This treasure technique is still at the level of [First Glimpse] for eight years, and it is very difficult to improve.

Wei Long raised it to the level of "entering the room", only to feel that the world he saw was no longer different.

Although the red clouds in the blessed land are all over the sky, the amount of red clouds gathered in different places is also different.

In his eyes, the generation and operation of Chixia can be vaguely seen through.

After upgrading the 'Delusion Breaking Technique', Wei Long didn't have much energy in his body anymore, but with a movement in his heart, the last little bit of energy was concentrated into his comprehension about the "Shaxia Twin Spirit Method".


This recovery method has been promoted to the state of "Entering the Hall and Entering the Room". At this point, Wei Long's energy for eight consecutive years has been exhausted, and he has returned to his original appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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