Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 81 Brother Wei Long's small class has started!

Chapter 81 Brother Wei Long's small class has started!

Wei Long hasn't shown his face for nine years, but there are still legends about him circulating in Dongtian. The name of 'Jade Faced King Kong', along with the expansion of the Ancient Chinese Chamber of Commerce, is also silently spreading.

Wei Long, who came from another world, knows the role of prestige very well.

In a word, if you don't occupy the position of public opinion, the enemy will occupy it.

In the eyes of Wei Long, Wang Yi, the deacon stationed in Dailingxu Dongtian, the elder Zeng Qingru, or the general Chen Ming of Julu City, there are many things wrong with the Pantheon.

The way of cultivation that entrusts all difficulties to a drop of the blood of the upper god, implicitly implies getting something for nothing, and the distorted cultivation path that entrusts everything to the bestowed by the upper god.

And change the path of human nature, heart and even human body.

It is evil.

However, people of insight like Wei Long are actually a minority. The Pantheon pays great attention to selecting suitable people for the public, such as Jiao Shisan.

Before being praised and humiliated by Wei Long by Mei Sixie, he really had a great affection for the human race.

And between Jiao Shisan and Ying Liu, the Pantheon let Jiao Shisan be in charge to spread his name.

Besides, the Tianyi and Yunwu of the Pantheon that Wei Long met for the first time, Tianyi and Yunwu of the Tiangou God Clan were very hostile to the human race.

As for Yun Wu of the Huoyun God Clan, although he still had a bad attitude, he was able to maintain restraint.

During the operation, when he asked Wei Long for news, it was Yun Wu who came forward and covered up his disgust,

If Wei Long answered well, he would be given a pill to establish a good image.

But the real situation is that Jiao Shisan is a different kind. When people accept the divine blood of a higher god and refine it, their personalities will naturally mutate.

There are only a few people who have a good impression of people like Jiao Shisan.

Moreover, Jiao Shisan's favorability is more of a kind of sympathy for "inferior races" from the superiors.

Before Mei Sixie stepped on, before he stepped on Wei Long, he had already stepped on many people. Faced with such flattery, Jiao Shisan enjoyed it and ignored it.

Because of the existence of Jiao Shisan, ordinary people can only endure this breath silently.

Until he kicked Wei Long's iron plate, he lost all face and lost that layer of hypocritical pity.

Seeing Wei Long in the beast horde, his first thought was to sneak attack and kill him.

Of course, because Wei Long had been on guard for a long time and was powerful, he fought back.

Eliminate harm for the human race, and get rid of Jiao Shisan and others.

But Pantheon still pays attention to managing its own image. In fact, many people will be deceived. Some ordinary people think that the angle thirteen launched by Pantheon is the majority.

The truth is, Jiao Thirteen is a very small minority.

Most of the people in the Pantheon wished to surpass the human race and completely pollute the blood of the human race.

all in all.

Wei Long intends to spread himself and create a 'personal design', he thinks 'King Kong with Jade Face' is very vivid.

First of all, let me tell you something.

He is indeed good-looking, which laid a good foundation for the first step of publicity.

Secondly, there is a contrast between 'Jade Face' and 'King Kong'. Such a good-looking person is not an embroidered pillow, nor is he a fake mother of a big family, but a real man of iron and blood.

'Jade Faced King Kong' naturally has a basis for publicity.

In addition, Wei Long's own advantages far exceed those in the propaganda. Compared with the shameless false propaganda of the Pantheon, Wei Long is the real propaganda.

"Senior brother Wei Long is finally going to start teaching." A female disciple was very happy. Ever since she caught a glimpse of Wei Long at the True Biography Conference nine years ago, this disciple has never forgotten it.

There are also old aunts who have been practicing for a long time, dismissive and more rational, "After every true disciple has consolidated his cultivation, he will explain his own cultivation experience. This is our Dongtian tradition."

"Finally I can listen to my brother's lectures. I hope there are new ideas. I hope I can break through the current bottleneck. It would be even better if I can ask questions." The male disciples are relatively pragmatic.

When I heard the news that Wei Long was going to teach, my first reaction was whether it would be useful.

The news of Wei Long's lecture spread to every corner of the cave like wings.

Countless disciples looked forward to it.

Lingxu Cave has been recognized as No.1 in the past hundred years, the youngest true disciple, and the first disciple in the past 500 years to be unanimously approved by all the elders who participated in the true tradition conference.

How did he, who was born in a barren village, have such a fast cultivation speed?

Is it really an unparalleled talent, or is there something else hidden.

Everything will be answered in Brother Wei Long's small class!
"How about it, just any clothes." Wei Long changed into a white robe, with a jade face and spring breeze, unspeakably chic, but he looked a little helpless, looking at Xia Yonglan beside him and said.

Su Qian looked at it from the side, "I said senior brother, do you really not consider quitting your wild beast habit? Senior sister Xia Yonglan likes the way you look thin."

"Senior Sister, don't laugh at me anymore." Wei Long was molested helplessly, gathered the jade ring around his waist, and after making sure that there was nothing wrong, he and Zhang Zixin and his party went to Qingshui Island.

Huifeng is smooth and colorful clouds are floating.Many people gathered on the central square of Qingshui Island, Wei Long looked at this scene, it was really complicated.

Although the number of people was much smaller than that of the True Biography Conference, this kind of lectures brought back his memories even more.

Back then, when he first entered the Lingxu Cave, he also relied on the open classes given by Elder Ceng and Brother Zhenchuan to quickly make up for his lack of cultivation foundation.

Later, let him find a way to comprehend the treasure technique 'One Yuan Heavy Water'.

"It's true that some years have passed." Wei Long walked towards the high platform in the center of the square with steady steps, and appeared in the center of the square in an instant.

Shocking the white robe, he sat cross-legged in mid-air, as if walking on flat ground.

Glancing around at the younger brothers and younger sisters below, Wei Long also had no choice but to return the future, and flicked his fingers into the air, with a mysterious and soft but hard to resist pressure.

In an instant, the square became quiet, and he said, "Let's talk about the meaning of harmony."

"Brother's strength has become stronger." Zhang Zixin felt very complicated when he saw that Wei Long had arranged thousands of disciples clearly and clearly with a single point of his finger.

Cui Wenhai said: "Senior brother is practicing one way, and he is really a genius who is rare in a hundred years, or even a thousand years."

They called Wei Long 'Senior Brother' out of respect for Zhenchuan, and Wei Long also called them 'Senior Brother and Senior Sister' in respect of their former friendship.

mutual respect.

"'The meaning of harmony' is regarded as the true meaning of the taboo in the realm of the life wheel. If you comprehend it, you will be able to enter the taboo level of the life wheel and have the power to resist the realm of the golden core."

Wei Long came straight to the point, and he came up with dry goods, "Although the 'integration of harmony' can be regarded as the third level of artistic conception after the virtualization of the true meaning, after the virtualization of the real artistic conception, the difficulty is far more than that of the virtualization of the real artistic conception."

"'Heheyi' means to embrace the essence and keep the unity. The gods walk from the life wheel to the whole body. Every punch and kick has infinite true power, which is contained in it. The whole person can be regarded as a golden elixir."

Now that Wei Long looked back at 'Heheyi' from the Golden Core Realm, he felt more touched.

"If you use the golden elixir method to first condense the golden elixir, and after you reach the golden elixir state, you will be able to invert the 'cooperative meaning'. If you first comprehend the 'cohesive meaning', you will be able to break through the golden elixir and go through a lot of difficulties."

"Then, is it more difficult to directly break through the golden core, or is it more difficult to comprehend the 'meaning of harmony'?"

Those who can enter the Lingxu Cave are all monks who have developed life wheels, and most of them are golden life wheels.

But cultivation is like this, and it becomes more and more difficult.

A genius in the early stage can still guarantee entry in the later stage, which is actually very powerful.

Ordinary people in the early stage may become more powerful and enlightened in the later stage. There are also such examples.

Just not much.

Wei Long talked about the meaning of "combination" and directly broke it and crushed it. There is nothing to hide. This is inheritance.

Since he is a true disciple, he has the responsibility in this regard.

Tell me about the path you have traveled.

The disciples below were fascinated by what they heard, and they burst out with countless insights. It is true that Wei Long has no secrets.

This is Wei Long's pattern.

I'm just telling you what I know, my speed of progress is still fast enough, and it would be a good thing for Dongtian if I can have a few more juniors and juniors at the taboo level of the life wheel.

It's just that soon, a small number of disciples can't keep up, especially the disciples in the early and middle stages of the life wheel, the more they listen, the more difficult they are.

He could only take out the jade plate, or simply use his own identity token to write down every word Wei Long said.


Some disciples who are in the later stage of the life wheel can't keep up. For example, Wei Long gave an in-depth lecture on "Hua Yue Hun Yuan Ruo Jing", from the level of comprehension of "supernatural" to "reaching the pinnacle".

Because Wei Long added points, he could temporarily stimulate his own perception, so he took a step forward.

However, those disciples couldn't keep up when Wei Long's self-awareness was promoted from "Supernatural" to "Acme of Excellence".

Wait until Wei Long talks about it from [reaching the pinnacle] to [unparalleled].

That is, "Huayue Hunyuan Market Classic" to "Wei Huayue Hunyuan Market Classic".

It was full of Wei Long's own insights.

The "meaning of harmony" he comprehended is more in line with his own artistic conception, the whole body is perfect and one, and some side effects of "ultimate power" are eliminated and so on.

It is meaningless to talk about the meaning of "combination" Wei Long can't talk about perception, he wants to combine "Hua Yue Hun Yuan Ruo Jing".

As for the restriction that this skill can only be taught to disciples who entered the room, Wei Long removed the secret technique, and directly used his own understanding to rearrange and reorganize it.

Avoid restrictions.

To be precise, what Wei Long is talking about at this moment is the "Wei Long Hunyuanxu Jing", this life wheel-level exercise, Wei Long went straight to Hua Yue, the third cave master who created him.

When it comes to the level of comprehension of [Incomparable], no one can keep up.

They can only record it first, and then go to enlightenment later.

And some true disciples who observed secretly in it also fell into it.

Is what Wei Long said really the perception of the realm of the wheel of life?Only a few true biography who have reached the step of "combined meaning" can keep up with Wei Long's thinking.

Wei Long is more solid because of his sense of improvement.And he believed in every step he took, never doubting himself.Even the taboo realm.

Everything depends on me.

(End of this chapter)

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