Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 88 Take it for me

Chapter 88 Take it for me (Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month)

With Pantheon operating behind the scenes, and being able to gain a foothold in Xing'an County, the small Liyu Tower is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface, and there must be an intricate network of relationships behind it.

And here is the wilderness in the south and the north in the north.

Compared with the vicinity of the ancient city of Loulan, Lingxu Cave's control is weaker than one or two points.

It is also true that the influence of Dongtian, Dayan Dynasty and Pantheon are entangled with each other.

It is easy for Pantheon to do some behind-the-scenes transactions.

"What does the elder want?" Wei Long asked.

A simple Xiayu mine involves a dirty deal, which is likely to last for more than a hundred years. No matter what you want to do, you can expect a lot of resistance.

It has been more than ten years since he ascended the throne, and Wei Long has grown in character and courage.

So what if you pierce the sky?

This is Nanhuang.

The Dayan Dynasty also wanted to give three points of face, and the Pantheon was just a division.

If the road is rough, then go through the thorns and thorns!

Why can't the desolate beasts kill the scum of the human race?
"This is Nanhuang." Zeng Qingru said the same way, pointing to the ground that passed quickly under his feet.

The man was arrogant in the air, and said with a smile: "Child, you should remember that this is Nanhuang, the place guarded by my Lingxu Cave, and some rules were exchanged by countless predecessors with hard work. No matter who it is, if you don't abide by it Rules, you have to pay the price!"

The figures of the two people left only an afterimage in the dark night. The night was dim, and the farther they were from the wilderness, the brighter the lights in the cities they passed along the way.

Stopped on a great city,
Zeng Qingru looked at the big city at his feet, "The mine development contract was signed by the Wang family, the Nanhuang branch of the Pantheon, and the Zhou family of gods and demons. We, Dongtian, support the Wang family. The Zhou family is the lord of Xing'an County and is also the official representative of the Yan Dynasty. Representative. Since Mingba has done such a thing, he cannot hide it from the Zhou family, a powerful family in Xing'an County."

"The Liyu Tower has been in Xing'an County for a hundred years, no matter how cautious it is, it is impossible for the Zhou family to know nothing about it. The Zhou family has worked in Xing'an County for thousands of years, and the lord of the county has never been left behind. .”

Zeng Qingru looked at Wei Long, and said: "No matter who is in my Dongtian's control, who does such evil things, the perpetrator will die, and those who indulge will also be punished. If the Zhou family in Xing'an County can't give Lingxu Dongtian an explanation, this family It doesn't have to exist anymore!"

As he spoke, Zeng Qingru and Wei Long looked at each other, both of them were determined.

The two of them turned into two beams of light, and they were miraculously boiling under the night sky. With all their murderous intentions, they plunged straight towards the Shenyouzhan Garden in the middle of Xing'an County City!

It is late at night.

Xing'an County City is still brightly lit. This is the most prosperous city in a radius of [-] li. People living in it can feel a natural sense of security.

If it weren't for the requirement of military service, perhaps for many people, the desolate beast would be a strange existence.


Every year, some powerful families represented by some families cry for poverty to the Great Yan Dynasty.

Because every year, the Department of Desolation and Lingxu Dongtian will mobilize a large part of resources from these counties to support the operation of the Department of Desolation, reward frontier soldiers, sacrifice pensions, and give Dongtian disciples a certain amount of frontier experience subsidies, etc. .

this night.

The mansion of the Zhou family, the largest family in Xing'an County, was as bright as day as in the past, and the large formation guarding the family was constantly operating, with a hint of wonder.

To expel Heisha and turn it into the power of Chixia by some means, and these means are just a little background of the powerful clan of gods and demons.

The Zhou family of gods and demons has been passed down in an orderly manner for thousands of years, and they are intertwined in Xing'an County, with unpredictable backgrounds.

It's just that since half a month ago, the atmosphere within this family has been abnormal.

"Concrete news has come out. This time, Elder Dongtian Zeng Qingru, the leader who solved the 'Giant Crocodile Mountain Xiayu Deposit', is followed by Wei Long, a true disciple who has the reputation of 'Jade Face King Kong'."

The Patriarch of the Zhou family, Zhou Minghui, hastily brought a jade plate, "It's because of Zhou Luo's child that I got some information."

There were five people in the hall, the leader was not Patriarch Zhou Minghui, but an old man with a slightly aged face.

It was Zhou Yicheng, the ancestor of the gods and demons of the Zhou family.

"Just this little news, I would rather spend a little more to find out what they mean." Zhou Fang, the fourth sister of the Zhou family, sighed.

The second son of the Zhou family said in a bad tone, "Can't that kid Zhou Luo exert more strength! That girl from Zhennanhou's Mansion has become a true disciple, so I can go and find out from her."

"The 'Jucrocodile Mountain Xiayu Mine' contract was concluded between us, the Wang family and the Panshendian family. The Panshendian family is so aggressive that it has destroyed the Wang family's family. It has long wanted to seek this mine." Give the jade plate to the ancestor.

Zhou Luo is the youngest son of Zhou Minghui, and his talent is among the best among the younger generation of the Zhou family.

As it was tied with Zhong Wuyan of Zhennanhou's Mansion more than ten years ago, it has a great reputation.

However, in the past ten years or so, with Wei Long becoming a blockbuster, neither Zhong Wuyan nor Zhou Luo can compare with him.

What's more, a few years ago, Zhong Wuyan ascended to the position of True Inheritance in the True Inheritance Conference, breaking away from the struggle of low-level disciples.

And Zhou Luo's position is a bit awkward.

His talent and potential are still there, but he will have to wait ten years or even longer for the position of True Inheritance.

Zhou Minghui has always kept Zhou Luo away from family struggles. If it hadn't been for the recent accident, he would not have let his son go to inquire about the intelligence of the Lingxu Cave.

In fact, Zhou Luo is the closest to the core of the Lingxu Cave in the Zhou family.

It's not that there are no other channels, but the current situation, there is no more reassuring and faster channel than this.

"Our Zhou family has benefited from the 'Giant Crocodile Mountain Xiayu Mine' for more than a hundred years. Now that Zeng Qingru has joined, we all know his attitude towards the Pantheon."

Zhou Fang, the fourth sister of the Zhou family, analyzed: "Giving up the mines, although it is a considerable sum, is still worthwhile if we can escape the struggle between Lingxu Dongtian and Panshen Temple."

"Why do you want to give up? The mine owner Wang's family won't be able to last long, and our income ratio can be increased by then." The second child said loudly, "Shouldn't the Lingxu Cave Heaven be reasonable?"

"Zeng Qingru, his Taoist companion fell because of the Pantheon a hundred years ago."

The ancestor of the Zhou family, Zhou Yicheng, who had been in deep thought, spoke slowly.

The hall fell silent involuntarily, "That Wei Long is extremely talented, but he has never been a teacher. It seems that he wants to take the position of the master of the Caiyun Chuangong Hall that has been vacant for 800 years! There is nothing to say! So confident, so courageous, so young!"

Zhou Yicheng said three good words in a row before looking at the eldest son and saying, "You are the sheriff of Xing'an County, what do you think we should do?"

"The mine must be given up. The reason why Zeng Qingru intervened in this matter was that Na Mingba came from the hinterland of the Dayan Dynasty. Not only did he ruin the plan of the Pantheon's Nanhuang branch, but it also indirectly pointed out the Pantheon and the Liyu Tower. Relationship."

Zhou Minghui pondered and analyzed: "Zeng Qingru doesn't care much about the distribution of a mine, not to mention that the Wang family only has an interest relationship with him. But the appearance of the son of Mingba, I'm afraid he came this time not only for the mine."


Zhou Yicheng sighed, "What Zeng Qingru wants to establish is the rules of the Lingxu Cave in Nanhuang! He wants to ask! Then why can Liyu Tower exist for a hundred years, why our Zhou family is indifferent, and what are the mines? ? Little profit!"

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

An incomparable force emerged from Zhou Yicheng, like surging waves and endless waves, and also like infinite magic rotations.

He looked at his second son, "Second son, tell me, why can't my Zhou family see Li Yulou's hidden hand?"

"Father! I really didn't do anything."

The second child fell to the ground, "It's just that Bai Hui came to seduce me. If I knew the dirty deal behind her, how could I remain indifferent!"

"You're low! Second, tell me, we're here today to discuss, when you want my Zhou family to compete for the 'Giant Crocodile Mountain Xiayu Mine' again, do you know the inside story?" Zhou Yicheng asked.

The second child was speechless for a moment.

"Yeah, you're trying to push my Zhou family into a pit of fire." Zhou Yicheng sighed.

The second child was silent for a while, and said loudly: "Father! The Pantheon dominates the Holy Martial Dynasty, so what if the Lingxu Cave Heaven? We voted for it, isn't it much better than being restrained by the Lingxu Cave Heaven!"

"Look at elder brother, he is the magistrate of Xing'an County. He represents the face of the Zhou family and the position of the Yan Dynasty! But what? He is afraid when he hears about Lingxu Cave!"

The second child said word by word: "We have the Great Yan Dynasty, we have the Pantheon! Father, this is not a pit of fire! This is an opportunity!"

"Take him down!" Zhou Yicheng was furious, flicked his fingers, and with a click, a burst of divine and demon energy broke through the golden core of the second child, and countless clouds of pills turned into scarlet clouds, directly filling the inside and outside of Zhou's house.

The second child caressed the position of his life palace in disbelief.

His roots of good fortune are gone!
"Father, you are so ruthless!" He looked at Zhou Yicheng with red eyes.

"I'm ruthless?" Zhou Yicheng stood up.

When he came to his son who was collapsed on the ground, "My child, you are the one who is cruel! You have one Yan Dynasty and one Pantheon, so what about my Zhou family?! What about the Zhou family with nearly ten thousand people inside and outside the family?" ? Those children sacrificed for the family to support you, a strong Golden Core, have you ever thought about your family?"

Zhou Yicheng swept across the faces of the other three children one by one, and looked at Zhou Minghui, "Minghui, tell your brother why we can't do what he said."

"For thousands of years, in order to protect the Southern Desolation, there has been one strong man in the Lingxu Cave and the Meteor God and Demon King, and 23 elders of Gods and Demons, including hundreds of true disciples and Jindan disciples. Going back thousands of years, this number is ten times more ,even more."

Zhou Minghui looked at his second younger brother, "My Zhou family has been in existence for thousands of years. Two ancestors in the realm of gods and demons fought in the wilderness. One ancestor rushed to the wilderness before his death and never returned. Nearly a hundred disciples of Jindan died in battle. Wheels and below do not count."

"Second Brother, it's not that we dare not confront Lingxu Cave, nor is it that there is someone standing behind us, but that you are wrong. It is unforgivable for Liyu Tower to kidnap human races! Everything that Lingxu Cave has, my Zhou family has. Everything you have is bought with blood, not just who you rely on, who you rely on, and who you flatter!"

"It's a bit embarrassing to let this rebellious son go."

"The old 狻猊 is about to perish, and the wilderness is becoming more and more unstable. It's time to employ people." Although Zhou Yicheng is old, his heart is determined enough, without the slightest lingering softness, he sighed, "When Zeng Qingru comes, tell him, I Zhou Yicheng will be stationed in the Great Desolation for a hundred years, regardless of life or death. Also, don’t contact that boy Zhou Luo anymore, he is the future of our Zhou family. Just let him practice with peace of mind.”

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yicheng turned into a ray of light, facing the dark night, disappeared into the Zhou family compound, and went straight to the wilderness.

(End of this chapter)

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