Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 93 All Eat Up

Chapter 93 All Eat Up (Please Subscribe!)

Wei Long promoted the 'Black Territory Broken Star Sutra' to the highest level of all his exercises in history - [Invincible], naturally, he gained a lot of comprehension.

The understanding of the "Holy Market Scripture" is also a step further.

Correspondingly, the consumption of upgrading the "Holy Market Scripture" is also reduced.

This is also the reason why Wei Long is willing to invest a lot of energy in upgrading the 'Black Territory Broken Star Scripture'. Because of the same lineage, improving the energy of the 'Black Territory Broken Star Scripture' will not be in vain.

It is a change of direction to increase the accumulation of the "Holy Market Scripture".

Wei Long's majoring in exercises must be transferred to the "Shengxu Jing".


Just from the small level of [First Glimpse] to [Entering the Hall], which is also the lowest level of improvement, the energy required by the "Holy Market Scripture" is an astonishing amount.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the supreme treasure of Lingxu Cave.

Wei Long stood on a high mountain. There were only some small animals on this mountain, not even wild animals.

Because they are far from the wilderness, they are quite mild.

Wei Long raised his right hand, and the billowing cloud of pills condensed in his hand, "Zi Ji Ba Huang" and "Bone Wen Dali", two complementary forces condensed on the face of Wei Long's fist.

He swung down lightly, and there was a bang!
The mountain appears to have been struck with terror.

The whole mountain fell more than ten feet down, and it was a bit shorter.

All kinds of strange cries resounded on the mountain, and those desolate beasts ran wildly in fright. The desolate beasts on the high ground ran down the mountain, and the ones down the mountain ran away.

In just a short while, a small wave of fleeing little beasts formed.

"In terms of strength alone, it has increased by about [-]%."

Wei Long silently estimated, but in terms of combat power, the damage has increased by three to five times.

On the one hand, his body is transforming. After the bone inscriptions are contained, the instantaneous damage he can release will increase again.

And [-]% of the strength means that in combat, it is likely to be the difference between breaking the defense or not breaking the defense.

Under Wei Long's tactical system, every bit of increase in strength can cause extremely considerable damage.

"Bone inscriptions can only be improved with the most efficient use of mysterious factors, but if I want to comprehend the 'Linglong True Meaning', I will give up the insight that can't be met, and I need a lot of energy to honestly improve the level of the practice."

The self-generated "bone inscriptions" in Wei Long's body is equivalent to having an extra big food family.

It takes a lot of resources.

Also very picky eaters, Pantheon's blood is the most effective.

However, it also let Wei Long know that he has not come to the end of the golden core realm, and there is a wider world.

The taboo level of Jindan is rarely mentioned.

Because cultivation is like this, the difficulty increases exponentially, and many so-called geniuses are stuck on the 'Linglong True Meaning'.

Even if you understand the true meaning, it is hard to say whether you will survive the thunder disaster.

Therefore, few people have been chasing the taboo realm of Jindan. Wei Long believes that if there is a taboo realm, raising the level of bone inscriptions may be one of the paths.

"It's just that I don't pursue any taboo levels anymore." Wei Long shook his head.

He pursued the so-called taboo level at the life wheel level because he wanted to perfectly condense the golden core and reach an incomparable state.This is his pursuit.

When it came to breaking through the realm of gods and demons, Wei Long didn't want to pursue any gimmicks because of Lei Jie's relationship.

I just want to be able to get through the possible danger more safely.

After waiting for another half a day, Zeng Qingru came, "I have given the doll to someone else to take care of it, and I can take it to Ekou City at that time."

"Are we going to participate in the auction of the sub-chamber of Baibao Pavilion next?" Wei Long calculated the time.

There is still half a year before the contract is completed, and the negotiation will only take a few months. The northern land of Xing'an County is already very close to the hinterland of the Dayan Dynasty, so it is just right on the way to participate in the Baibao Pavilion auction.

"The interests of the mines are not our primary pursuit, but to sever the outstretched tentacles of the Pantheon."

"It's fine to set up a branch hall of the Pantheon in Nanhuang. If it's only deployed in the area of ​​Iron Sand City, or even a little farther away in Xing'an County, I can let them go."

Zeng Qingru said bluntly: "But now, they are secretly engaging in some unscrupulous transactions and ruining the entire Southern Wilderness. That is not something we can tolerate."

As a colossal entity, the Pantheon, regardless of whether Zeng Qingru had any objections, at least from the perspective of the Lingxu Cave, must be respected.

This kind of respect stems not only from the tacit understanding between the Shengwu Dynasty and the Pantheon, but also from the awe of power.

However, all of this requires a prerequisite.

No matter how the Pantheon is laid out, or if it has some ulterior purpose, the bottom line is the human race's own interests.

When the Pantheon went to abduct children, it clearly crossed that line.

And once this line is crossed, Lingxu Cave Sky will naturally not be polite, and will try its best to chop off the restless hand that it stretched out.

After all, the Shengwu Dynasty is still dominated by the human race.

The Pantheon claims to be a god, but dare not claim it publicly.

This is the general trend, the general trend of the human race.

Zeng Qingru and Wei Long rushed to the direction of Baibao Pavilion. The hinterland of the Dayan Dynasty was nearly three times the size of Nanhuang, and half of the population of the Dynasty was in it.

There are many big cities here, and there are countless small cities.

Here, there is almost no threat of desolate beasts, and the way of cultivation is flourishing.


Everyone must serve in the military at the age of 30 to fill the frontier army.

And the hinterland of Dayan is the place that the royal family of Dayan really controls, which can be regarded as the land of Gyeonggi.

In the hinterland of the Dayan Dynasty, there are two caves other than the six caves, the Shuiyue cave and the Five Elements cave. You can know these two caves just by their names, and they don't specialize in killing one of them.

But in terms of the scale of influence, it is larger than Lingxu, Jijian, Shanhai, and Zixia who guard the four wastelands.

It's just that it is weaker in terms of strength and resources under control.

The royal family of Dayan has a strong control over the hinterland. The Five Elements and Shuiyue Caves have a large population, and there is no shortage of talented disciples, but the territory they can control is smaller than the other four caves.

As for the other four caves, the Zixia cave is also weaker because it borders the Daxuan Dynasty. The three caves that can really be described by a prince are Lingxu, Jijian, and Shanhai.

And these three caves are the closest in the alliance of six caves.

on the contrary.

The same is true for Zixia, Wuxing, and Shuiyue.

Of course, the other three caves do not border on the Great Wilderness, so the danger they face is relatively low.

Leaving the mountains and rivers under his feet, Zeng Qingru told Wei Long the truth when he was about to rush to the branch of Baibao Pavilion, "Do you still remember the Great General Chen Ming of Julu City?"

"I remember." Wei Long nodded, probably guessing what Zeng Qingru was going to say.

"Chen Ming has been in the frontier army for more than two hundred years. He has been in the army since he was less than 20 years old. He has been in the army until now. He calls himself a big boss, but in fact he has a rather disobedient mind."

Zeng Qingru sighed, "Last time after you left, he gave you a jade pendant. He didn't speak clearly, and acted like a master. He thought you were going to Baibao Pavilion, but he didn't expect you to go to Baibao Pavilion at all. Just ignore it."

"Afterwards he sent me a letter, and when he found out, I couldn't laugh or cry." Zeng Qingru sighed again.

Wei Long and Zeng Qingru were very familiar with each other, and said straight to the point: "Has the elder secretly joined a force?"

"I didn't. Don't talk nonsense."

Zeng Qingru's old face blushed when asked, and the figure walking through the air paused for a while, denying: "The God and Demon Society is not considered a force."

"The God and Demon Society is a loose alliance of like-minded people, the sole purpose of which is to prevent the expansion of the Pantheon."

Zeng Qingru was open and honest, "I brought you to this task this time, and I also hid my selfish intentions."

"The Pantheon is hidden very deep. Only by careful observation can we understand the horror of this force. Even the Shengwu Dynasty had to make some concessions in order to win it over to stand on the same front against wild beasts."

Zeng Qingru eloquently said, "To be honest, the Pantheon is very good at managing its own image. Only by observing carefully can you find out how scary they are."

"It's a terrifying force indeed."

Wei Long nodded, "This power is too confusing. For ordinary people, being able to join the Pantheon is a chance to reach the sky in one step, so the image among ordinary people is very good."

"As for the monks, those with mediocre aptitude needn't say much. I met a person named Mei Sixie who had a difficult breakthrough and spent his mind on how to join the Pantheon."

Wei Long sighed and said, "As for the highly gifted people, you can only discover its horrors when you come into contact with the Pantheon. A drop of divine blood can make an ordinary person have a trace of the characteristics of a god and demon king. It seems that the level of power is higher than ours. Even higher."

"Yeah." Zeng Qingru nodded, "I checked the information and found that the Pantheon has expanded rapidly in the past ten thousand years. Our Dayan Dynasty is actually not bad, and some dynasties even have dozens of branch halls. The situation is very serious. "

"The philosophy of the God and Demon Society is to prevent the expansion of the Pantheon and to maintain the purity of the blood of the human race. This is consistent with Dongtian's position."

Zeng Qingru asked: "How about it, join in?"


Wei Long pondered for a while before saying: "I naturally believe what you say, but I still know too little about this force. This should be a two-way selection process. At least I want to see it more clearly."

Wei Long is very grateful for Zeng Qingru's sense of knowing you, but it doesn't mean that Wei Long doesn't have his own judgment.

No one knows better than him what his potential is.

Usually go to kill some freaks of the Pantheon, forget it.

If you really want to join an organization dedicated to containing the Pantheon, even if the Pantheon has the same level of power as the seven superpowers of the Shengwu Dynasty?
Whether the Pantheon is pleasing or not is one thing, as to whether it will harm the human race or help the human race remains to be verified.

But Wei Long felt that he had to be cautious.

Once he decided to join, it turned and sounded the death knell for the Pantheon.

"That's good." Zeng Qingru didn't force it, he was very pleased with Wei Long's calmness, and said, "Whether you join or not, I will find an old friend to help you refine the blood of light, whether it is refining medicine or refining tools, the blood of the gods You will know its magical effect once you use it."

Zeng Qing Ruxin said, as long as you have tasted the sweetness of the blood, if you don't join, you will also target the Pantheon.

"Huh? I swallowed all the nine drops of divine blood refined by Mingba." Wei Long said embarrassedly.

"Did you eat?!" Zeng Qingru staggered in the air.

Wei Long was startled and nodded.

"Eat it all?"


"Have you eaten all the blood?" Zeng Qingru still couldn't believe it.

Wei Long replied: "Not only the blood of Guangming, but also the two gods of Xuanming and Ming."

"Oh, what a disaster!" Zeng Qingru slapped her head.

 Thank you for the great rewards from Nanshan Liu Dashao and Chudi Beichen (﹃)
(End of this chapter)

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