Chapter 12 Chen Daozong is destroyed!

Chen Daozong rode a Xunbao at the lead, followed by ten generals and fifty generals. The army surged and rushed to the battlefield.

"Li Kui, Gao Shun, let's go too." Qin Feng led Li Kui, Gao Shun and others followed the army.

After arriving at the battlefield, there was no time for the army to rest, so that the Liao army collided fiercely.

General against general, soldier against soldier.

Chen Daozong was holding a spear, with a leopard under his crotch, exuding a fierce aura, and collided fiercely with Liao State Marshal Yeluming,
The battle between the two was extremely violent, flying sand and flying stones, and the air waves were as fierce as the sky falling and the earth cracking.
The surrounding area is already a vacuum.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 10 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

The system prompts kept ringing in Qin Feng's mind.

Qin Feng, Li Kui, and Gao Shun lead the soldiers behind them to fight bravely,

Li Kui and Gao Shun are second-rate fighters with extraordinary combat power, and they are invincible without second-rate fighters. Killing ordinary soldiers is like picking something out of a pocket.
"Back, back, back"

The surrounding Liao troops were afraid of Qin Feng, Gao Shun, and Li Kui, and quickly retreated to the back, not daring to approach at all.

"Chen Daozong, your qi and blood have already weakened, and your combat power has declined. How can you be my opponent!"

The loud, arrogant figure permeated the entire battlefield.

Yeluming rode a Jade Moon Lion, held a golden gun, and laughed loudly,

Just now he pierced Chen Daozong's chest with a single shot and severely injured Chen Daozong. If there is no accident, Chen Daozong may stay here today.

"Chen Daozong, this poor place is suitable for your burial, so stay here."

Yeluming drove the Jade Moon Lion and rushed towards Chen Daozong, just as the saying goes, killing you while you are sick,

"Even if the old man dies, he will pull you along."

Chen Daozong showed no signs of fear, and he had declared his will to die. Now he only wanted to injure Yeluming severely, and even take him to be buried with him.


"Hahaha, Chen Daozong, you can't do it anymore."

Yeluming's powerful attack force made Chen Daozong retreat continuously.

Chen Daozong was old, his qi and blood were exhausted, and now he was severely injured, his qi and blood were not smooth, and he didn't react to a move

Then Yeluming shot through the shoulder armor and pierced one arm.

"Break it for me." Yeluming grinned grimly, and swung the golden spear in his hand, tearing off one of Chen Daozong's arms.

The spear that was once invincible and drank the blood of the enemy fell from the broken arm,
It fell from the sky and plunged deep into the ground.


Yeluming didn't give Chen Daozong a chance to react or rest, and quickly chased and killed Chen Daozong.



Seeing that Chen Daozong was defeated and about to be killed, the faces of the five first-class generals changed drastically.
He rushed over, trying to save Chen Daozong.

"Ants dare to shake the sky?" Yeluming snorted coldly, waved the golden gun in his hand to the back, and shot backwards,
Brilliant, terrifying guns shot out from the golden gun, sweeping towards the five generals.

"Don't come here." Chen Daozong saw five generals rushing up, his complexion changed drastically, and he shouted.

With a look of despair,

As soon as the words fell, Chen Daozong saw the shadows of golden spears criss-crossing, which exploded the five generals like blood mist.

"Hahahahaha, I never imagined that I, Chen Daozong, would die here today after spending half my life on the battlefield and experiencing countless swords and swords."

Chen Daozong laughed loudly, his hair fell down, and the hero ended,
However, he had no fear in his heart. When he set off for the expedition, he had already made preparations to return the shroud of horse leather.

"Your Majesty," Chen Daozong roared, "the old minister can no longer serve you!"

After Chen Daozong roared, he used a secret method to stimulate the blood in his body, returning to the peak stage, and rushed towards Yeluming with his whole body.

"Chen Daozong, you're old, and it's not your age anymore, so why bother to die?" Yeluming flicked the golden spear in his hand, his strength reached its peak, and he directly greeted Chen Daozong.



The aura of the two of them spread to the extreme, and the million-strong army was suppressed by the momentum and had to retreat.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce, flying sand and rocks, cutting mountains and breaking rivers, and it was impossible to see the scene of the battle clearly.

Millions watched the outcome of the battle,
Peerless generals are invincible, one person can turn the whole battle situation,

If Chen Daozong wins, Xia Jun will win,
When Chen Daozong died, the Xia army was defeated.


With a loud noise, the two figures fighting in the low sky fell down.

Two figures appeared,

Chen Daozong was hung on the golden gun, his head drooped weakly, and his eyes full of incomparable majesty dimmed.

Chen Daozong, the great general of the Great Xia Dynasty, died.

"Chen Daozong, you old man, you are so ruthless."

Yeluming coughed up blood continuously and cursed fiercely in his mouth. Although he killed Chen Daozong,

But I also suffered some trauma,
Before dying, Chen Daozong hit his chest with a desperate blow, exposing his bones.

"Chen Daozong is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

Yeluming held a golden gun, and led Chen Daozong, criss-crossing the army, suppressing all the first-class generals in the Xia army,
Overwhelm the whole army.

However, even though Yeluming is powerful, coercing the entire army, fighting in and out of Xia's army, he is not a god after all,

Unable to kill all the Xia troops, except for the surrounded Xia army, a large number of Xia troops fled quickly.

Qin Feng, Li Kui, and Gao Shun led their troops to choose a direction and break out of the encirclement.

"The defeated army will not put down their weapons and die quickly?" A second-rate warrior from the Liao Kingdom chased Qin Feng, Li Kui and others,

With an excited face, beheading these people is another large amount of military merit, waving the scimitar in his hand, ready to chase Qin Feng.

"The thief is arrogant,"

"Ah, if you dare to hurt Brother Qin Feng, I, Tieniu, will kill you alive."

Gao Shun and Li Kui were furious when they saw that the enemy army dared to attack Qin Feng. They shouted together,

Instead of running away, return to charge and kill the enemy.

"Not good," the second-rate warriors of the Liao Kingdom trembled in their hearts when they felt the aura exuded by Gao Shun and Li Kui.
Riding the horse is about to retreat,

I just want to scold my mother in my heart,

When will the commander-in-chief actually have two second-rate warriors under his command?
Are second-rate warriors so worthless now?

"Don't leave, the thief." Gao Shun and Li Kui rode their horses in wild pursuit, catching up with the enemy.
The iron halberd in Gao Shun's hand swept away at the second-rate fighters.

"Bump." The enemy blocked Gao Shun's attack with a scimitar in his hand.

"Golden Edge Battle Tactic."

The sharpness in Gao Shun's eyes flashed, the inner strength was running, and the strength in his hands multiplied, "Get off the horse for me."

"Boom" the second-rate martial artist's complexion changed drastically. Just now, he was equally as powerful as the opponent, but now facing the sudden increase in attacks,

He couldn't bear it, his arms were numb from the shock, his whole body was thrown forward, and the scimitar came out of his hand and stuck into the stone.

ps: Going to the list with passion, brothers, I need your strength, take out your recommendation tickets, go, go, go!
(End of this chapter)

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