Chapter 26 Good news!
Yue Yang never thought that Qin Feng would hit him with his hands, and he had no defense at all, so he was knocked down to the ground by one blow.

"She is a maid, but she is my Qin Feng's maid, and you can fight her? You are not worthy!" Qin Feng glanced coldly at Sun Kai, Liu Yanhu snorted coldly, and walked towards the seat above.

Yue Yang was slapped in the face in public, and he was very angry in his heart, so he was ready to fight back, starting a plan to capture or kill Qin Feng,

But being suppressed by Sun Kai and Liu Yanhu, not letting him make a move, now is not the best time to make a move.

It must be guaranteed that nothing will go wrong.

Yue Yang glanced at Qin Feng bitterly, the killing intent in his eyes slightly restrained.

Qin Feng sat on the main seat, waved his hand slightly, and left all the maids in the palace,

Hua Xiong and Wu Song walked in and stood beside Qin Feng, but their auras were restrained, and they looked like ordinary soldiers.

"The three of you are able to take time out of your busy schedule to congratulate Qin, and Qin is touched. He also has good news to tell the three of you."

Qin Feng looked down at the three people below, and said with a light smile.

"Today is really a good day, it's a good thing in pairs." Sun Kai said loudly with a half-smile.

"Yeah, thanks to the luck brought by General Qin." Liu Yanhu also slapped Qin Feng on the horse.

"I just don't know what good news General Qin is talking about?"

Sun Kai, Liu Yanhu looked at Qin Feng curiously, Yue Yang also looked at Qin Feng,
"One day later, the Liao army will approach the city, and the leaders will be the two Liao generals. The three Patriarchs must be aware of this, right?"

Qin Feng didn't say "good news" directly, but first asked the three major families.

"Yeah." Sun Kai, Liu Yanhu, and Yue Yang nodded heavily, they knew the news well,

If they hadn't known the news, they wouldn't have arrived here today, and they wouldn't have any plans for the future.

They were not surprised that Qin Feng knew the news. Qin Feng controlled [-] soldiers and had countless scouts, so how could he not find out.

The good news I want to say is related to the information I just said, two first-class fighters are attacking, and Qin is no match. "

Qin Feng continued.

Hua Xiong frowned, and didn't say much, he was as confident as any first-class warrior,
Fighting against two first-class fighters, relying on their strong combat power, they will not fall behind.

But if a first-rate warrior fights with him, and another first-rate warrior attacks the army, or attacks Qin Feng,
He may not be able to rescue in time, and will be powerless,

Sun Kai, Liu Yanhu, and Yue Yang listened carefully, they were now attracted by Qin Feng's words,
They believed that Qin Feng's next words must be explosive news, absolutely earth-shattering.

"However, someone from Qin has a way to prevent your three major families from being beheaded by the Liao army."

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth showed a teasing look, and he slowly said the "good news".

Sun Kai, Yue Yang, and Liu Yanhu were short of breath. They thought that the good news from Qin Feng's mouth was astonishing,

But I never thought that the good news is related to them, and from what Qin Feng said, it seems that Qin Feng has a way to keep them?

The three of them stared at Qin Feng eagerly, and they couldn't wait to hear the news.

"My lord, the three generals have returned and are asking to see you outside." A soldier's words came from outside suddenly,

"Let them in." Qin Feng smiled even wider, and said to the soldiers outside.

Before Li Kui, Zhou Cang, and Gao Shun walked in, a strong smell of blood came into the palace.
Then Li Kui, Zhou Cang, and Gao Shun walked into the palace. The three of them were covered in blood, but they belonged to the enemy, and they were unharmed.

"Brother Qin Feng, I screwed off all the heads of the members of the Yue family." Li Kui's face was already ferocious, but when he smiled at Qin Feng, it became even more ferocious and terrifying.
He said with a smile, in order to fulfill his promise to Qin Feng, he had spent a lot of effort,
"My lord, the final general has beheaded all the people in the Sun family's mansion, leaving no one behind." Zhou Cang said sonorously.

"My lord, the final general has killed all six members of Liu's 320 family, leaving no one behind." Gao Shun said with a murderous intent.

"What did you say?" Yue Yang, Liu Yanhu, and Sun Kai suddenly stood up, looking scouting, and asked sharply.

When they heard the words just now, they felt a little suspicious. After all, they had no grievances with Qin Feng before.
It is impossible for Qin Feng to send troops to destroy their family.

However, there are several Sun families, Yue families, and Liu families in the entire Guangyuan City.
Liu Yanhu looked at Gao Shun, his eyes were scarlet, he was now 80.00% sure that the Liu family that Gao Shun slaughtered was his Liu family,
Because apart from him, the Liu family has a total of 320 six people including maids and guards.

"The three patriarchs? This is my gift to you. If you die in my hands, you don't need to die in the hands of the Liao army."

Qin Feng sat on his seat, leaning forward slightly, as if to see clearly the distorted faces of Yue Yang, Liu Yanhu, and Sun Kai.

"Qin Feng, we have no grievances or enmities, how could you do such a murderous thing." Liu Yanhu's body trembled suddenly, he almost couldn't stand up, and fell to the ground,

He had already confirmed that it was his Liu family who had been massacred. He looked at Liu Yanhu with weeping blood in his eyes, angry and murderous in his heart.

"Hehe, no grievances or enmities? Then why did they come here today, and why are there three second-rate warriors in the box?"

Qin Feng said word by word, murderers, people will always kill them,
The pupils of Sun Kai, Liu Yanhu, and Yue Yang shrank violently, and their bodies moved away from each other unconsciously.

They thought that their companions were leaking secrets, and mistrust began to appear.




The three boxes that were originally used to hold gems, pearls, and gold burst suddenly, and three figures rushed out from inside.

Each approached their parents, holding sharp knives, facing Qin Feng, Hua Xiong, Zhou Cang and others from a distance.

Soon the patriarchs of the three major families realized that the members of the Liu family, the Sun family, and the Yue family who stayed in the mansion were all slaughtered.

Obviously, it was impossible for the other party to tell the secret.

"How did you get the news?" Liu Yanhu gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Feng and asked sharply.

"Hehe, do you think that no one will find out if you practice special exercises and hide in the box? How naive and ridiculous."

Qin Feng smiled coldly and said bluntly.

"Damn it." Yue Yang, Liu Yanhu, Sun Kai and others cursed fiercely in their hearts. They never thought that something went wrong here, leading to the massacre of the whole family.

"Qin Feng, I want you to pay for your life." Yue Yang sternly shouted,
"Qin Feng, you dare to be so cruel. You are looking for your own death. I will torture you until you can't survive or die."

Liu Yanhu yelled sadly.

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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