Chapter 30 The Great General!

Xiao Hengshan looked at his body blankly, and it was true that his body was completely unharmed, not even the slightest bit of injury.
Puzzled, very puzzled in my heart.

Suddenly his face froze, his expression showed pain, cracks began to appear on his skin, blood overflowed,

The whole body explodes,

It turned out that just now Yan Liang's attack turned into saber energy, which bombarded into Xiao Hengshan's body, and now it erupted.

"Damn it! How dare you hurt my mount." Hua Xiong roared sharply, his face was furious, and a tiger shadow rose behind him,
The breath emanating from the body is like a demon god.

He moved his legs quickly, and chased after Yeluming.

When he was fighting Yeluming, he immediately took a fancy to Yeluhong's mount,

Just now when Yeluhong was defeated by him and was about to flee, he struck the tiger cat with his halberd, that's why Hua Xiong was furious.

"Die to me!" Hua Xiong ran fast, then jumped up high, and kicked Yeluhong away,
Hua Xiong sat on top of the tiger cat,

The tiger cat came up first and was very aggressive, trying to throw Hua Xiong off his back.

"Suppress me!" Hua Xiong yelled angrily, turning his black tiger demon body, and suppressed the tiger cat with his aura.

The tiger cat sensed the aura of the king of tigers from Hua Xiong, its limbs trembled and was suppressed, in fear,

Then the forelimbs bent and knelt down on the ground, choosing to surrender.

Only then did Hua Xiong lose his momentum.

"Chasing." Hua Xiong looked at Yeluhong, who had escaped thousands of meters, and drove the tiger cat to catch up quickly.
The strength of the tiger cat is at the level of a second-rate warrior, but the speed inherits the supernatural power of the tiger from the wind, and the agility of the cat.

The speed surpassed the first-class fighters, and soon caught up with Yeluhong,
Just when Yeluhong was about to resist, Hua Xiong pierced his heart, and he felt a chill in his heart.

Two generals of the Liao Kingdom died, and the resistance of the Liao army was obviously much weaker, and their bodies kept retreating.




After receiving the news, Li Kui, Yang Zhi, Gao Shun, Zhou Cang and others surrounded and rushed towards the Liao army.

Seeing the death of the two generals, the Liao army was already depressed. Under the control of the generals, they quickly retreated.

But seeing the thousands of troops rushing from the left wing and the right wing, it directly became the last straw that broke the camel's camel.

They were fooled, they were tricked, and there was no way to escape this battle.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 100 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 100 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

Qin Feng stood on the city wall, his mind kept ringing the system's notification sound, and it was a good harvest at this time.

"Brother Qin Feng."



As time passed, after an hour, the battle ended and the killing stopped. Gao Shun, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang and the others finished collecting the spoils and shouted respectfully to Qin Feng.

"You guys did a good job!" Qin Feng looked at Li Kui, Zhou Cang, Hua Xiong and the others. There was no injury at all on their bodies.

"Gao Shun, please register all the soldiers who died in battle. I, Qin Feng, must not owe them anything."

"The general obeys orders." Then Gao Shun quickly left, went to investigate, and wrote down the names of the soldiers who died in battle in the record.

"My lord, the general captured a mount on the battlefield and wants to dedicate it to you," Hua Xiong said.

Although he liked that mount, he was still willing to dedicate it to the lord.

"No need! A good mount should be a good general. Besides, it's useless for me to have a mount. Do you still want me to fight the enemy?"

Qin Feng asked back,

Hua Xiong silently backed away without saying a word,
"Let's go back to the city." Qin Feng walked down the city wall and walked into the city.

For several days in a row, the entire Guangyuan City was calm. On this day, more than 20 people entered Guangyuan City.
"My lord, my lord." Hua Xiong's face showed joy, and he called Qin Feng loudly in the city lord's mansion.

"What's the matter with Hua Xiong?" Qin Feng heard Hua Xiong's words, walked out of the room, and asked Hua Xiong.

"My lord, there are angels coming outside, it must be the reward from the imperial court." Hua Xiong said loudly.

"Go, take me to see them." Qin Feng said to Hua Xiong, followed Hua Xiong's footsteps, and rushed outside.

As for angels, it is a collective term. All those sent by His Majesty the Emperor are angels, and most of them are eunuchs.

Qin Feng walked to the destination and looked around. There were 23 strangers standing there.
Three of them have soft faces, reddish lips, plum blossoms on their fingers from time to time, no Adam's apple, they are obviously eunuchs,
Standing in the middle is a middle-aged eunuch, holding an imperial decree, and two eunuchs beside him carefully serve him,
Everyone else has a scimitar around their waist, obviously a guard

"You are Commander Qin?" The middle-aged eunuch Eunuch An asked Qin Feng.

"Exactly, I don't know how to call my father-in-law." Qin Feng said to Eunuch An.

"Kneel down to accept the order." Eunuch An ignored Qin Feng at all, and said arrogantly,

He was walking outside, holding the imperial edict in his hand, representing the emperor, so he was naturally extremely proud.

"Read it!" Qin Feng's eyebrows turned cold, and he said again without taking any action.

"You, you." Seeing Qin Feng's appearance, Eunuch An trembled with anger, unable to speak.
He is respected wherever he goes, and now Qin Feng dares to refute him.

"Chief Qin, you are presumptuous. You are lawless. Miscellaneous families go out to read the imperial decree, which represents the emperor. How dare you not kneel?
What crime do you dare to take?
Let me tell you, this is a serious crime that can punish the nine clans, so you should kneel down quickly. "

Eunuch An scolded sharply.

"As far as I know, military generals with outstanding military exploits and peerless warriors are qualified to meet the emperor without kneeling." Qin Feng stared at Eunuch An and said coldly.

"The Zajia's going out represents the emperor. If the Zajia tells you to kneel, it is the emperor who tells you to kneel. If you don't kneel again, the nine clans will be killed." Eunuch An snapped.

"Hehe, if you want me, Qin Feng, to kneel down to you, a hermaphrodite, don't even think about it!"

Qin Feng looked disdainful and said mockingly.

He naturally saw that the eunuch was looking for trouble on purpose.

Hua Xiong's face was also very angry, the lord had outstanding military exploits, even if he met the emperor, he didn't have to kneel down, this dead eunuch was obviously looking for trouble.

"Okay, okay, Qin Feng, Master Qin, you have the guts!" Eunuch An hated people talking about his eunuch the most, his face twisted, and he said sharply.

He made up his mind that when he returned to the imperial capital, he must slander more in front of the emperor. He wanted Qin Feng to die and punish Qin Feng's nine clans.

In the end, Eunuch An stopped arguing and opened his hands to recite the holy decree.

"Following the fate of heaven, the emperor's edict said: Now the commander-in-chief of the Qin Dynasty has killed tens of thousands of enemy generals and killed tens of thousands of enemy troops. He has made outstanding military achievements. He specially named Qin Feng the general of Shenwu, Hua Xiong, Gao Shun, Li Kui and others as participating generals. .”

"Hmph!" After finishing the reading, Eunuch An snorted coldly and walked directly outside.

(End of this chapter)

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