The Summoning of Billions of Gods and Demons from Another World

Chapter 41 Even Immortal Gods Must Close Their Eyes!

Chapter 41 Even Immortal Gods Must Close Their Eyes!

Cheng Yaojin, Zhang Liao, Wen Chou, and Yan Liang selected their opponents and fought them quickly, but in just a few moves, they had gained the upper hand and began to suppress the Liao general.

The general of the Liao Kingdom kept evading, and almost died.

At the moment of fighting, Xiao Yongan, Xiao Youwei, Xiao Yunhu and others were shocked. How could the opponent's strength be so strong?
Strength, speed completely crush them,

Every time they received the opponent's attack, their bodies were shaken back, and the opponent either remained unmoved, or took advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Die to me!" Lin Chong pierced Xiao Yunfeng's head with the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, with lightning speed,
"Not good!" Xiao Yunfeng's forehead was pierced by the strong wind, and he yelled in his heart that he was not good, and quickly dodged.
He is now terrified, full of fear, and wants to escape. He is not the opponent's opponent at all.

The speed he was proud of was vulnerable to the opponent, and he was all crushed.

"Pfft." Even though Xiao Yunfeng has experienced many battles, he found danger and quickly dodged it, but his speed was still much slower than that of Lin Chong.

Although he avoided the vital points, his shoulder was pierced and his entire arm was torn off.

"Ah." The severe pain caused Xiao Yunfeng to shout, and his mind was lost,
Although he reacted quickly and hurriedly retreated, it was already too late. When the strong fight against each other, every second counts.

The moment Xiao Yunfeng lost his mind, the Zhangba Snake Spear in Lin Chong's hand swung violently, piercing Xiao Yunfeng's head with lightning speed.

"Let's go." After clearing away his opponents, Lin Chong glanced at Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang Liao and other battle positions.

Everyone had the upper hand, and the generals of the Liao army were almost outnumbered by them, so there was no need for him to help.

"Kill." Lin Chong rushed towards the participating generals in the Liao army, with the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand constantly harvesting lives.

Even though Lin Chong has character flaws and weakness, facing Gao Yanei in the original book, he retreated every step of the way.
But on the battlefield, he was the spear and stick instructor of the 80 forbidden troops, and he was decisive in killing and cutting down thousands of troops.

Hua Xiong was ordered by Qin Feng to shuttle through the army in the melee, constantly looking for generals and officers of the Liao army to kill.

As a result, the Liao army's morale was disturbed. Facing the rush of Daxia soldiers, they kept retreating and were almost slaughtered.

"The younger generation dares to commit crimes!" Qin Feng snorted coldly, swung the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand quickly, and killed a general,

His cultivation has broken through to a second-rate warrior, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, his strength is comparable to that of a first-rate warrior, and he can kill warriors of the same level without any effort, almost reaching the point of instant kill.

The system's notification tone kept ringing, but Qin Feng didn't bother to look at it, there were too many.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 100 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the first-class general card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

"Kill!" Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Cheng Yaojin, and Zhang Liao had already beheaded all the generals of the Liao Kingdom and began to kill the soldiers of the Liao Kingdom.

The killing continued, [-] soldiers surrounded the Liao army, and did not give the Liao army a chance to escape.
In the end, the five generals of the Liao Kingdom and the tens of thousands of troops all died, and no one escaped.

Outside the city of Guangyuan, there was almost a river of blood, and corpses littered the field.

"Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, and Zhou Cang cremated the bodies of the soldiers who died in battle, and sent them back to their hometown in the future."

Qin Feng stood proudly. Although they died in battle, they died well. May the heroic souls return to their hometowns.

"The last general takes orders." Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, and Zhou Cang said forcefully, and led the soldiers into action.

"Yan Liang, Wen Chou, you led the soldiers to cremate the Liao army collectively. Remember to add a knife when carrying the corpse.

Prevent the Liao army from pretending to be dead and comatose, causing unnecessary casualties. "

Qin Feng ordered.

"The last general takes orders!" Li Kui, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou took orders, led the army, and carried the corpses of the Liao army.
They didn't forget Qin Feng's order, and put a knife on every Liao army,

The trick that Qin Feng thought of suddenly produced a miraculous effect. Among the Liao soldiers who died in battle, there were indeed many Liao soldiers who were unconscious, and the Liao soldiers who pretended to be dead were also found and beheaded.

Yan Liang, Wen Chou and other generals silently memorized this trick in their hearts to increase their experience.

"Zhang Liao, Cheng Yaojin, Lin Chong, Li Kui, Yang Zhi, Wu Song, return to Guangyuan City and guard Guangyuan City."

Qin Feng continued to say that when the Liao army attacked, people in Guangyuan City were panicked, and many people were fishing in troubled waters, committing crimes such as robbery and looting of shops.

"The last general takes orders." Yang Zhi, Wu Song, Li Kui, Lin Chong and others waved their arms, and several teams followed them away.

Yang Zhi, Wu Song, and Li Kui have military power in their hands, so they can send soldiers to go, and naturally there will be soldiers to follow.

As for Lin Chong, Cheng Yaojin, and Zhang Liao in the battle just now, their cultivation and formidable strength have already been recognized by many soldiers.

Holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, Qin Feng separated a part of the mind communication system to watch the rewards he received in this battle.

Warrior cards: 12000 (to be used)
Warrior set: 5000 pieces (to be used)
Silver: 100 million taels (to be used)
Arrow towers: two (to be used) Note: One arrow tower can shoot [-] arrows at a time, effective against first-class warriors and below, with a range of one kilometer.

First-class generals cards: 2 (to be used)
After sorting out the battle, Qin Feng looked at the system interface for the cards he got, and it was immediately clear at a glance.

Two of the arrow towers system his attention, with two arrow towers in hand, equivalent to [-] archers,

As long as the arrow tower is placed on the city gate, as long as it is not a first-class warrior, or a peerless warrior to attack, it can be said that it is as solid as gold.

"System, give me warrior cards, warrior suits, silver, arrow towers, and first-class generals to use."

Qin Feng said to the system, use all the cards he got,
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully using the warrior card, warrior suit, silver, and arrow tower, and they will be sent to the host in some way soon.

The following starts to collect first-class military generals, and the collection is in progress.

"Ding, use the first-class military general card successfully, and get the first-class general Lu Zhishen." The system prompt sounded.

Name: Lu Zhishen
Race: human
Cultivation: first-class warrior (natural power)

Cultivation method: Vajra Mask (mysterious-level low-grade), Arhat boxing (mysterious-level low-grade), non-killing stick method (mysterious-level low-grade)
Weapon: Water-milled iron Zen staff

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Outlaws of the Marsh
"Ding, use the first-class general card successfully, and get the first-class general Bai Qi."

Name: Bai Qi

Race: human
Cultivation: first-class warrior

Cultivation method: Wansha Zongheng Jue (Xuan-level middle grade) Mystical marching method (Xuan-level low-grade) Note: It can double the marching speed.Murderous Boiling (Xuan-level low-grade) can deter the enemy.Killing God Comes to the World (Talent, when you kill 1 people, you can temporarily increase your strength by one level.)
Weapon: Killing Sword (Magic Artifact)
Belief: The kind Buddha in front of me will also close his benevolent eyes.

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Qin Dynasty

(End of this chapter)

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