Chapter 43 Liao Army Gathers!

"Are you planning to seek death?" Liao army general Yelu Hanqing looked at Xiao Menghong with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice full of murderous intent.

I have long heard that Xiao Menghong has a tendon, but I just found out today that this Xiao Menghong is not a single tendon, he is simply brain-dead,

Tell the general?
how to tell

Tell the general directly, because of his improper command, the Liao army lost eleven first-class generals,
When the general is furious, is he still alive?

"My lord taught me the lesson." Xiao Menghong also reacted at this time, he asked a stupid question.

Sit down quickly and wait for Yelu Hanqing's order.

All the other generals of the Liao Army who were on the expedition gathered together and looked at Yelu Hanqing. They knew in their hearts that Yelu Hanqing had to find a way to offset his fault.

They also understand that there is only one way, and that is to kill Qin Feng, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, etc.

Only by killing all the first-class generals of the Great Xia Dynasty, Qin Feng, Yan Liang, etc., can the anger of the general be resolved.

"Pass down our military order, all the troops from all the cities gather, go to Guangyuan City, flatten Guangyuan City, and kill Qin Feng, the general of the Great Xia Dynasty."

Yelu History understands his own situation better than anyone else, and also understands the solution, so he issued a military order,
"Okay!" All the other generals of the Liao Kingdom agreed, and a total of nine first-class warriors went to Guangyuan City.
With a crushing attitude, Guangyuan City can be flattened,

Many generals left quickly, and began to gather their generals, personal guards, soldiers,
"Shenwu General Qin Feng, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, you deserve to die! You all deserve to die!" Yelu Hanqing's evil spirit kept rising, and he hated Qin Feng deeply.
Although he and Qin Feng have never met, the other party has put him in a desperate situation, and the only way to escape is to kill Qin Feng.

Yelu Hanqing raised a huge murderous aura, stroking the bone whip at his waist with his palm, which is a sign of his strength,

This bone whip is not an ordinary bone whip, but surpasses ordinary implements and reaches the level of magical implements.
He holds a bone whip with the strength of a first-class military general, and his combat power is almost on par with that of a peerless general, reaching half a step of a peerless general.

The strength is extremely powerful, and it can crush ordinary first-class warriors.

"After being silent for too long, it's time to show off your sharpness." Yelu Hanqing calmed down and said softly,
He looked at the whip with his eyes, lost in memory,

He was successful at a young age and had outstanding talents. When he was a second-rate warrior, he won No.1 in the second-rate warrior competition in the entire Liao Kingdom.
Received the magic weapon, the bone whip, as a reward from the priest of the Liao Kingdom.

After getting the bone whip, his strength improved rapidly. When he was a second-rate warrior, he held a bone whip to fight against a first-rate warrior, regardless of the outcome.

When the strength reached the first-class warriors, he once fought against five first-class warriors for three days and three nights, regardless of the outcome.

The combat power has reached the level of a half-step peerless warrior.

When the Liao army gathered, Yelu Hanqing led seven first-class generals and 10,000+ Liao troops to Guangyuan City.

Xiao Menghong did not go there, he was ordered to protect General Yeluming and wait for the General to leave the customs five days later.

At this time, Qin Feng was not in Guangyuan City. He led Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Cheng Yaojin, five first-class fighters, and Li Kui, Gao Shun, Yang Zhi, and [-] soldiers to Tianzong City.

The imperial court sent eighteen first-class generals to guard the frontier to resist the invasion of the Liao Kingdom.
Zheng Bingnai of the Zhongtian Zongcheng of these eighteen generals is the head coach, and the others are vanguard generals and the like.

This time Qin Feng led the army to Tianzong City, and he was ordered by Zheng Bing, the coach of Tianzong City.

Zheng Bing not only ordered Qin Feng to go, other generals were also ordered to go,

For a time, many generals led the army to rush towards Tianzong City.

"General, wait."

"General Shenwu stay behind."

When the army was marching rapidly, loud shouts came from behind the army, and two figures rushed quickly from the side of the army.

"What a strong breath."

Qin Feng sensed the aura coming from the army later, it was definitely the existence of a first-class general, ordered the army to stop, and looked behind.

There are two figures on the left side of the army, they are moving fast, one figure is big and thick, with a bald head, wearing what looks like cassock, and carrying a weapon on his shoulders, which looks neither fish nor fowl.

Lu Zhishen,
When Qin Feng saw the figure, he had a hunch in his heart that the person who came was probably Lu Zhishen,
Then this person is Lu Zhishen, isn't the other figure Bai Qi the Killing God?
Qin Feng was quite excited. He had the chance to see the face of the character passed down through the ages.

It's getting closer, it seems very close.

Qin Feng could see the face of the other party clearly. He had a 27-[-] face, like jade, and looked very elegant. He was dressed in white, with a sword hanging from his waist.

If he didn't know that [-]% of the people killed him for nothing, Qin Feng would have thought of him as a handsome young master.

"Yan Liang, Wen Chou, you protect the lord." Hua Xiong and Cheng Yaojin quickly rushed towards Bai Qi and Lu Zhishen with weapons in hand.

"Hua Xiong, Cheng Yaojin stop." Qin Feng quickly turned to Hua Xiong, Cheng Yaojin said, facing Cheng Yaojin, Hua Xiong's puzzled eyes,

Qin Feng said: "I don't think they have any malicious intentions."

Hua Xiong, Cheng Yaojin didn't relax because of Qin Feng's words,
Although they are absolutely loyal to Qin Feng, they will not rebel and are willing to protect Qin Feng with their lives.
They still have their own character and the ability to judge for themselves.

Hua Xiong and Cheng Yaojin retreated cautiously to Qin Feng, and together with Yan Liang and Wen Chou, they protected Qin Feng.

"The grassroots pay their respects to the general."

"The grassroots pay their respects to the general."

Bai Qi and Lu Zhishen arrived, looked at Qin Feng in admiration and awe, and knelt down on both knees to salute Qin Feng.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for this general?" Qin Feng quickly helped Bai Qi and Lu Zhishen up, and asked.

Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Cheng Yaojin, Li Kui, Gao Shun, Yang Zhi, and many soldiers stared at Bai Qi, Lu Zhishen,

Once Bai Qi and Lu Zhishen made a change, they killed the two of them with the momentum of thunder.

"The general's prestige has spread all over the country. The two of us have heard about the general's prestige and learned that the general is for the country and the people. We come here to take out insurance and are willing to serve the general." Bai Qi and Lu Zhishen looked at each other and spoke quickly. Said.

"The general is already so famous?" Cheng Yaojin blurted out the words.

"Naturally, the general has made great achievements in battle, and now his reputation spreads all over the country, and he is admired by the whole country. I am grateful, and thousands of girls fall in love with the general."

Bai Qi nodded without hesitation, and said, looking at Qin Feng full of expectations, he wants to follow Qin Feng to gallop on the battlefield,

He always felt that he was born to fight, and the battlefield was where he should be.

"Okay! The two strong men are outstanding in martial arts. How can I, Qin Feng He De, let the two strong men come from thousands of miles away?
I, Qin Feng, made an oath that as long as two strong men live up to me in this life, I will definitely live up to these two strong men and share the glory and wealth.If you break this oath, you will be struck by thunder and thunder, and you will never be reborn forever. "

Qin Feng's brows were full of excitement, and he said in a loud voice, the aura of the king in his body is fully displayed at this moment.

ps: Thanks to the thin horse in October for the reward of 3000 starting coins, and thank you for the reward of 100 book coins for not getting up at dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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