Chapter 46 Who gave you the courage?

Wang Xuan didn't completely believe in Qin Feng's words, but made a decision after thinking twice.

Just now when Qin Feng and the coach Zheng Bingqi had a conflict, he pleaded for Qin Feng,

If the coach wins this conflict, he has nothing to do, and he can still be said to be affectionate,
But in this conflict, Qin Feng, the general of martial arts, won, and won with a crushing attitude.

Now the coach Zheng Bing must hate Qin Feng to the bone. He pleaded for Qin Feng before, and I am afraid that he has become a thorn in Zheng Bing's side and a thorn in his flesh.
If he stays, he will be targeted by the coach Zheng Bing, and he will not know how he will die by then.

When he was about to step out of the palace gate, Qin Feng's figure stopped, turned his head to Zheng Bing, Zheng Fengren looked at it, and said coldly:

"Such a weak person dares to challenge this general. Who gave you the courage? Next time you dare to challenge this general, this general will definitely take the heads of you and others."

Zheng Bing, Zheng Fengren and other five generals of the Zheng family looked ugly, but they didn't dare to speak back. They could see the cold murderous intent in Qin Feng's eyes clearly.

The other party really dared to do it, and beheaded them.

"Hahaha~~~~~~" Qin Feng looked at Zheng Bing, Zheng Fengren looked aggrieved, and laughed out loud.

Leading Bai Qi, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and other generals to leave,

When the soldiers standing outside saw Qin Feng approaching, they moved out of the way in fear, not daring to stop him at all.

"General Qin Shenwu~~" When he came to the gate of the city, Wang Xuan wanted to ask Qin Feng something, but he didn't know how to say it.
He is now in awe of Qin Feng, and he dare not call Qin Feng Brother Qin for a while.

"Brother, just call me Brother Qin." Qin Feng smiled slightly at Wang Xuan. He was grateful that Wang Xuan could stand up and speak for him in such a situation.

"Brother Qin, if the coach provokes you again, will you really kill him?" Wang Xuan asked Qin Feng curiously.

"Naturally! I will keep my promises, and I will never slip up." Qin Feng said casually, which was not a problem at all in his mind.

But hearing Wang Xuan's ears sound like muffled thunder, he was shocked in his heart.

"Let's go." Walking outside the city gate, Wang Xuan and Qin Feng temporarily separated. The two gathered their troops and returned to Guangyuan City and Zhongchong City.

In the palace, apart from Qin Feng, Wang Xuan, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, etc., none of the other generals left.
They all chose to go to the Liao army camp because they believed in Zheng Bing, or because they were going to find out the truth, or because they were eager to make contributions.

"Brother, this matter must not be left alone. Qin Feng's crime is unforgivable and must be killed."

When many generals left to prepare, and only Zheng Bing, Zheng Fengren, Zheng Ming, Zheng Heng, and Zheng Mingyang were left in the palace,
With an angry face on Zheng Ming's face, he said to Zheng Bing in a deep voice.

They come from the Zheng family, the most powerful family in the Great Xia Dynasty except the royal family, the Wei family, and the Chen family.
They have always been respected by others, have they ever been provoked,

Now he was slapped in the face firmly, and it was slapped in the face with a crushing posture.

"That's right, big brother, we absolutely can't forget it like this." Zheng Heng and Zheng Mingyang said one after another.

"Don't worry! This matter can't be forgotten." Zheng Bing said in a deep voice with a gloomy face, his eyes showing naked killing intent.

He felt threatened by the appearance of Qin Feng, Bai Qi, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and others,
The power gathered around Qin Feng is enough to threaten him and his existence as a third person in the military.
For the existence of Qin Feng, he absolutely does not allow it, and must find an opportunity to get rid of Qin Feng and others.

"Now is not the time to discuss these things. Let me tell you the truth. I don't know whether Ya Luming, the general of the Liao Kingdom, is dead. Everything I said before is just a calculation.
So when you attack the Liao army's camp, you should be smart and let some chess pieces go to test it first.

Of course, this is just the worst plan. According to the speculation of my think tank and some news about the Liao army from the scouts, I am 90.00% sure that Ye Luming, the general of the Liao Kingdom, has been seriously injured and died. "

Zheng Fengren, Zheng Ming, Zheng Heng, and Zheng Mingyang looked at Zheng Bing in surprise and nodded heavily.

to show them that they understand,

Regarding Zheng Bing's risky behavior, they didn't say anything. There is no sure thing in the world.
What's more, the battlefield is changing rapidly.

No one knows what will happen in the next second.

"Brother Qin, do you think Yeluming is really alive?" Wang Xuan and Qin Feng traveled together for a while, and Wang Xuan asked Qin Feng.

"Although I can't be sure, I'm 90.00% sure that he's still alive." Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Hiss." Wang Xuan took a deep breath, 90.00% sure, this basically means that Ye Luming, the great general of the Liao Kingdom, is still alive.

He was glad to leave with Qin Feng, and looked at Qin Feng gratefully,
After moving forward for a little more time, the two parted ways, Wang Xuan rushed to Zhongchong City, and Qin Feng continued to go to Guangyuan City.

In two days, Qin Feng finally led Bai Qi, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Cheng Yaojin, etc., and tens of thousands of troops, back to Guangyuan City.



Lin Chong and Zhang Liao had already received news from the scouts that the lord had returned, so they had already opened the city gates to welcome Qin Feng's return at the gates.

"Lin Chong pays homage to the lord."

"Zhang Liao pays homage to the lord."

Lin Chong and Zhang Liao bowed their hands to Qin Feng.

"My lord, the court sent an angel to come again." Lin Chong quickly jumped on a horse and said to Qin Feng.

"Congratulations, lord."

"Congratulations, my lord."

"This must be because the emperor knew about the lord's great military exploits and sent an angel to reward the lord."

"The lord is now a general, and he has made great military exploits? I don't know how the emperor will reward the lord. Could it be that the lord is named a general?"

After hearing the news, many generals congratulated Qin Feng, discussing and guessing what the reward would be.

"Hahahaha, why guess, why don't you just go and see?" Qin Feng laughed loudly and rode his horse into the city.

"Lin Chong, where are the angels and others now?" Qin Feng rushed into the city, remembering that he still doesn't know where the angels are.

"General, they are in the City Lord's Mansion." Lin Chong said respectfully,

Then Qin Feng led Bai Qi, Lu Zhishen, Cheng Yaojin, Zhang Liao, Yan Liang and others to the City Lord's Mansion.

Before Qin Feng entered the City Lord's Mansion, he saw a group of thirty people standing outside the City Lord's Mansion.

Qin Feng could tell at a glance that these thirty people were angels from the imperial court.
The clothes and weapons they were wearing were exactly the same as the last wave of people,
"The one who came is Qin Feng, the general of the martial arts?" Eunuch Li has also received the news that Qin Feng, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang and others have returned,

Seeing a group of people rushing forward, he quickly went up to meet them,
Seeing Qin Feng taking the lead, he asked respectfully, Qin Feng was shocked in his heart, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang and others were young, and they were not in their twenties.

ps: Thank you for the reward of 999 book coins in my world, thank you for the reward of 100 book coins, and thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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