Chapter 602 Shock!




The Zhongxing Dao Sect, the Five Elements Sacred Sect, and the other [-] Heavenly Dao Supreme Holy Second Heaven powerhouses are already infinitely close to the Daqin Sacred Court Palace.

"Twenty heavenly, most holy, second-level heavenly powerhouses are enough to destroy the entire Daqin Sacred Court!"

"The days of Daqin Holy Court's arrogance are over!"

The [-] Heavenly Dao, the Most Sacred, and the Second Heaven powerhouses were full of confidence, speeding up again, and rushed to the Daqin Holy Court.

"Qin Huang, why did you kill Elder Che!"

Gu Chengming's face darkened, his eyes flickered with murderous intent, and he said coldly.

Elder Xiao, Elder Shi and other six elders stared at Qin Feng with cold, murderous eyes.

"If he dares to threaten me, I will kill him! The same goes for you!"

Qin Feng looked deeply at Gu Chengming, Xiao Changlao, and Elder Shi, and said something pointedly.

"Qin Feng, if you dare to kill Elder Che, you will definitely die!"

"All the elders, kill Daqin Sacred Court to avenge Elder Che!"

Gu Chengming roared angrily,
He took the lead, bursting out with a powerful aura, sacrificed two Chaos Spirit Treasures, and killed Qin Feng with overwhelming power.


"Kill Qin Feng!"

Elder Xiao, Elder Shi and other six elders let out a long roar, and a strong evil spirit erupted from their bodies, as if they were real, they sacrificed the Chaos Spirit Treasure, and blasted at Qin Feng.

"Qin Huang quickly get out and die!"

Gu Ming, Shi Hongfeng, Lei Xianbing, Xing Guangchen and other [-] strong men have already arrived at the Imperial Palace of the Great Qin Court, just in time to see Elder Xiao, Elder Shi, and Gu Chengming attacking the Great Qin Holy Court.

"Where are they from?"

Their figures stopped, stood above the void, and began to watch the battle.

"After I kill you all, I will go to the Dingtianjiao Region and destroy the Ziyan Sect!"

Qin Feng stood up from the dragon chair, carrying a soaring breath on his body, vast and surging, surging towards the surroundings.


Holding the jade seal in his hand, Qin Feng smashed it directly at the Chaos Lingbao sacrificed by Gu Chengming, Elder Shi, and Elder Xiao.



Yuxi's divine light is generous, full of infinite majesty, sweeping everything, suppressing everything, and suppressing many chaotic spirit treasures.




Surging power emanated from the jade seal, and it suppressed all around, directly suppressing the ancient city Ming, Elder Shi, and Elder Xiao to the ground.

"Heaven's most holy triple heaven realm!"

"You are the most holy third heaven realm!"

Gu Chengming's eyes were frightened and shocked, and he exclaimed in his mouth.

The opponent is a strong man on the same level as the ancestor, and he is not something he can provoke at all.

"Heaven's Most Holy Trinity Powerhouse!"

"How can there be a heavenly and holy third-layer powerhouse here!"

Elder Shi and Elder Xiao's eyes were frightened, shocked, and there was a look of despair.

They have seen the aura of the ancestors before, and it is the same as the aura emitted by Qin Feng at this time, extremely powerful.

"His Majesty Qin Huang, please forgive me, we have no intention of offending His Majesty Qin Huang!"

Gu Chengming said quickly.

Facing the powerhouse of the most holy third heaven, he has no ability to resist at all, he can only beg for mercy.

"It's an honor for Che Jianxi to die in the hands of His Majesty Qin Huang, please spare my life!"

"His Majesty the Qin Emperor, please forgive me!"

Elder Shi, Elder Xiao and other elders looked at Qin Feng expectantly, begging for mercy.

"If I let you go, wouldn't everyone think that the Holy Court of Qin can be bullied!"

Qin Feng said coldly.



Qin Feng's mind was moved, and the jade seal on it was violently suppressed, and directly killed the seven heavenly and holy second-layer powerhouses.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Dao Most Holy Second Heaven Powerhouse! (Xingtian Exclusive Package Card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 980000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 780000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 986000 experience points!"


Facing the void above with his palm, Qin Feng's terrifying luck pierced through the space, revealing Gu Ming, Shi Hongfeng and other martial artists.

"Greetings to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"Greetings to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"Greetings to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

When Gu Ming, Shi Hongfeng, Xing Guangchen, Lei Xianbing and other Wuxiu saw Qin Feng, their hearts trembled, they didn't dare to refute, and said in awe.

They saw that Qin Feng's combat power had reached the Heavenly Dao's most holy third-level powerhouse, and he could determine their life and death with a single palm.

All the anger and dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared,

Only relying on Qin Feng's power as the most holy third heaven, he unified the entire Black Wind Territory, and no one dared to resist.

"Why did you come here?"

Qin Feng looked at Gu Ming, Shi Hongfeng, Xing Guangchen, Lei Xianbing and other martial arts with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice.

'Report to His Majesty Qin Huang, we are here to submit to His Majesty! "

Gu Ming said quickly.

"I am willing to submit to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"I am willing to submit to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

Shi Hongfeng, Lei Xianbing, Xing Guangchen and other powerhouses bowed their heads to Qin Feng one after another.

"But I heard someone shout before, Qin Feng quickly get out and die!"

Qin Feng said indifferently.

"His Majesty Qin Huang, I know I was wrong, and I ask His Majesty Qin Huang to spare my life!"

"I am willing to join the Great Qin Divine Ability. From now on, I will follow the lead of the Great Qin Sacred Court and ask His Majesty the Qin Emperor to spare me!"

Gu Ming, Shi Hongfeng and other martial artists looked desperate and begged for mercy.

"Hand over the true spirit, and I will spare your life!"

Qin Feng stood with his hands behind his back, looked down, and ruled the life and death of thousands of living beings, he said lightly.

"His Majesty Qin Huang!"

Shi Hongfeng flickered, wanting to beg Qin Feng for mercy again.

If the true spirit is handed over to Qin Feng, life and death will be under Qin Feng's control from now on, he is naturally unwilling.


Qin Feng flicked his finger, and flicked one finger on top of Shi Hongfeng, crushing his body and spirit, completely dead and dao disappeared.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 980000 experience points!"

"You are not worthy to negotiate terms with me!"

"I'm saying this one last time, hand over the true spirit, and I will spare your lives!"

Qin Feng said loudly.

"I am willing to hand over the true spirit!"

"I am willing to hand over the true spirit!"

"I am willing to hand over the true spirit!"

Gu Ming, Xing Guangchen, Lei Xianbing and other Zhongxing Daozong, Wuxing Shengzong, and martial arts from other forces all bowed their heads to Qin Feng.

"very good!"

"Those who know the times are Junjie!"

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Elder Xiao, Elder Shi, Elder Gu, their life cards were broken and all fell!"

Inside the Ziyan Sect, the main hall of the sect, all the elders have arrived, Huang Tian said with difficulty.


"Xiao Changlao, Elder Shi, Elder Gu, what happened to them?"

"What happened in the Black Wind Territory?"

After hearing the news, the elders who stayed behind in the Ziyan Sect were all shocked, and they were full of fear for the Black Wind Region.

"This sect will beg the ancestors to go to the Daqin Holy Court for a walk!"

After Huang Tian glanced at the expressions of the elders, he said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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