Chapter 61 Asking for traveling expenses! (First update!)

After Qin Feng heard Agui's words, a sneer flashed across his mouth,

"Shi Family, Wang Family, Liu Family, County Magistrate Zheng Changlong, I remember you all."

"You go down first, I'll go see my father and mother." Qin Feng waved at Agui and walked towards the mansion.

"It's the young master." Agui's expression was startled, and he retreated respectfully. When he moved away from Qin Feng, he was taken aback for a moment.
"The eldest young master seems to have changed a lot, full of majesty, and his words are full of strength, which cannot be doubted.

Agui thought for a while, it seemed that the young master had experienced many things outside, after a while he shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and left quickly.


Qin Feng walked all the way, and met several servants one after another, all of them looked flustered,

When he saw Qin Feng, his face showed respect, and he shouted in awe, and then left quickly.

They are all servants of the Qin family. Now they know the situation of the Qin family, and they can't leave. The only thing left to them is death and destruction.

"Where are the master and madam?" Qin Feng searched several places and asked many servants, but he couldn't find his father and mother.

"Returning to the young master, the master and wife are in the ancestral hall." A maid said to Qin Feng.

"En." Qin Feng walked towards the ancestral hall, and before he went inside, he heard the voices of his parents from inside the ancestral hall.

"All the ancestors and ancestors bless the Qin family to survive this calamity, and bless Feng'er and Cheng'er in safety."

Qin Caihua and Yuan Qingshu knelt in the ancestral hall, praying to the ancestors of the Qin family.

"Mother, father." A warm current flashed in Qin Feng's heart. He had never enjoyed family affection in his previous life, but now he suddenly felt wrapped in a strong family affection.

Before, he just inherited everything from his predecessor Qin Feng, but now he suddenly feels that he is Qin Feng, integrated into this family.

Qin Caihua and Yuan Qingshu's pleading words suddenly stopped, and they seemed to hear a familiar voice,
They were looking forward to hearing this voice day and night, but they didn't want to hear it at this time, and turned their heads to look at the door.

A figure appeared in the eyes, wearing purple clothes, with a dignified appearance.


Although Qin Feng has changed a lot, his face has matured a lot, and his aura is no longer as elegant as before, but full of oppression.
But Qin Caihua and Yuan Qingshu recognized Qin Feng immediately, got up quickly, and walked towards Qin Feng quickly.

"Feng'er, it's really you." Yuan Qingshu walked up to Qin Feng, cupped Qin Feng's handsome face with both hands, and looked carefully.

"Feng'er, you've lost weight."

Yuan Qingshu said softly, and then fiercely poured Qin Feng into his arms.

Qin Caihua also looked at Qin Feng. He saw Qin Feng's growth, full of masculinity, and nodded in relief.

"No, Feng'er, you shouldn't come back."

After the excitement, Qin Caihua and Yuan Qingshu's faces changed suddenly, and they quickly reacted,
Now that Feng'er is going home, isn't it tantamount to sending her to death?

No, Feng'er must leave quickly.

"Feng'er, go quickly, leave quickly." Qin Caihua grabbed Qin Feng's arm, ready to pull Qin Feng away quickly, away from Qianlong Town.

"Yes, Feng'er, hurry up." Yuan Qingshu looked outside in a panic, and urged Qin Feng.

"Father, mother can't leave. There are people from the Shi family, Wang family, and Liu family outside, and they will never let the child go." Qin Feng moved his arm lightly, broke away from Qin Caihua's arm, and said softly.

"Oops," Qin Caihua was stunned, his hands slapped his legs violently, feeling powerless in his heart, he squatted on the ground.

"Feng'er, it's your parents who hurt you." Yuan Qingshu also burst into tears.

"Father and mother, actually..." Qin Feng smiled wryly, and was about to say that he had become a first-class martial artist, and even the King of Divine Martial Arts of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The Shi family, the Wang family, the Liu family, and the county magistrate Zheng Changlong can be wiped out in a blink of an eye.

But just as the words came out, they were interrupted by Qin Caihua,

"Yes, there are two more warriors enshrined." Qin Caihua suddenly remembered that there were still two warriors enshrined at home.
As long as the two warriors are willing to take Qin Feng away, then Qin Feng will be able to leave safely.

Qin Caihua quickly pulled Qin Feng, and rushed towards the residence where the two warriors enshrined,

When Yuan Qingshu heard Qin Caihua's words, he instantly understood Qin Caihua's plan, and quickly followed,

Just arrived at the courtyard where Li Chengmu and Li Chenglin's two warrior priests lived, and saw the two warrior priests rushing out of the room with their luggage on their backs.

"Who are you two worshipers?" Qin Caihua asked when he saw Li Chengmu and Li Chenglin walking out of the room with the package on their backs.

"Master Qin, you came just in time, we are going to look for you," Li Chengmu and Li Chenglin saw Qin Caihua approaching, with surprise on their faces,

"You two, let's go inside and talk slowly." Qin Caihua also begged the two warriors to make offerings, and walked into the room.

"Master Qin, don't be so troublesome. The two of us are going to leave the Qin family, and please ask Master Qin to give us some travel expenses."

Li Chengmu and Li Chenglin stood together, exuding the aura of warriors on their bodies, which seemed extremely oppressive.
Qin Caihua's face became ugly. These two warriors were so deceitful. They betrayed and prepared to run away, and they even asked for travel expenses for him.

In recent years, the Qin family has enshrined two warriors and spent a lot of gold and silver. They never thought that they were just unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

Qin Caihua was furious in his heart, but he knew he couldn't get angry, so he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

With a smile on his face,
"Two warriors enshrine, I can agree to your request," Qin Caihua said in a deep voice,

"However, I also want to ask the two warrior priests to do me a favor and take my son Qin Feng out. As long as the two warrior priests agree, the gold and silver will be offered immediately."

Li Chengmu and Li Chenglin looked at Qin Feng, their eyes flickered, then shook their heads at each other,
"Master Qin, it's not that we two brothers don't want to agree to you, but we're going out with the young master. I'm afraid we will be surrounded by the Shi family, the Wang family, and the Liu family before we leave the city. Don't talk about the young master, even we will come out." not going."

Li Chengmu said with a light smile, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave with Qin Feng as a burden.

"Master Qin, there is one more important thing that my brother didn't say." Li Chenglin looked at Qin Feng amusedly,

"Then the Eldest Young Master's luck is really bad. It's simply bad luck. He returned to the Qin family when the Qin family was destroyed. He was planning to die.

If we leave with the young master, in case the bad luck of the young master spreads to us two brothers,

Then the two of us, brothers, are in for a bloody misfortune.

So, Master Qin, you'd better hurry up and get some gold and silver out, and we two brothers will leave immediately. "

ps: Brothers, today’s update is late. In order to thank all brothers for their support, I am preparing for the third update today. I am asking for recommendations, rewards, and collections. I am working hard on coding.

 Thanks to book friend 150522230156163: 5000 starting point coins reward, thanks to book friend 20180703132210364: 1500 starting point coins reward, thanks to 178******92 for rewarding 999 book coins, thanks to the king alone: ​​500 starting point coins reward, thank you? ~?Reward 399 book coins, thanks to Dreamland Flowers: 100 starting coins reward, thanks to Saraki-Lang’s father: 100 starting coins reward, thanks to Gui Hong: 100 starting coins reward, thank Qiu Feng Huiyi 100 starting coins Reward, thank you Yinzi Asano: 100 starting coins reward, thank you Wu Jiansui: 100 book coins reward, thank you for occupying your youth: 100 book coins reward, thank you Ah Dian: 100 book coins reward.

(End of this chapter)

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