Chapter 610 Final breakthrough!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining enough experience points, increasing his strength, and reaching the realm of the most holy third heaven!"

After a large number of system prompts fell, a distinctive prompt sounded quickly.

After the ringing, a warm current rose from Qin Feng's body, which was huge energy, and quickly strengthened Qin Feng's flesh, bones, meridians, dantian, mana, primordial spirit and so on.

With rapid growth, earth-shaking changes are taking place in Qin Feng's body, and his strength has doubled.


With a loud thunderous sound resounding in Qin Feng's dantian, his strength was officially upgraded to the realm of the most holy third heaven.

A mysterious and mysterious aura blessed Qin Feng's body, raising Qin Feng's combat effectiveness to the realm of the heavenly and holy fourth heaven.

"Okay! Finally broke through!"

"Fearless Dragon Territory!"

Qin Feng felt the surge of magic power in his body, a deep smile appeared on his face, and he was even more ecstatic in his heart.

The realm reaches the realm of the most holy third heaven of heaven, and the combat power reaches the fourth heaven of the most holy heaven. Using a hundred times combat power booster card, the combat power can reach the fifth heaven of the most holy heaven.

Liu Bufan, Shen Wantian, Xue Jiuchong, and Zhen Baifeng looked at Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata and other martial arts sneeringly.

Five of them, the strongest of the most holy and fourth heavens, sit in the Yongkang area, and it is expected that the Great Qin Holy Court will not dare to do anything!
"Kill! Daqin Sacred Court cannot be humiliated!"

"Great Qin Holy Court, don't be humiliated!"

Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata and other martial arts cultivators looked gloomy, and the evil spirit on their bodies became more and more intense, and they let out a long howl.

"not good!"

"Everyone prepare for battle!"

Liu Bufan, Shen Wantian, Xue Jiuzhong and other strong men were surprised when they saw Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata and other generals charging forward.

But they didn't panic in their hearts, and now they have the upper hand in terms of numbers!




The void is full of murderous intent, Liu Bufan, Shen Wantian, Xue Jiuzhong, Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata and other martial artists have already started a fierce collision.




Suddenly the void was shattered, and a figure appeared from the portal of space, exuding a monstrous power from his body, suppressing everything.

"The bravery of feathers is unique throughout the ages!"

With a roar, Xiang Yu burst out with all his strength, and his combat power reached half a step to the realm of the most holy five heavens, and he was able to resist the momentum.



Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata, Styx and other martial arts practitioners, their internal skills are running rapidly, resisting Zhao Shengjun's aura.

"Meet the seniors!"

"Liu Bufan pays respects to senior!"

"Shen Wantian pays respects to senior!"

Sun Tianjun, Liu Bufan, Shen Wantian and other martial artists sensed that Zhao Shengjun's momentum far surpassed the holy four heavens,

They didn't have the slightest resistance to Zhao Shengjun's suppressed momentum, they just knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

"Tell me, where is the Daqin Holy Court?"

Zhao Shengjun stood with his hands behind his back, tall and tall, with an incomparably stalwart body, and said in a deep voice.

Sun Tianjun, Liu Bufan, Shen Wantian and other five most holy and fourth heavenly powerhouses were stunned when they heard Zhao Shengjun's words.
Then they had some guesses about Zhao Shengjun's identity.

"Senior, is Master Zhao Shengjun, the most powerful person in the Terrifying Dragon Realm?"

Sun Tianjun was in awe, looked at Zhao Shengjun flatteringly, and said in awe.

"Yes, this deity is Zhao Shengjun!"

Zhao Shengjun said loudly.

"My lord Zhao Shengjun!"

"Liu Bufan pays his respects to Lord Zhao Shengjun."

"Shen Wantian pays his respects to Lord Zhao Shengjun!"

Sun Tianjun, Liu Bufan, Shen Wantian and other strong men saluted again with expressions of respect and awe.

Facing Zhao Shengjun, a powerhouse at the fifth level of the most holy heaven, they dare not show the slightest disrespect.

"Get up, my deity asks you where the Great Qin Sacred Court is?"

Zhao Shengjun glanced around and asked in a deep voice.

"Sir Zhao Shengjun, they are the martial arts practitioners of the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

Liu Bufan pointed to Xingtian, Xiang Yu, Tathagata, Minghe, Taiyi, Zhenyuanzi and other martial artists, and said quickly.

"Speak! How did the number one holy son of the Shocking Dragon Realm fall?"

Zhao Shengjun turned around abruptly, looked at Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Ming He and others with cold eyes, and sternly reprimanded them.

The huge aura on his body reappeared, violent and turbulent, suppressing Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Ming He and others.


Xiang Yu yelled violently, the veins on his forehead twitched violently, and he could barely resist the momentum.



Xing Tian, ​​Tathagata waited for the general to roar, his mana was running to the limit, and he resisted the momentum.

"No comment!"

Xiang Yu looked at Zhao Shengjun with cold eyes, full of cold killing intent, and said in a cold voice.

"Report to Mr. Zhao Shengjun, I know some news!"

Sun Tianjun walked quickly to Zhao Shengjun and told him the news that Qin Feng killed Zhao Guanxi.

"It's really you!"

Zhao Shengjun's aura was mixed with monstrous anger.

"You are the generals of the Great Qin Sacred Court, so I will kill you first! Take back some interest!"

Zhao Shengjun said in a cold voice, with a movement of his palm, a giant palm formed of mana formed above the void, and slapped Xiang Yu, Xing Tian, ​​Tathagata, and Tai Yi hard.

"Master Zhao Shengjun is wise!"

"Master Zhao Shengjun is wise!"

"Master Zhao Shengjun is wise!"

Sun Tianjun, Liu Bufan, Shen Wantian and other martial artists said in awe and flattery.

"If you want to kill them, have you asked me?"

Qin Feng's mind was moved, and with the help of Zhou Tian's astrolabe, he appeared directly above Xiang Yu, Xing Tian, ​​Tathagata and other martial arts, and said loudly.

"System, use a [-]-fold increase in combat power card for me!"

Qin Feng let out a long roar, and punched forward with a punch, directly smashing the palm of Zhetianju into pieces.

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata, Styx and other generals, system soldiers, saw Qin Feng appear, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Shengjun looked at Qin Feng with his eyes, felt the aura exuded by Qin Feng, his face showed a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice.

"Qin Feng, the Lord of the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

"You are the strongest in the Terrifying Dragon Realm? Are you here to die today?"

Qin Feng looked at Zhao Shengjun and said contemptuously.


"court death!"

Zhao Shengjun roared, and the Chaos Spirit Treasure appeared in his hand, which was a ruler, and he swung it at Qin Feng directly.

"Sword of the Son of Heaven!"

Qin Feng shouted loudly, and the Tianzi Sword appeared in his hand, waving it to resist the attack of the ruler.

"Cultivation is good, it didn't disappoint me!"

After a round of fighting, Qin Feng was full of fighting spirit, looked at Zhao Shengjun, and said loudly.


Zhao Shengjun's face was ugly. He did not expect that the Lord of the Daqin Sacred Court was the most holy and fifth heavenly powerhouse, and he did not expect that Qin Feng's combat power was so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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