Chapter 612 Draw generals!

"very good!"

With a movement of Qin Feng's palm, an ancient stele was condensed, written to the Daqin Holy Court, and stood directly in front of Shen Wantian, the nine-level blood, and Zhenbai Peak.

"Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata, you will subdue Beihou domain, Chuanqiong domain, and Shenlong domain, and those who violate it will be killed!"

Qin Feng said loudly.

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata, Ming He, Tai Yi, Zhen Yuan Zi, Di Jun and other generals clasped their fists and said in awe.

Then Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, Tathagata, Ming He, Tai Yi and other generals rushed to Beihou Domain, Chuanqiong Domain, and Shenlong Domain.

"Dragon Territory!"

Qin Feng took a deep look at the location of the Shocking Dragon Domain, and after conquering the Beihou Domain, Chuanqiong Domain, and Shenlong Domain, he went to the Shocking Dragon Domain, killed the Shocking Dragon Sect, and conquered the Shocking Dragon Domain.

At this time, the senior management of Jinglongyu was panicked and fell into panic. Just now their patriarch Zhao Shengjun's life card was shattered.

The ancestor has passed away!
Now that the ancestor is dead, the enemy who beheaded the ancestor will come to kill him at some point.

In the end, the high-level leaders of Jinglongyu discussed it and were unwilling to sit still. They released the news directly.

Whoever can kill the enemy will offer the treasures of the Shocking Dragon Realm and Shocking Dragon Sect!
Five days later, Xue Chengdong and Gao Mingyang, two experts from Guiyuan Immortal Territory, who came from Guiyuan Immortal Territory, entered the Terrifying Dragon Territory and stayed in the Terrifying Dragon Sect for a while.

When they came out, Xue Chengdong and Gao Mingyang showed satisfactory news, and hurried to the location of the Daqin Holy Court.

In the end, there were also several heavenly most holy five-layer powerhouses who went to the Daqin Holy Court.

"go with!"

Qin Feng sat cross-legged on the Lingxiao Palace, his mind was caught in the system, he took out a large number of general cards, and threw them directly into the void.




Dozens of military generals upgrade cards broke through the space and disappeared without a trace in an instant. When they appeared, they had already reached the generals.
The military generals' upgrade cards turned into white light, directly integrated into the bodies of many generals, and turned into huge energy.

Huge energy is quickly dispersed in the limbs and bones of many generals, and the flesh, bones, dantian, meridians, primordial spirit, etc. of the generals are rapidly powerful.




With thunderous voices came from the dantians of Zhen Yuanzi, Di Jun, Ming He, Tai Yi and other generals.

Their cultivation has broken through and their strength has been enhanced.

"The last general thanks Your Majesty!"

"The last general thanks Your Majesty!"

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

Many generals are rushing to the Shenlong domain. After their strength has improved, they clasped their fists and bowed to the void.

Afterwards, the speed of many generals accelerated again, and they headed to Shenlongyu,
"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 890000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 999000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 780000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a saint-level general card!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a quasi-sage late general general card!"

The system's prompt sounded quickly in Qin Feng's mind.

After Qin Feng heard the system's notification tone, he was stunned for a long time. He hadn't obtained the general summoning card for a long time.

"System, use the saint-level general card for me!"

Qin Feng entered the system space again and commanded the system.

"Ding, congratulations to the host general card successfully used!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host saint general card successfully used, and successfully summoned Buddhist Zhunti!"

Name: Zhunti

Race: Innate

Cultivation: the realm of a saint!
Combat power: the most holy of heaven and the first level of heaven
Gongfa: Zhangliu Jinshen, Bajiuxuangong, Buddhist Dafa, Huangting Jing, Dao of Saints
Weapons: Qibao Miaoshu (Chaos Spiritual Treasure), Six Pure Bamboo (Chaos Spiritual Treasure), Canopy (Chaos Spiritual Treasure), Flower Guan (Chaos Spiritual Treasure), Fish Intestine (Chaos Spiritual Treasure), Golden Bow (Chaos Spiritual Treasure) ), silver halberd (chaos spirit treasure), blessed pestle (chaos spirit treasure), treasure file (chaos spirit treasure), gold bottle (chaos spirit treasure)

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host!)
Origin: [Prehistoric World]

"System, use the quasi-sage late general general card for me!"

Qin Feng said to the system again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host general card successfully used!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the quasi-sage late-stage general, for successfully using the card and successfully summoning the Demon Ancestor Luohu"

Name: Luo Hu

Race: Inborn beings (transformed by the Chaos Demon God!)

Cultivation: the late stage quasi-sage realm!
Combat strength (bless luck, bless Zhuxian sword array): the most holy of heaven and the first level of heaven
Cultivation method: Chaos Demon God Exercise, Demon's Dao, Seven Emotions and Six Desires Dafa, Demon God's Son, Swallowing Heaven and Earth, Saint's Dao
Weapons: Zhu Xian Four Swords (Chaos Spirit Treasure), Zhu Xian Array (Chaos Spirit Treasure), [-]th Rank Miserable Black Lotus (Chaos Spirit Treasure), God Killing Spear (Chaos Spirit Treasure), Nine Demon Tower (Chaos Spirit Treasure)
Skills: Immortal Sword Formation (the number one killing formation under the Dao of Heaven, which dominates the killing spirit of the Dao of Heaven, and kills all things. Once it is deployed, it can leapfrog to fight!)
Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host!)
Origin: [Prehistoric World]

Character experience: At the beginning of the birth of the universe, a large number of chaos demon gods were born in the chaos. Pangu opened up the world to prove the Tao and killed three thousand demon gods.

Among them, after the demon ancestor Luohu, one of the demon gods of chaos, was beheaded by Pangu, a trace of true spirit entered the prehistoric world.

In order to break through the realm of saints, the demon ancestor Luohu provoked a war among the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans in an attempt to unify the prehistoric world and use the luck of the entire prehistoric land to prove the way and become a saint.

Ancestor Hongjun, Ancestor Yangmei, Ancestor Yinyang, and Ancestor Qiankun led a group of strong men to conquer the Demon Ancestor Luohu.

The Demon Ancestor Luohu set up the Immortal Execution Sword Formation to resist the attacks of Hongjun, Yangmei, Yinyang, and Qiankun with his own strength.

In the end, Zhuxian Sword Formation showed its supernatural power, defeating Yang Mei, Hongjun, Yinyang, Qiankun and severely wounding them.

Afterwards, the Yin-Yang Patriarch and the Qiankun Patriarch blew up their primordial gods and severely wounded the Demon Patriarch Luohu. Hongjun and Yang Mei split the Zhuxian sword formation,

Ancestor Yinyang and Ancestor Qiankun blew up their primordial spirits to severely injure Luohu Demon Ancestor, while Ancestor Hongjun and Immortal Yang Mei continued to break through the formation and broke it apart.

Later, Luo Hu was defeated and died. When he was about to die, he dared not dare to make an oath to go straight to the Dao.
"Not bad!"

Qin Feng looked at the two summoned cards with strong news on his face.

"Zunti pays homage to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"Luo Hu pays homage to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

Zhunti, Luo Hu came to see Qin Feng, and was led in by the guards from the outside. The two said respectfully when they saw Qin Feng.

"I heard that the two of you came to take refuge in me, but I don't know why the two of you came to take refuge in me?"

Qin Feng's eyes flashed and he said lightly.

"Zhunti came to join the Daqin Sacred Court under the order of his family teacher Hongjun Daozu!"

With a deep smile on his face, Zhunti said quickly.

"I feel that there is an opportunity for me to break through the realm of a saint here, so I came here!"

Luo Hu said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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