Chapter 630 Sweeping with one blow!


Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other 24 powerhouses attacked Qin Feng, Taiyi, Styx, Randeng and other martial arts with majestic and vast momentum.

"Qin Huang is courting death!"

"So arrogant and domineering, it will be a matter of time before he falls!"

Zhu Jiuheng, Qin Fengming and other strong men looked at Qin Feng with disdain, and said sarcastically.

Then they looked at Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other martial artists full of flattery.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

"Protect Your Majesty!"

Styx, Taiyi, Shen Gongbao, Ran Deng and other generals quickly gathered around Qin Feng to protect him firmly.



Styx, Tai Yi, Shen Gongbao, Ran Deng and other generals struggled to resist the mighty momentum of 25 martial artists including Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji and Du Yehuang.

Styx, Taiyi, Shen Gongbao, Ran Deng and other generals retreated steadily under the powerful momentum, and let out muffled groans.

"Dare to offend Huangtian Ancient Sect, you are really beyond your control!"

Xuan Tianyu said contemptuously.

"Brothers, brothers, work harder and suppress them all!"

Xuan Tianyu looked at the flushed faces of Minghe, Taiyi, Shen Gongbao and other martial artists, and said loudly.




Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other 25 martial artists exuded an aura that was three points stronger again.


"Back back!"

Zhu Jiuheng, Qin Fengming, Mu Jiuchong and other martial artists all felt oppressed by the aftermath of the momentum and retreated quickly.



Styx, Taiyi, Shen Gongbao, Ran Deng's body skills are running crazily, and their strength has been exerted to the limit.
Facing the powerful aura of Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji and other martial artists, they retreated steadily. If they were not supported by strong willpower, they would directly collapse on the ground.

"Great Qin Sacred Court is not a place where you can be presumptuous!"

"I will give you a chance to kneel down and surrender to me, and I will spare your life!"

Qin Feng's eyes flashed with coldness, he glanced at Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other 25 martial artists, and said in a cold voice.

"Arrogant, you dare to be so presumptuous when you are about to die!"

Xuan Tianyu said angrily.

"Suppress me!"

Xuan Tianyu's aura was full of rage, becoming even more tyrannical and domineering, and she suddenly suppressed it.

"System, immediately use the [-]-fold increase in combat power card for me!"

Qin Feng quickly communicated with the system with his mind, and ordered to the system.

"Ding, congratulations to the host's [-]-fold increase in combat power card! (The host's exclusive card, valid for three hours!) Successful use!"


Qin Feng's body is full of majestic power, exuding a tyrannical aura, reaching the realm of the most holy seventh heaven.

"Even if you add another Heavenly Most Holy Seventh Layer powerhouse? You still have to die!"

Xuan Tianyu said coldly.

"Ha ha!"

"Who told you that I am the most holy seventh heavenly power?"

A strange smile appeared on Qin Feng's face, and he said in a cold voice.

"Extraordinary blow!"

With Qin Feng's fast communication system, the aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger, directly reaching the level of the most holy eighth heaven.




Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other 25 martial artists were torn apart and crushed by Qin Feng's momentum.

Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other strong souls were injured, their hearts trembled, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

"Heaven's most holy eighth heaven powerhouse!"

"You turned out to be the most holy eighth heaven powerhouse!"

Xuan Tianyu's face showed a look of horror, unbelievable, and looked at Qin Feng's figure in fear.




Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other powerhouses felt Qin Feng's realm, and their hearts were filled with deep palpitations. This person is invincible,
Without the slightest hesitation, they turned around and fled towards the distance.

"Did you escape?"

Qin Feng smiled contemptuously, and poured the surging mana in his body into the jade seal, offering it to the void, covering all directions, and the unparalleled suppressing power directly suppressed Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other martial artists and go.




When the jade seal was completely lowered, the terrifying power suppressed Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji and other martial artists,
Directly shattered the suppressed physical bodies, primordial spirits of Xuantianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other martial arts practitioners, and their vitality was wiped out.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 980000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 960000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Heavenly Dao Supreme Sacred Sixth Heaven Generals Card! (Xiang Yu's exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Heavenly Dao Supreme Sacred Sixth Heaven Generals Card! (Kunpeng Exclusive Package Card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a [-]-fold increase in combat power card! (The host's exclusive card, valid for three hours!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Heavenly Dao Supreme Sacred Sixth Heaven Generals card! (Exclusive package card for Yuwen City!)"


Qin Feng took back the jade seal, and glanced contemptuously at the locations where Xuan Tianyu, Ming Baiji, Du Yehuang and other martial artists had fallen.

"go with!"

Part of Qin Feng's mind entered the system space, took out the upgrade cards of generals such as Kunpeng, Xiang Yu, and Yuwencheng, and threw them upwards.


Many generals' upgrade cards turned into white light, which directly merged into the bodies of Kunpeng, Xiang Yu, Yuwen Chengdu and other generals, turning them into huge energy.

Huge energy is quickly dispersed in the limbs and bones of Kunpeng, Xiang Yu, Yuwenchengdu and other generals, rapidly strengthening the flesh and blood, bones, dantian, meridian, primordial spirit and so on of Kunpeng, Xiang Yu, Yuwenchengdu and other generals.


As thunderous voices came from the dantians of Kunpeng, Xiang Yu, Yuwencheng and other generals, their cultivation had already broken through and reached a higher level.

"The last general thanks Your Majesty!"

Kunpeng, Xiang Yu, Yuwencheng and other generals showed enthusiasm, admiration, and excitement towards Qin Feng, and said quickly.

died?all dead? "

Mu Jiuchong, Zhu Jiuheng, Qin Fengming and other generals stared blankly at the figure of Qin Feng in the void, full of disbelief.

Then the disbelief in his eyes turned into awe and fear.

Killing 25 Heavenly Dao's most holy Eighth Heaven powerhouses with one blow, Qin Huang's strength is simply unfathomable!

Mu Jiuchong, Zhu Jiuheng, Qin Fengming and other martial artists trembled all over, looking at Qin Feng in awe and fear.


Qin Feng looked at Mu Jiuchong, Zhu Jiuheng, Qin Fengming and other generals with both eyes, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and a cold snort in his mouth.



"His Majesty the Qin Emperor, please forgive me!"

"I am willing to join His Majesty Qin Huang, and I will go through fire and water for His Majesty Qin Huang in the future!"

Mu Jiuchong, Zhu Jiuheng, Qin Fengming and other martial arts practitioners were awakened. Seeing Qin Feng's cold face, they seemed to see the shocking blow, and they were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, praying.

(End of this chapter)

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