Chapter 638 Strong!

"This is the secret of Youhuangzong, I can't tell you!"

Hu Weitian's complexion changed, and after pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice.

"Do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Qin Feng's whole body came out in all directions, and the strong murderous aura was completely released, and he suppressed Hu Weitian.




Luo Shixin, Yang Jian, Sun Wukong, Tathagata and other generals exuded powerful and violent aura, and suppressed Hu Weitian.




Hu Weitian was suppressed and retreated again and again, and even suffered trauma in his body, revealing a touch of paleness.

"I will ask you for the last time whether to say it or not!"

"Don't use Youhuangzong to suppress me, even Youhuangzong can't suppress me!"

Qin Feng looked at Hu Weitian with cold eyes, and said coldly.

"He really dared to kill me!"

When Hu Weitian saw the undisguised murderous look in the eyes of Qin Feng, Yang Jian, Luo Shixin, Tathagata, etc., his heart was shocked.

"His Majesty Qin Huang redeemed, and I will tell His Majesty Qin Huang what happened here!"

Hu Weitian's complexion changed, and after a while, he restrained all the arrogance on his face, bowed, and said in awe.


A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth, and he said lightly.

"The Holy Demon Realm is the origin of the Holy Demon Sect, a sect that the Youhuang Sect exterminated thousands of years ago!"

"Earlier, the strong men of our sect found something abnormal in the Holy Demon Realm, and after some investigations, there was no result, so the elders of our sect decided to send martial arts from various forces to investigate!"

"During the investigation, if there are those who make great contributions, they can join the Youhuang Sect, or even become a branch of the Youhuang Sect!"

Hu Weitian expressed fear and respect, and told the story of the development of the matter in detail.

"I see!"

Qin Feng nodded,

He knew the plans of You Huangzong inside and out, he was using them as cannon fodder!

"get out!"

Qin Feng waved the sleeve robe in his hand and sent Hu Weitian flying.

"Thank you, His Majesty Qin Huang, for your mercy!"

Hu Weitian didn't expect that Qin Feng really planned to let him go, his face showed ecstasy, and he quickly fled towards the distance.

"Your Majesty, are we going to the Holy Demon Realm?"

Back in the Lingxiao Palace, Bai Qi asked in a deep voice with a stern face.

"Naturally go!"

"Now the Daqin Holy Court is weaker than Youhuangzong, so don't easily provoke Youhuangzong's orders!"

"Besides, the Holy Demon Sect has been exterminated for 500 million years, and now it is revived, there must be some reason!"

"Maybe it's a chance for Daqin!"

Qin Feng's eyes flickered, and he said lightly.

"The final general will obey His Majesty's order!"

"The final general will obey His Majesty's order!"

"The final general will obey His Majesty's order!"

Yang Jian, Sun Wukong, Tathagata, Tongtian, Bai Qi, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and other generals spoke respectfully.

"Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian, Shen Gongbao, Xingtian, Randeng, Lu Bu, follow me to the Holy Demon Realm!"

"Yang Jian, Luo Shixin, Bai Qi, you and others will lead the other generals to sit in the Daqin Sacred Court and guard the safety of the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

"Yang Jian, I hope that when I come back, you have already refined the nineteen-clawed dragon and phoenix fairy grass, and your cultivation level has broken through to the eighth heaven, the most holy heaven!"

Qin Feng looked down at the generals below, exuding a strong imperial air, and said loudly.

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian, Shen Gongbao, Xingtian, Randeng, Lu Bu, Yang Jian and other generals said forcefully and rationally.

"let's go!"

Qin Feng led Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian, Shen Gongbao and other generals, selected the location of the Holy Demon Realm, and quickly flew towards the Holy Demon Realm.




The sound of piercing the sky sounded, and Qin Feng, Sun Wukong, Tathagata, Tongtian and other martial artists cast their powerful supernatural powers, turning into a ray of light and disappearing instantly.

After waiting for Qin Feng, Sun Wukong, Tathagata, Tongtian and other Wuxiu to leave, Luo Shixin, Bai Qi and other Wuxiu patrolled the territory of the Daqin Holy Court.

Yang Jian fell into seclusion, and his body used the magic of heaven and earth, turning into a giant, and swallowing the nineteen-clawed dragon and phoenix fairy grass.


After the nineteen-clawed dragon and phoenix fairy grass entered the body, it immediately exploded with huge energy. Yang Jian quickly operated his skills, absorbed a large amount of energy, and continuously strengthened himself, and his strength increased rapidly.

Flying all the way, Qin Feng overtook many martial artists, and they all obeyed the order of You Huangzong to go to the Daqin Holy Court.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the Holy Demon Realm is extremely lively, with forces of all sizes rushing to the Holy Demon Realm.

On the outskirts of the Holy Demon Realm, there is an elder of the Youhuang Sect who is in the most holy realm of the Nine Heavens, guarded by Wang Hongtian!
There are more than a dozen powerhouses of the most holy eighth heaven of heaven, maintaining their cultivation bases, and investigating the major forces entering the holy magic domain.




The sound of piercing the sky resounded in the void again, and the surrounding Wuxiu were no longer surprised by it, and another force must have arrived.

"It's loud and lively!"

After Qin Feng finished his supernatural powers, his figure appeared above the void, his eyes turned downwards, and there were thousands of martial artists in his eyes.

"let's go!"

With Qin Feng's order, Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian, Shen Gongbao and other martial arts quickly flew towards the bottom.

"Stop, where are you Wuxiu?"

When Qin Feng just stepped down, a martial artist from the eighth heaven, the most holy heaven, walked over quickly and asked loudly.

"I am the Lord of the Great Qin Sacred Court, I wonder who you are?"

Qin Feng looked at him, and on the right, a martial artist with an ordinary face and a majestic aura came over,
Qin Feng cupped his fists and laughed loudly.

"I am Feng Youhuang, the elder of the Youhuang Sect! I am guiding you to the Holy Demon Realm!"

Feng Youhuang said quickly.

"Thank you, Your Excellency!"

Qin Feng smiled and said flatly.


Feng Youhuang raised his palm and said to Qin Feng, leading Qin Feng to walk quickly towards the Holy Demon Realm.

"Don't go!"

"I will not go to the Holy Demon Realm!"

"My premonition has saved me countless times since my debut!"

"I feel that if I step into the Holy Demon Realm, I will definitely die, and I will never go to the Holy Demon Realm!"

"You let me go quickly!"

Just as Qin Feng, Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian and other generals were about to step into the Holy Demon Realm, a roar sounded.

Qin Feng looked at the place where the sound came from. An elder of Youhuangzong was pestering a burly martial artist, not letting him leave.

"Go away!"

The burly martial artist looked anxious, looked at the Holy Demon Realm from time to time full of fear, and roared in his mouth.

His aura burst out suddenly, he was a powerhouse of the most holy eighth heaven, he violently shook the elder of Youhuangzong away,


The burly martial artist showed excitement on his face, and continued to fly outside.


Suddenly a ray of light flashed across, and a ray of sword light went straight towards the burly martial artist.

"not good!"

The burly Wuxiu trembled with fear, sensing the huge crisis coming from behind him, he quickly turned around and looked behind him.


The burly Wuxiu's body had just turned halfway, and the sword light had already fallen on his body, splitting his body and soul into two halves.

The terrifying sword energy mixed with the sword light wiped out all the remaining vitality in his physical body and primordial spirit.



'hiss! "

The Wuxiu of the major forces around saw a strong man of the most holy eighth heaven, who was killed with a snap of his fingers, with a look of fear on his face.

Even some martial arts who wanted to resist at first lost their minds in an instant and honestly entered the Holy Demon Realm.

"Let's go!"

"There are always some martial artists who are overconfident and want to provoke You Huangzong!"

Feng Youhuang said lightly.

"The Holy Court of Great Qin enters the Holy Demon Realm!"

Feng Youhuang said loudly.

After Feng Youhuang's voice fell, the eyes of more than a dozen strong people around them lit up suddenly, looking at Qin Feng, Tathagata, Monkey King, and Tong Tian just after lunch break.

"It's finally the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

Gu Wantong, the master of Huangtian Ancient Sect, said coldly with his eyes gleaming with coldness.

"Alright, alright, alright, the Holy Court of Great Qin has finally arrived!"

"The Holy Demon Realm of the Great Qin Sacred Court is your burial place!"

Zhu Jingzong, the master of the Tianshen Sect, said quickly.

A total of fourteen Heavenly Dao most holy eighth heaven experts from Huangtian Ancient Sect and Tianlian Divine Sect came to watch Qin Feng, Tathagata, Tongtian and other martial arts enter the Holy Demon Realm.

When they saw Qin Feng, Tathagata, Tongtian and other martial artists entering the Holy Demon Realm, they also quickly entered it.

"Trash! A trash!"

"The dignified elder of the Youhuang Sect was suppressed and humiliated by a small power martial artist!"

Wang Hongtian heard Hu Weitian's account of what happened above the Daqin Holy Court, and he dared Hu Weitian's uselessness, so he said angrily.

Hu Weitian bowed his head and stood under Wang Hongtian, not daring to have the slightest dissatisfaction.


Wang Hongtian let out a roar, and led Hu Weitian to stride outside.

"The martial cultivators of the Great Qin Sacred Court get out of here, Elder!"

Wang Hongtian stood in the void, his eyes looked down, exuding a powerful aura, he said loudly.

"Reporting to Elder Wang, there was a martial artist who claimed to be the Daqin Holy Court before, and he has already gone to the Holy Demon Realm!"

Feng Youhuang said loudly.


'After all, it's too late! "

Hu Weitian said angrily.

After he finished delivering all the news, he hurried on, but he still didn't reach the Great Qin Sacred Court.

"Look at how hopeless you are!"

Wang Hongtian said disdainfully.

"The Great Qin Sacred Court will come out sooner or later after entering the Holy Demon Realm. Of course, it would be better if you can't come out!"

"Besides, the Daqin Holy Court still has its lair, so he can't escape!"

"When they show up, this elder will definitely kill them all, leaving no one behind!"

Wang Hongtian said in a loud voice, it would be effortless for him to kill a group of powerhouses who are the most holy of heaven.


Wang Hongtian sat cross-legged on the void, waiting for Qin Feng, the Lord of the Great Qin Court, Yang Jian, Sun Wukong, Lu Bu and other martial artists to come out.

"Thank you, Elder Wang!"

Hu Weitian's face showed joy, and he said loudly.

Now that the Elder Wang, who has the most holy nine heavens of heaven, made a move, Hu Weitian's face showed joy, and he was sure of victory.

"Your Majesty, this Holy Demon Realm is really desolate!"

After Qin Feng, Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian, Ran Deng and other martial artists flew for an hour, Ran Deng said in a deep voice.

The Holy Demon Realm is already dead. Qin Feng led Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian and other martial artists to fly for a long time. He only felt the foreign martial arts, and there were no creatures in the Holy Demon Realm.


"Although this Holy Demon Realm still exists, the vitality within it has been pulled away with all its strength! It should be turned into a dead realm!"

Qin Feng looked around with his eyes and said lightly.

"Heaven's Most Holy Seventh Heaven!"

"The way of heaven is the most holy sixth heaven!"

During Qin Feng's flight, a lot of eyes were attracted, and many martial artists were curious about the cultivation of Qin Feng, Tathagata, Ran Deng, Xing Tian and others.

Most of the martial arts they were invited to come to the Holy Demon Realm were in the eighth heaven of the most holy heaven, the seventh heaven of the most holy heaven, and none at all in the sixth heaven of the most holy heaven.

Three martial artists exuding a violent aura flew quickly from the east. They were burly and their muscles were like hills. They looked like they were martial artists who practiced kung fu.

"What's going on in this Holy Demon Realm!"

"This deity has entered the Holy Demon Realm for thirteen days, and I have searched around and found nothing!"

Fan Tiangang's skin was the color of brass, and his violent aura radiated everywhere, he said loudly.

"Well! That's right, there is no movement at all in this Holy Demon Realm!"

Fan Leigang said loudly.

Fan Hengqiang looked around and agreed with what Fan Tiangang and Fan Leigang said.

The three brothers were invited to come here, and after stepping into the Holy Demon Realm, they went around to investigate the situation of the Holy Demon Realm,

Now, after thirteen days of real investigation, nothing has been found, and there is no change in the Holy Demon Realm at all.

The three brothers Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang practiced horizontal exercises and reached an unfathomable state.

Moreover, the three brothers are twins and three brothers, who can communicate with each other,
They cultivated a combination attack cheat book, and combined to use powerful power, they belonged to the best among the most holy eight heavens of heaven, and belonged to the well-known powerhouse.

A large number of powerhouses from the most sacred eighth heaven around them all looked solemn, looking at the figures of the three brothers Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang with apprehension,
Wuxiu, who is in the Seventh Heaven Realm of the Most Holy Heaven, shows respect to the three brothers Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang, and envies the strength of the three brothers Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang.

"Fly up!"

Qin Feng saw the three brothers Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang flying directly above them.

Qin Feng didn't want Wu Xiu to step on the void, passed by his head, said to Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian, Shen Gongbao, Xing Tian and other Wu Xiu, and flew towards it.



Tathagata, Sun Wukong, Tongtian, Shen Gongbao, Xingtian and other generals followed Qin Feng and flew towards the void above without the slightest hesitation.

At this time, the three brothers Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang arrived, and the other martial artists watched in awe without moving a bit.

The movements of Qin Feng, Tathagata, Monkey King, Tongtian and other martial artists can be said to be very conspicuous.

For a moment, all the Wuxiu around were looking at Qin Feng, Tathagata, Monkey King, Tongtian and other Wuxiu flew over.

"It seems that the three brothers Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang are nothing more than that, and now even the martial cultivators of the most sacred sixth heaven dare to block their way!"

Xu Maolong, a powerhouse of the most holy eighth heaven, looked at Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang with fear, and said mockingly.

In the past, Fan Leigang, Fan Hengqiang, and Fan Tiangang had humiliated him. Now such a good opportunity, how could he not fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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