The Summoning of Billions of Gods and Demons from Another World

Chapter 644 The event of the Emperor Youhuang Sect!

Chapter 644 The event of the Emperor Youhuang Sect!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Heavenly Dao Most Holy Seventh Heaven generals card! (Kunpeng's exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Heavenly Dao Most Holy Seventh Heaven generals card! (Xiang Yu's exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 960000 experience points!"

The system's notification tone quickly rang in Qin Feng's ears.

All the martial arts practitioners of Youhuangzong, including Hu Youwei and other strong men, have all fallen, completely dead.

"What a ruthless method, this is to offend Youhuangzong to death!"

"Withdraw, you must not get close to the Daqin Holy Court, otherwise you won't know how you died!"

Chen Benxuan, Chen Dongming, Wang Longhai and other martial artists saw Qin Feng's actions, they were shocked, filled with awe and deep fear.

Then Chen Benxuan, Chen Dongming, Wang Longhai and other Wuxiu took a deep look at Qin Feng, Tathagata, Monkey King, Tongtian and other Wuxiu quickly turned and left.

Before they promised to be willing to go through fire and water for Qin Feng, they had already been thrown out of the Xuanhuang world.

"The Daqin Holy Court offended Youhuangzong, and it will definitely not survive forever, let's go!"


The other powerhouses of the most holy eighth heaven around, saw Qin Feng before, and Tongtian possessed the strength of the nine most holy heavenly heavens, so they wanted to make friends with each other.

But now seeing Qin Feng, Tongtian and others beheading the powerhouses of Youhuangzong, they completely offended Youhuangzong.

They didn't dare to go there at all, lest the news would reach the ears of the Youhuang Sect powerhouse and kill them directly.

Qin Feng, although the power displayed by Tongtian is extremely powerful, it is far inferior to Youhuangzong.


"let's go!"

The major powerhouses forcibly suppressed the injuries in their bodies, and their bodies soared into the sky, rushing towards the distance in a hurry.

"Let's leave too!"

After Qin Feng waited for the surrounding martial arts to leave, his mind moved, the power of the primordial spirit wrapped Tathagata, Monkey King, Tongtian, Shen Gongbao, Xing Tian and other martial arts returned to the Daqin Holy Court in an instant.



As soon as Qin Feng returned to Lingxiao Palace, he heard a loud noise erupting from the void in the distance, and the surrounding spiritual energy was boiling.


Qin Feng frowned, perceiving the entire territory of the Great Qin Holy Court, and then a thick smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,

Yang Jian has completely refined the nineteen-clawed dragon and phoenix fairy grass, and now his cultivation is breaking through the realm of the most holy eighth heaven.

He refined the nineteen-clawed dragon and phoenix fairy grass, and has already stepped into the realm of breaking through the realm of the most holy eighth heaven of heaven. Now, as long as he absorbs enough spiritual energy, he can completely break through the eighth most holy heaven of heaven.

"Not bad!"

Qin Feng moved his mind, manipulated the spiritual energy in the territory, and instilled it at Yang Jian, helping Yang Jian break through the heavenly and holy eighth heaven.


A loud noise came from Yang Jian's dantian, and then a huge aura emanated from Yang Jian's body, shaking all directions.

His cultivation base has completely broken through and reached the realm of the most holy eighth heaven.

"The last general thanks Your Majesty!"

Yang Jian felt the extra universe in his body, with a thick smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at Qin Feng, clasped his fists in his hands, and said in awe.

"Xiang Yu, Kunpeng, Minghe, Guan Yu, Taiyi, Lu Bu... come to the Palace of High Heaven to discuss matters!"

Qin Feng's majestic and vast voice spread throughout the territory of the Great Qin Holy Court.

After the words fell, the major military generals who were patrolling the four directions in the spiritual domain of the Daqin Holy Court communicated with the Zhoutian astrolabe one after another, and quickly returned to the Great Qin Holy Court.

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

All the generals scattered in the territory of the Great Qin Sacred Court all appeared in the Lingxiao Palace, bowed their heads, and saluted Qin Feng in awe.

"Everyone is flat!"

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Shen Gongbao, tell me what happened on this trip!"

Qin Feng looked at Shen Gongbao and said flatly.

"The last will obey!"

After Shen Gongbao bowed to Qin Feng and saluted, he began to narrate what happened to the Holy Demon Realm.

"Your Majesty, when I have a breakthrough in my cultivation, I will go to Youhuangzong and destroy Youhuangzong!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I believe that we should avoid the sharp edge for now, and wait for my cultivation base to break through, and go directly to the Youhuangzong to destroy the Youhuangzong!"

Lu Bu, Tai Yi, Guan Yu, Kunpeng, Xiang Yu and other martial artists, after listening, fell silent for a moment, and then spoke one after another.


"Shen Gongbao, Liu Er, Macaque King, Kunpeng, Ran Deng, you wait for me to find out which forces around you have made friends with You Huangzong!"

"I am going to kill them, strengthen my own cultivation, and then tell You Huangzong that the Great Qin Sacred Court must not be messed with!"

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

Shen Gongbao, Liu Er, Macaque King, Kunpeng, Ran Deng, with respectful faces, fisted with both hands, said in a deep voice.

"go with!"

Qin Feng nodded, part of his mind fell into the system space, and took out the cards of the major generals from the system space,

With a movement of his palm, general cards such as Xiang Yu and Kunpeng appeared in his hand, and he threw them directly at Xia Fengtou.




The upgrade cards of Xiang Yu, Kunpeng and other generals turned into white light, which directly merged into their bodies and turned into huge energy.

Huge energy quickly dispersed in the limbs and skeletons of generals such as Xiang Yu and Kunpeng, rapidly strengthening the generals' flesh and blood, bones, dantian, meridians, primordial spirit and so on.


Thunder roared in the dantian of Xiang Yu, Kunpeng and other generals, they are completing the creation of the world, once again opening up a world in the body, breaking through in cultivation, and going to a higher level,

"The last general thanks Your Majesty!"

Xiang Yu, Kunpeng and other generals felt the surge in strength in their bodies, their faces showed ecstasy, their eyes were in awe, they looked at Qin Feng enthusiastically, and bowed deeply to Qin Feng.

"You guys need to retreat for the time being!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, causing many generals below to retreat.

After waiting for the major martial artists to retreat, Qin Feng closed his eyes and began to practice. Now that he has offended Youhuangzong, he must quickly increase his strength.

Although he is invincible in the territory of the Great Qin Holy Court Spirit, he can't hide in the territory of the Great Qin Holy Court and be a turtle.

It is necessary to strengthen the strength, as long as the cultivation base breaks through to the realm of the most holy seventh heaven, there will be no fear of Youhuangzong, and even destroy Youhuangzong.


"Could it be that the Holy Demon Sect is really resurgent!"

Within the Youhuang Sect, anger was full of oppression. The sect master and the elders had already heard the news of Wang Hongtian's fall, and their faces showed anger.

"Sovereign, I am willing to go to the Holy Demon Realm!"

"Sovereign, I beg you to go to the Holy Demon Realm!"

"Sovereign, I would like to go to the Holy Demon Realm!"

"Report to suzerain, this revenge must be avenged!"

The elders were extremely angry. The Youhuangzong was an invincible existence in the surrounding star field. If a strong person attacked the Youhuangzong, they felt humiliated, extremely angry, and begged for their lives one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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