Chapter 655 The storm surges!

This fire is extraordinary fire, it is heaven and earth different fire, its power is infinite, it can hurt the most holy and strong of heaven and earth.


Bi Xueqing saw Xuanluo Shengzi refining his body with heaven and earth fire, his face was shocked, and he took a breath.

"Holy Son, Bixue has something to ask to see!"

Bixue said slowly with a look of awe on her face.

She has admiration, awe, and fear for the Holy Son in her heart!

The strength of the Holy Son is not only in his cultivation, but also in his methods. He is ruthless, turning his hands into clouds, and turning his hands into rain.

"What's the matter?"

Xuan Luo stopped running the Nine-Turn Dragon-Elephant Overlord Body Art, opened his eyes, and the golden light inside directly pierced the different fire, and said majesticly.


Bi Xue looked at Bi Xueqing, and signaled Bi Xueqing to come forward and tell what she had done there.

"Ji Xueqing pays homage to Son of Xuanluo!"

"I came here this time to beg the Son of Xuanluo to help me, to kill the Fensheng Mountain Villa, the Supreme Dao Sect, the Danxin Sect, and the Daqin Sacred Court!"

Bi Xueqing clasped her fists in both hands, bent down, and said respectfully.

Before coming to Bixueqing, she only wanted to beg the help of Xuanluo Shengzi to destroy Daqin Shengting and continue to maintain the three-legged situation.
Seeing the power of the Son of Xuanluo, great ambition burst out in his heart, why not destroy the Fensheng Villa, the Supreme Dao Sect, the Danxin Sect, and the Daqin Holy Court together.


Xuan Luo jumped up from the alchemy furnace, and quickly covered his body with a silver robe.

"Although you are the father-in-law of my Son!"

"Helping you kill the Fensheng Mountain Villa, the Supreme Dao Sect, the Danxin Sect, and the Daqin Sacred Court is no small matter!"

Xuan Luo stood on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, his eyes looking down on everything, watching the changes in the situation below.

"From today on, the Danxin Sect respects the Holy Son of Xuanluo, and looks forward to the Holy Son of Xuanluo!"

Bi Xueqing said loudly.

"it is good!"

A ray of excitement appeared on the corner of Xuan Luo's mouth, and he said loudly.

"Where are the Shadow Guards!"

Xuan Luo said loudly.

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"

Three figures shrouded in black robes suddenly appeared, all kneeling on one knee, and said in a cold tone.

"Shadow Guard?"

Bixue looked at the three of them curiously.

She has long heard that there is a powerful organization in the hands of the Son of God, called the Shadow Guard, which is mysterious and unpredictable, and kills people invisible.


Bi Xueqing retreated uncontrollably, before the three of them appeared, he didn't realize it at all.

If the three of them wanted to kill him, wouldn't he even have the ability to resist?
Bi Xueqing was thinking in her heart, cold sweat dripping from her forehead.

"This is the trump card Shadow Guard in the hands of my son! All three of them are the most holy ten heavens! My son will hand them over to you for the time being! It is enough to destroy the Fensheng Mountain Villa, the Supreme Dao Sect, the Danxin Sect, and the Daqin Sage. The court is destroyed!"

Xuan Luo turned around and saw the Shadow Guard, with a look of pride on the corner of his mouth, and said loudly.

He flipped his palm, and a golden token appeared in Xuan Luo's hand, turning into a ray of light and shooting towards Bi Xueqing.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

"If His Highness the Son of Heaven has something to do in the future, just ask, and I am willing to devote myself to His Highness the Son of God until the end of my life!"

Bi Xueqing said in awe.

"To control the surrounding forces, it will be easier for me to break through to the most holy eleven heavens in the future and control the entire Four Elephants Xuantang!"

Son of Xuan Luo watched Bi Xueqing leave, his eyes were deep, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured softly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there has been a change in the Danxin Sect, and now the Fensheng Villa has been killed, and it is attacking the Extreme Dao Sect!"

Shen Gongbao hurried over from outside Lingxiao Palace, clasped his fists in salute, and then spoke slowly.

"The three major powers of Fensheng Villa, Danxinzong, and Extreme Daozong have stood together for many years. Danxinzong suddenly attacked and directly killed Fenshengshanzhuang. There must be a reason. Can you find out?"

Qin Feng stopped practicing, opened his eyes and said slowly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I found some news that three of the most holy and tenth heavenly powerhouses suddenly appeared in the Danxin Sect, which greatly increased the strength of the Danxin Sect, and wiped out the Fensheng Villa with absolute strength!"

"And I also found out that Danxinzong was the weakest of the three major forces before! The reason why the strength has grown by leaps and bounds is because Bixue, the daughter of the master of Danxinzong, Bi Xueqing, was favored by the Holy Son of Sixiang Xuantang!"

Shen Gongbao continued.

"I see!"

A gleam of understanding flashed across Qin Feng's eyes,
The three Heavenly Dao Most Holy Ten Heavenly Layer powerhouses who suddenly appeared in the Danxin Sect must have come from the Four Elephant Xuantang.

"Your Majesty, do I support the Supreme Dao Sect?"

"If the Supreme Dao Sect is destroyed, the Danxin Sect will probably attack me!"

Shen Gongbao looked at Qin Feng and asked in a low voice.

"No, this is a battle between their three major forces, and it has nothing to do with me or the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

"If Danxinzong dares to attack Daqin Shengting, then I will tell him to die without a place to bury him!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth, and he said flatly.

"The last will obey!"

Shen Gongbao slowly bowed and retreated towards the bottom, exited the Lingxiao Palace, and flew out of the palace, he wanted to continue to inquire about news.

"Four Elephants Profound Hall!"

After waiting for Shen Gongbao to leave, Qin Feng's eyes showed a solemn look,
He didn't take Dan Xinzong seriously.

However, the Sixiang Xuantang behind Danxinzong has several heavenly saints and eleventh heavenly powerhouses, which makes Qin Feng fearful.

Qin Feng's eyes flickered, thinking about his own strength in his heart,
The realm itself is the seventh heaven of the most holy heaven, and after the increase in luck, it can display the combat power of the eighth heaven of the most holy heaven!

After using the ten-thousand-fold battle power booster card, you can unleash the power of the most holy ten heavens!
With a supernatural blow, you can send out a full blow from the eleventh heaven of the heavenly way every day!
"Ran Deng, Yang Jian, Lu Bu, Tai Yi, Yuan Shi, come and see me quickly!"

Qin Feng's vast and majestic voice reached the ears of Ran Deng, Yang Jian, Lu Bu, Tai Yi, and Yuan Shi.




Ran Deng, Yang Jian, Lu Bu, Tai Yi, and Yuan Shi came through the air in an instant, flew out of Lingxiao Palace, and then walked in slowly with awe-inspiring faces.

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

"I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

Ran Deng, Yang Jian, Lu Bu, Tai Yi, and Yuan Shi entered the Lingxiao Palace, clasped their fists, and said respectfully.

"You wait for me to find out the news, where are the treasures of heaven and earth that can break through the realm of the most holy ten heavens! If there is any news, come and report immediately!"

Qin Feng said loudly.

The strength of the Daqin Holy Court must be broken through. Only in this way can we face a bigger situation and face unknown dangers.

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

Ran Deng, Yang Jian, Lu Bu, Tai Yi, and Yuan Shi said in awe, and slowly retreated towards the outside of Lingxiao Palace.

Inside the Daqin Sacred Court, the wind was calm, but outside the Great Qin Sacred Court, the wind was surging, and the strength of the Danxin Sect increased sharply, killing the Fensheng Mountain Villa, and besieging the Extreme Dao Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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