Chapter 658 Breakthrough in cultivation! (Second update!)
"Destroying Danxinzong is tantamount to offending the Holy Son of Sixiangxuantang, and will face the powerhouse of the most holy and eleventh heaven!"

"I don't know how many powerhouses in the Four Elephant Xuantang have the most sacred and eleventh heaven!"

Qin Feng returned to Lingxiao Palace, thinking secretly in his heart.

"In the Great Qin Holy Court, I can become the master, and I will be invincible!"

"But if I shrink within the Great Qin Sacred Court, what's the difference from shrinking my head like a turtle!"

"The strength of the Daqin Holy Court must be broken through as soon as possible, and it has the combat power of the most holy eleven heavens!"

Qin Feng's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice.

"His Majesty!"

Su Daji came and stood behind Qin Feng. She put her slender hands on Qin Feng's frowning brows and kneaded them.

"If the Four Elephant Xuantang dares to come, I will let them come and go! How can a mere Four Elephant Xuantang stop Daqin's pace!"

Qin Feng restrained his mind, looked across the void, and saw the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Daqin Holy Court, and his heart was full of pride.

How weak he was when he first crossed, he fought all the way, that time he didn't defeat the strong with the weak, and he has come to the present!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 980000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 780000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Heavenly Dao Most Holy Eighth Heaven generals card! (Bai Qi's exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Heavenly Dao Most Holy Eighth Heaven generals card! (Emperor Jun's exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 7800 experience points!"

Suddenly, a large number of system sounds rang in Qin Feng's mind. It must be Lantern, Xingtian, Tathagata, and Xiang Yu led all the generals and soldiers to Danxinzong to start the battle.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining enough experience points, increasing his strength, and reaching the realm of the most holy eighth heaven.

After a large number of system prompts fell, a distinctive prompt sounded quickly.

After the ringing, a warm current rose from Qin Feng's body. It was a huge energy that quickly strengthened Qin Feng's flesh and blood, bones, meridians, dantian, mana, soul and so on.

With the rapid strengthening, earth-shaking changes are taking place in Qin Feng's body, and his strength has doubled.


With a loud thunderous sound in Qin Feng's dantian, his strength was officially upgraded to the realm of the most holy eight heavens.

A mysterious and mysterious aura blessed Qin Feng's body, raising Qin Feng's combat effectiveness to the realm of the most holy nine heavens.

"it is good!"

When Qin Feng heard the system's notification tone, he felt the power in his body that had increased a hundredfold, and a deep smile appeared on his face.

Before that, he was still sighing in his heart, losing the ten-thousand-fold combat power boosting card, he couldn't burst into the realm of the most sacred eleventh heaven.

Now that his strength has improved, with the [-]-fold increase in combat power he possesses, it is enough to explode the combat power of the most holy eleventh heaven.

"Ding, the host has gained 96000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 98000 experience points!"

For ten days in a row, a system prompt sounded in Qin Feng's mind, which was directly filtered by Qin Feng.




Above the Daqin Holy Court, the Luck Golden Dragon let out a domineering dragon roar, and his body continued to expand, covering all directions,

Now the Fensheng Mountain Villa, the Danxin Sect, and the Extreme Dao Sect are all covered, and the territory has been greatly expanded.

Qin Feng felt that he had subdued Fensheng Mountain Villa, Danxinzong, and Extreme Daozong, and the system notification sound no longer sounded in his mind.

His mind fell into the system, took out a large number of military generals upgrade cards, and used them to enhance the strength of many generals.

A group of fifty martial artists rushed to the Four Elephant Hall in a hurry.

They came to the Four Elephants Xuantang, begged to see the eldest lady, told the news of the suzerain's death in battle, and begged the eldest lady to avenge the suzerain!

After Bixue received the news, her body shook violently, and she froze on the spot. She blushed for a moment and sprayed out a mouthful of blood.



The maid serving Bi Xue had a panicked face and quickly woke Bi Xue up.


Bixue's face was pale, her eyes were full of pain, and she let out a painful wail.

"I implore the eldest lady to avenge the suzerain!"

"I implore the eldest lady to avenge the suzerain!"

"I implore the eldest lady to avenge the suzerain!"

Fifty martial artists knelt on the ground and said loudly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely avenge my father's revenge. Blood debts need to be repaid with blood!"

With a cold face, Bixue said in a hateful voice.


"Ma'am, the Holy Son is in retreat, no one should disturb him!"

Bixue walked towards the top of the mountain, preparing to ask His Highness the Son of God to avenge her father!
Before reaching the top of the mountain, he was stopped by two martial artists.

"Get out of the way, I have something to ask His Royal Highness Son!"

Bixue said angrily.

Normally, she would have retreated, but at this time her father was killed and Dan Xinzong was destroyed, she was severely hit and almost lost her mind.

"Ma'am, please don't embarrass me, the Holy Son is not accessible to anyone!"

Wu Xiu said in a deep voice.

"Go away, I must see His Royal Highness the Son today!"

Bixue said angrily.

The hairpin on her head was blessed with mana and shone with dazzling light. It was an offensive chaotic treasure.

If two martial artists are blocking her from going, she will do it immediately!Force it in!




A vast, majestic aura came from the top of the mountain, and it continued to grow, far surpassing the realm of the most holy ten heavens.



Bixue and the two martial artists were directly suppressed by the impact of the momentum, lying on the ground, unable to move.



The imposing manner continued to radiate in all directions, covering the entire Sixiang Xuantang in an instant.

A large number of disciples of the entire Sixiang Xuanzong, the elders were suppressed on the ground by the momentum, unable to move.

Even if it is a strong man with profound strength, surpassing the same level of the most holy ten heavens of heaven, it is difficult to resist, and his whole body trembles.

"This is."

Qingxuan Mountain, the master of the Four Elephants Profound Hall, and Xuan Jiuwu, the Great Elder, were alarmed. They are the strongest of the eleventh heaven, the most sacred of heaven, and are not affected by their aura.

"The Holy Son wants to break through the heavenly most holy eleventh heaven!"

On Qingxuan Mountain, Xuan Jiuwu looked at Xuan Luo's sitting position, with ecstasy on his face, and quickly flew into the void to protect Xuan Luo.


Qingxuanshan waved his sleeve robe to resist the aura.

"No one is allowed to approach the top of the mountain, offenders will be killed!"

Qingxuanshan said loudly, and the majestic words spread throughout the entire Sixiang Xuantang.

"The Holy Son is going to break through the Heavenly Dao, the Holy Eleventh Heaven? This is simply great!"

"My church wants to add another supreme person who is the most holy and eleventh heaven!"

Many martial arts practitioners in the Four Elephants Profound Hall revealed ecstasy and said excitedly.

Only some martial artists who did not deal with Xuan Luo had ugly faces, so gloomy that they could drip water.

(End of this chapter)

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