Chapter 660 All heroes bow their heads!
"It's Venerable Flying Tiger!"

"This person is a leader in the most holy nine heavens of the heavens. He is powerful and a member of the Hundred Saints Alliance. He is very difficult to mess with!"

"Hiss, it turns out that Venerable Feihu is blocking the way here. It is difficult to enter the secret realm. If I knew it earlier, I would try my best to come here and rush in front of Venerable Feihu!"

Afterwards, the martial cultivators of the Heavenly Dao Supreme Ninth Heaven level who rushed over one after another saw Venerable Flying Tiger flying out of the secret territory, gasped, and backed away involuntarily.

"Brother Qin, don't get angry. This person is Venerable Feihu. He is very powerful and powerful, and he is also a member of the Hundred Saints Alliance of the casual cultivator!"

When Liu Haitao saw Venerable Feihu's face, he was taken aback, and quickly said to Qin Feng,

He is going to pull Qin Feng to retreat to the back. As for entering the secret realm, he still needs to make a long-term plan!
"What are you, you dare to judge me!"

"Kneel down! Apologize to me! I will spare your life, otherwise this place will be your burial place!"

Qin Feng's face was cold, he stepped on the void, looked down at Venerable Feihu, and said in a cold voice.

Ran Deng, Xing Tian, ​​Tathagata, Di Jun, and Tong Tian looked at Venerable Feihu with unkind expressions!
How noble is His Majesty, how could this person be able to evaluate it!

The Heavenly Dao Supreme Ninth Heaven Martial Cultivator who rushed around was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Ran Deng and other martial arts in surprise.

They thought that Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Ran Deng and other martial arts would swallow their anger, but they didn't expect Qin Feng to shout at Venerable Feihu angrily, and he was so domineering.

"Brother Qin!"

The hand that Liu Haitao stretched out just froze suddenly. He never thought that Qin Feng would directly scold Venerable Feihu angrily, offending Venerable Feihu to death.

However, Liu Haikuo is one of them. Since he and Qin Feng came together, they faced the danger together. He let out his aura and walked forward with big strides.


Venerable Feihu looked ugly,
Qin Feng, a mere martial artist in the realm of the most holy eighth heaven, dared to shout at him, making him furious!
Venerable Feihu wanted to kill Qin Feng, but when he saw several strong men standing beside Qin Feng, he felt apprehensive, snorted coldly, and took a deep look at Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Tathagata, Bai Qi , Tongtian and other martial artists walked towards the secret territory.

Liu Haitao breathed a sigh of relief, Venerable Feihu is powerful in battle, but not enough to run amok.

It is the Hundred Saints Alliance that really makes Venerable Feihu run amok!
The Hundred Saints Alliance is a powerful force composed of dozens of heavenly saints, extremely united!
If you provoke a member, you will provoke the revenge of dozens of Heavenly Dao's Most Holy Ten Heavenly Cultivators!
One of the most holy ten heavens is not scary, what is scary is a group of most holy ten heaven martial artists.

Even the Star Meteor Sect, Four Elephants Xuantang, Zilei Sect, Biyan Sect, Xingyue Sect, and Qiantian God Sect have superpowers with the most holy and eleventh heavenly powers in charge, and they are extremely afraid of the Hundred Saints Alliance.

The overall strength of the Hundred Saints Alliance is not as good as the Starfall Sect, Four Elephants Xuantang, Zilei Sect, Biyan Sect, Xingyue Sect and other behemoths.

But once the Hundred Saints Alliance is offended, the Hundred Saints Alliance will retaliate wildly, and even the most holy and eleventh heavenly powers of the Heavenly Dao cannot fully guard against it.

As for paying the Hundred Saints Alliance, it is very difficult.

The Xuanhuang Great World is vast and boundless. If a strong man with the most holy ten heavens wants to hide,
It is impossible to find it with the strength of the most holy eleven heavens!

"You bastard, you didn't kowtow to apologize to me, who gave you permission to leave!"

Qin Feng said coldly.

Venerable Feihu is provoking his coercion again and again!

"Brother Qin?"

Liu Haitao panicked and wanted to persuade Qin Feng.

"No need to say more!"

"My majesty is inviolable! Violators will be punished!"

Qin Feng's strong and vast emperor's prestige radiated to the surroundings, and he said loudly.

"You are really afraid of you when you are a venerable?"

Venerable Feihu suddenly turned to look at Qin Feng, his face distorted due to anger, and said angrily.

"Xing Tian, ​​kill him for me!"

Qin Feng said in a cold voice.

"The last will obey!"

Xing Tian clasped his eyes and said in a deep voice.

He sacrificed his Xingtian ax and Xingtian shield, and strode forward.

Xing Tian has experienced many battles and understands the truth of capsized in the gutter!
"go with!"

Venerable Feihu looked angry, and directly sacrificed the seal of Chaos Spirit Treasure Feihu, and shot towards Xingtian.

His eyes were flickering, now only Xing Tian is fighting alone, he still has the strength to fight!

Even if other martial artists do something later, he can also sneak into the secret territory and escape quickly.


The flying tiger seal exuded dazzling silver light, flew above the void, and directly turned into a handsome silver giant tiger, flapping its wings, biting towards Xing Tian.

"go with!"

Xing Tian's mana was poured into Xing Tian's axe, and with a roar in his mouth, he slashed at the giant ax with one axe.


Xing Tian used [-]% of his strength in this attack, and the ax shadow split the space, and continued to attack the giant tiger.


The giant tiger rushed forward, but was split in half by an axe, let out a mournful roar, and turned into two chaotic spirit treasures.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Heavenly Dao Supreme Nine Heavenly Generals card! (Emperor Jun's exclusive package card!)"

"This blow killed Venerable Feihu?"

"Terrible, this person is really scary, Venerable Feihu is the best in the most holy nine heavens! This person can kill Venerable Feihu with one blow, I am afraid that he is a peerless arrogance in the realm of the most holy nine heavens. Extremely tyrannical!"

"It's really worthless to kill Venerable Feihu to show off his power and fame for a while. Later, the Hundred Saints Alliance will launch a crazy revenge on this person!"

The Heavenly Dao, the Most Holy Ninth Heaven Powerhouse hidden around looked at Qin Feng, some in awe, some mockingly.

"Remember, I must not be humiliated, and offenders will be killed!"

Qin Feng scanned the four directions with his eyes, and all the powerful people in the four directions bowed their heads, and all the heroes bowed their heads!

"Go! Enter the secret realm!"

Qin Feng led Xing Tian, ​​Tathagata, Bai Qi, Tong Tian, ​​Ran Deng and other martial arts, striding towards the secret territory.

"The speed must be fast!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid the Flower of Love of the Seventh World will be obtained by others!"

Qin Feng entered it and scanned the surroundings with his eyes. It was a mess. It was obvious that he had experienced a big battle before.

There was even a violent roar in the void in the distance, and the Chaos Lingbao could be faintly seen colliding in the void.


Qin Feng led Xingtian, Tathagata, Baiqi, Tongtian, Randeng and other martial arts, and rushed to the place where the fight was fought. According to the records of Youhuangzong, that was the location of the Seventh Love Flower.




Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Tathagata, Bai Qi, Tong Tian, ​​etc. turned into rays of light, and their speed was brought to the limit.



"Stay, don't come close!"

Just as Qin Feng was rushing towards him, three Heavenly Supreme Saint Jiuchongtian Wuxiu quickly appeared and stood in front of Qin Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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