Chapter 67 Grandmaster!

Hua Xiong, Li Kui, Bai Qi, Yang Lin and others followed Qin Feng towards the city of Shangqu, and the army advanced.

Zhang Mingjiang, Zhang Jiao, Changsun Mo and others stared dumbfounded at Qin Feng and Changsun Yaru who were walking in the front.

"Zhang Jiao, don't get in touch with Changsun Yaru in the future." Zhang Mingjiang glanced at Changsun Mo, the eldest grandson's family was about to leave, and told Zhang Jiao.

"Father, the child knows." Zhang Jiao sighed inwardly, with bitterness on the corner of his mouth, and nodded,

He knows that Changsun Yaru's status is extraordinary now, if he looks for Changsun Yaru again and is known by King Shenwu,
When the time comes to cause King Shenwu's displeasure, then he, and even the entire Zhang family, will face catastrophe.
Even if his father Zhang Mingjiang is the magistrate, it will not help.

"It's good that you know, I will find another marriage for you as my father." Zhang Mingjiang nodded in satisfaction,

"Thank you father." Zhang Jiao knew in his heart that this was his father's intention to completely dissuade him, and he could only accept it.

But in the entire Shangqu City, who can compare with Changsun Yaru.

Zhang Mingjiang jumped over Zhang Jiao, and walked towards eldest grandson Mo: "Brother eldest grandson, what happened before was just a moment of confusion for younger brother, please don't take it to heart."

Zhang Mingjiang said in a low voice, now the eldest grandson Mo has an unusual status, not only the head of the eldest grandson's family, but also the father-in-law of Qin Feng, the king of martial arts.

"Brother Zhang, what did you say before? I don't remember anything." The eldest grandson Mo was also an old fox, and he knew his position in an instant, and directly called Zhang Mingjiang the magistrate.

Zhang Mingjiang smiled apologetically, not daring to show any dissatisfaction, and even heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

He was deeply afraid that Changsun Mo would mention in front of King Shenwu that Changsun Yaru almost married Zhang Jiao.

In this way, he is finished, and the whole Zhang family is also finished.
But Zhang Mingjiang didn't know that the eldest grandson Mo was also terrified to death. He never thought that his daughter's fiancé would turn over and become the mighty King of Martial Arts.

Now he is deeply afraid that his daughter will sue him, and even afraid that Qin Feng will hear some news.

In fact, he didn't know that Qin Feng had already learned some news, but he didn't pursue it for the sake of Changsun Yaru's face.
After Qin Feng moved into the Changsun's house, the whole Changsun's house was decorated with lights, whether it was from the Changsun's family or the servants of the Changsun's family.

Everyone's faces are filled with happy smiles, and their hearts are full of pride. Their son-in-law is actually King Shenwu,

After spending a day in Shangqu City, Qin Feng led Hua Xiong, Li Kui, Bai Qi, and Yang Lin to leave.
"Wait for me!" Qin Feng said softly to his eldest grandson Yaru, after spending a day together, Qin Feng began to like this gentle woman,
Waiting for me is also Qin Feng's promise to Changsun Yaru,

Zhang Mingjiang, Changsun Yaru, Changsun Mo, Zhang Jiao and the major families in Shangqu City, all the famous people came and sent Qin Feng away respectfully.

"Aim for the imperial city!" Qin Feng walked into the sedan chair, Hua Xiong, Li Kui, Yang Lin, and Bai Qi led the army to set out, aiming for the imperial city.

When Qin Feng, Hua Xiong, Li Kui, Yang Lin, and Bai Qi were still one day away from the imperial city,
Xia Emperor Xia Hong in the palace had already received the news, his face was full of excitement, and he was convening all the civil and military officials to discuss how to welcome Qin Feng, the king of martial arts.

"Your Majesty, I believe that hosting a banquet in the imperial city in honor of King Shenwu has shown the great grace of the emperor." A senior official came forward and said.

The ministers who spoke a lot all nodded their heads, agreeing with the minister's statement.

"Your Majesty, I think you should send two important ministers to meet King Shenwu to show how much His Majesty attaches importance to King Shenwu."

A minister stood up again and said.

Afterwards, many ministers stood up and spoke one after another, all asking for rewards and commending King Shenwu.

"Okay, don't need to say more, I have made a decision in my mind." Xia Hong saw the ministers talking a lot, waved his hand, and interrupted the discussion below,
With an excited smile on his face, he said loudly: "Tomorrow, I will lead all the civil and military officials out of the city for ten miles to welcome King Shenwu back in triumph!"

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible. You are a body of gold. Even though King Shenwu has made great achievements in battle, he can't bear your kindness."

"Your Majesty, absolutely not, it will damage the majesty of the royal family."

The ministers of civil and military affairs who were loyal to the Great Xia Dynasty all spoke to His Majesty to advise him, this matter is absolutely unacceptable.

"Okay, I've decided on this matter. King Shenwu has made great achievements in battle, and even saved Da Xia from the fire and water. He deserves it!"

Xia Hong stood up, with a majestic face, and said in a deep voice, without waiting for the ministers to say anything, he turned and left.




At this time, in a place that is far away from the imperial city, in a place with a radius of hundreds of miles, there are few people, almost no one.

A wooden house exploded suddenly, tree trunks and vegetation flew across, and a figure jumped up from inside, exuding a majestic aura.

"Hahahaha, I finally broke through to the realm of a master, and my Wei Yongsheng finally broke through to the realm of a master."

The person who jumped up from the ruins of the wooden house was Wei Yongsheng, Generalissimo of the Great Xia Dynasty. He retreated for a hundred days, and his cultivation finally reached the realm of a master, and his cultivation has been stabilized.

"Worthy of being a master, my strength has increased a hundred times. The me in the past can't even take a punch from me now!"

Wei Yongsheng sensed the power in his body, and the blood in his body was rushing like a long river. A deep smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a deep voice.

He nodded in satisfaction. Now the Great Xia Dynasty, the Great General Chen Daozong, etc., he doesn't pay attention to them all.

A pair of iron fists can suppress everything, sweep the entire Great Xia Dynasty, and make the entire Great Xia Dynasty surrender.

"A letter from Lu Chen?" When Wei Yongsheng glanced around, he found several pigeons that had been crushed to death by trees.

These pigeons were sent by Lu Chen. Lu Chen is his absolute confidant, absolutely loyal to him, and it is impossible to betray him.

He walked over quickly, took off the letters one by one from the carrier pigeon's legs, and looked at them,
After watching it for a while, Wei Yongsheng's complexion became ugly, his aura radiated from anger,
Destroy all the surrounding trees and vegetation and turn them into pieces.

The letter in his hand also turned into foam.

"I didn't expect Chen Daozong to die in battle!" Wei Yongsheng put away the anger in his heart, and said with a little regret,

He originally planned to find out the troubles of Chen Daozong and kill Chen Daozong after leaving the customs, but he didn't expect to get the news of Chen Daozong's death after leaving the customs.

And learned that the newly rising powerful figure, Shenwu King Qin Feng, has two peerless early warriors under his command.

"This Qin Feng doesn't know how to flatter him. My son sent someone to recruit him. Not only did he refuse to accept him, he even killed his servant."

Wei Yongsheng's eyes flashed with coldness. If he got the news before he broke through, he would be dissatisfied at most.
But now he has successfully broken through, and his cultivation base has reached the peerless mid-stage warrior, he can be called a master, standing above the peerless early-stage warrior,
The mentality is naturally different. In other words, he swells,
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(End of this chapter)

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